Nightmare & Date

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You sobbed as Namjoon pulls you into his arms. He shushes you and rubs circles on your back with his palm, softly hum for you. His soothing touch calms you down and you look up at him, wiping your eyes, sniffling before burying your face into his chest again. "Everything's okay baby girl. It was just a dream. I've got you." he said, stroking your back. "Do you want to tell me about it?" he ask nervously. "I- I do.." you said, biting your lip hard to stop more tears from coming. "It- it was you.. And I.. We were fighting. And you- you hit me. You hit me hard. And- and you" you sobbed into his chest, couldn't bring yourself to finish.

Namjoon tightens his arms around you, shushing you and kissing on top of your head. "Shhh baby girl.. Shhh.. It was just a dream. I would never hit you. Never. Okay?" he ask, cupping your cheeks so you look at him. You just look at him, sniffling, not saying anything. "Don't worry baby girl.." he murmurs, pressing a soft kiss on your forehead. "Let's get some sleep okay?" he adds. You exhale deeply before nodding at him, snuggling back against him and slowly falling back to sleep. He caresses your cheek, smiling fondly at you. He wraps his hands around you, pulling you to his chest, hugging you tightly. "I love you baby girl.." he whispers into your ear, before falling asleep next to you.


You wake up to your alarm in the same position you had fallen asleep, warm and safe in Namjoon's arms. You blinking up at him sleepily, his mouth cutely hanging open a little. You smile and reaches up to carefully kiss his cheek. "Good morning love.." you whispers into his ear as you pull yourself away from him. He stretches and yawn, blinking his sleepy eyes open. He pulls you back into his arms, hugging you tight. "This is nice, but I need to pee" you mutters slowly, tapping his chest. He just let out a chuckle before letting you climb out of the bed, watching you pad off to the bathroom fondly. As soon as your returned, he reaches his arms out for you, making grabby hands cutely. You chuckles, heading over to grab his hand to pull him up.

It was a failed attempt however, as soon as his hands closed around yours, he jerks you back down into the bed with him and rolls on top of you, pinning you back onto the bed. He leans down and smothers your face with tiny kisses, making you giggle and squirm beneath him. He pulled back and laugh with you, looking down at your smiling face. He stares at you for a breath, his eyes admiring you. "I'm really happy you're here" he mutters slowly, caressing your cheeks. Before you could reply, he lean down again and gently presses his lips to yours, kissing you so softly. After a tender moment, he pulled away, looking down at you sweetly, before climbing out of bed for shower. He reached out his arm to you, wanting you to follow him. You slowly sit up, before grabbing his hand and follow him to the bathroom.


Namjoon carefully sit you down at the dressing table, drying your hair. Neither of you said anything about your nightmare last night, wanting to just brush it off and forget it ever happened. Once he finishes, he kiss on top of your head softly, making you smile. "What do you want to do?" he ask you before rummaging through his suitcase, looking for what to wear. "I don't know. Anything you want to do." you reply, hugging him from behind. "We can go on a breakfast date. There's a coffee shop nearby that make the best latte and croissant here." he says, rubbing your arms. "What if people see us?" you ask, pouting at him. "We'll ask Sejin hyung to come with us then" he reply, pulling you in front of him before squishing your cheeks. He then look around his room, frowning, like he's searching for something. "Why baby?" you ask him. "Where's your suitcase?" he ask you back, eyes widen. "At Jimin's room" you reply, biting on your lips before letting out a chuckle. Namjoon just snickered, ruffling your hair. "Fine. I will go and get it" he said, playfully pinching your nose.


The moment you walk into the coffee shop, you just inhale deeply. The air is thick with the scent of coffee and you love it. "What do you want to eat?" Namjoon ask you once you are all seated. You stare at the menu for awhile, can't decide. "You choose for me please" you reply, scrunching your nose. He just smile before he gets up and walks towards the counter to order. You watches him walk, letting your gaze linger on the his broad back a little longer than necessary, couldn't help but smile. Sejin already left to the toilet. A few moment later Namjoon return with a tray, filled with coffees and foods. He hands over a cup to you, asking you to drink it. "Taste this" he said, his face eagerly waiting for your response. You carefully take a sip, letting it sit in your mouth for awhile before swallowing it. The taste was like a sweet creamy vanilla coffee, even better than the one you always have in Seoul. Namjoon just grin at you upon seeing you smile.

"Y/n, what a pleasant surprise.."

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