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"Come on baby girl, you need to eat something." Namjoon said, holding your chin so he can look at you. You gently push his hand away and shakes your head before lying down with your back to him, wiping your tears. You just arrived in Seoul and you haven't eaten anything since you left US. Namjoon just sit there in silence, stroking your back. "Hyung, may I?" a small voice from doorway suddenly heard. Namjoon looks up to the voice and just nod. Jungkook moves closer to the bed, hesitantly. Namjoon scooted over and off the bed so Jungkook can climb on. Jungkook slowly sit on the bed, stroking your back. "N- noona?" he ask, pulling you up in a sitting position then lay your head on his lap, brushing your hair away from your face. "Don't cry noona" he whispered.

Namjoon just watch both of you in silence before leaving the room. After awhile he come back with a bowl of soup and hand it over to Jungkook, hoping that Jungkook would able to get you to drink a little. He help to lean you against the headboard and climb the bed to sit next to you, holding your hand tightly. "Here noona, drink some of this." Jungkook softly ask. You didn't respond so he try again, raising it towards your lips. "Please noona.." he said it in barely a whisper. You blink at his soft tone, slowly shaking your head. Jungkook look over at Namjoon sadly and he sigh. Namjoon grab the bowl from Jungkook and try again. "Baby, drink this please" he softly ask, holding the bowl near your lips, his other hand slowly caresses your cheek. You saw how worried he is in his eyes and complied, allowing him to tilt the bowl to your lips and sipping some.

After a few sip, you look up and met Namjoon's eyes. "I'm sorry for being a burden" you whispered. "Baby girl you are never a burden.." he reply, handing the bowl to Jungkook so he can hug you. Jungkook lightly strokes your hair, faintly smiling before slowly climb off the bed and leave, shutting the door carefully behind him. Namjoon slide his arms around your shoulder before pulling you and help you lie down properly on the bed. He look at you, cup you face gently before leaning in slowly to brush his lips across yours. He held you loosely and give you plenty of time to pull away but you let him kiss you, his warm lips relaxing against yours. He is so sweet and gentle to you. He pull away and look at you in the eyes, brushing away the tear that had escaped with his thumb.

"I love you baby girl" he whispered before tucking your head into his chest and tightening his arms around you as he snuggles into the bed for the night. As you drifted off to sleep, you felt his heartbeat vibrates through his chest and his soft breath across your face. You know in that moment you are safe with Namjoon.


It has been three weeks, you were already starting to feel better. Namjoon has never left you alone, not even once. He brings you everywhere - studio, dance practices, music show recordings. You still had the same nightmare sometimes but you woke up to Namjoon's tight embrace and that made you feel safe. It is Sunday night, you and the boys were just lazing around in the living room watching movie. You are snuggled up against Namjoon on the couch. Jimin and Taehyung were fighting over the remote control, keep changing the channel. After awhile Hoseok come and plop next to you and shortly after that Yoongi come and snatch the remote from Jimin then plop next to Namjoon, changing the channel. "Ahhh hyunggggg~" Jimin whine while staring at Yoongi, making you laugh.

"Jungkook and I are going to the supermarket, anyone want to come with us?" Seokjin ask, strapping his watch on his wrist. You look at him excitedly, then look at Namjoon. "Can I go with them?" you ask Namjoon, batting your eyelashes. "You sure you will be okay? Or you want me to come with you?" he ask back, raising his eyebrows. "I'll be fine. I haven't really got the chance to go out, other than follow you to your schedule. Besides, Seokjin and Kookie will be there with me, so I will be okay." you reply, rubbing his chest. Namjoon let out a chuckle before ruffling your hair, "Alright then. Have fun okay.." he say, kissing your forehead. "Hyung, take care of her okay?" he add, turning his head to Seokjin. Seokjin just nod before yelling at you and Jungkook for dashing through the door, making the rest of them burst out laughing.


Jungkook quickly grab one stroller and rush inside the supermarket, pulling you along. You can hear Seokjin babbling and nagging at you both but you just ignore him and follow Jungkook inside, cackling and giggling. You go from alley to alley, grabbing drinks, instant ramen, snacks and fruits. Jungkook is pushing the strolley and you walk in front of him, while Seokjin just follow both of you from behind. "Kids.." he scoffed and giggled at the sight. When you reached the bottled drink alley you get excited seeing the variety of juices in bottles that you can choose. You keep grabbing bottle after bottle, didn't even wait for Jungkook to come with the strolley, when suddenly you bump into someone and dropped the bottles.

"Uh oh. I- I'm sorry" you quickly apologizes, bending over to pick up the dropped bottles. "I'm sorry I did not see you coming sir-" you nearly choke when you look up at the man you just bumped into. You felt panic rising in you at the sight of his chiseled features, his cruel eyes staring you down. You suddenly felt Jungkook's careful hand pulling you back as he slide himself in front of you, placing his body between yours and the man's and breaking your eye contact.

"So good to see you again, sweetheart.."

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