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All the sleepless night, and tireless practices, it all comes down to tonight. The boys are all dressed up, striding along the red carpet, with fans cheering from everywhere. You went to their waiting room for awhile, spending time with them and kiss Namjoon good luck before heading out to join the crowd. Performance after performance leaves you in awe but you are dying to see your boys' performance. You know how hard they practised for this one and you can't wait to see them amaze everyone in the building, like they always do. After awhile, it is finally the time for their performances.

The moment the lights out the crowds are cheering like crazy, the only things visible are the sea of light from their lightsticks. It is almost like their own concert, crowds are cheering out their names, waving their lightsticks in the air, showing their banners. Once the lights are on again, they are already on the stage, standing proud. The stage may have been huge, but they took control and own the stage. The choreography, the fan chant, everything about their performance just gives chills through your spine. You can just imagine how blown away fans were watching them perform. The dance break at the end was flawless and show just why they are considered the best boyband in the world right now.

Once the performance ended, you make your way through the crowd to their waiting room. You can easily go in and out of there because of the special pass given to you. "You guys did great!" you practically scream the moment you walk in the waiting room, greeted by their smile. "Did you watch us up there noona? I did great right?" Jungkook ask, hooking his arm around your shoulder. "Yes you did. Now let me go. You're sweaty." you reply, pushing him away, making him laugh and try to hug you even more although you keep pushing him away. Your eyes landed on Namjoon who was talking to one of the staff there and you immediately go to him and hug him from behind. He bow to the staff before turning around to hug you back. "You did well. The fans are cheering like crazy when you rap." you say, cupping his face. He just shrug and pull you into a hug, tightly. "2 minutes!" a staff yell from outside of their waiting room, making them giggle. You hug and kiss Namjoon again before heading out to the crowd, not wanting to miss the award giving ceremony.


The boys look at each other before Hoseok grabs the microphone and exhale deeply. This is their third Artist of the Year award and it is overwhelming for them, for their fans, and for you. They weren't just a mere boyband now, they are so much more. Hoseok's voice is shaky, slightly breaking before he couldn't hold it back. He suddenly stop and smile, before break down in tears. It breaks everyone's heart to witness him in that state because he rarely show that vulnerable side to anyone. You too, without realizing, cry when you see Jimin immediately hug Hoseok and Namjoon pats on his shoulder, while Jungkook at the side seems like he can't stop crying. Hoseok slowly recollect himself and finishes his speech before passing the trophy to Jimin and stand slightly away from them to calm himself down and stop his tears.

The boys take turns to say something and it is an emotional roller coaster for them and their fans. The way the boys and everyone else breaks down at Seokjin's word about almost disbanding breaks your heart too. You know how much the boys means to their fans, and you know how much the boys loves each other and what they are doing. Seeing them openly voicing their concerns out hurts but make you feel proud at the same time. You cried so hard that you started feeling pain in your chest so you slowly make yourself out of the crowd and head to their waiting room. You know it is better to just wait for them there because it is hurting you to watch them in that state.

"Thank you!" Namjoon exclaimed loudly, bowing down to their fans. They all bow before they slung their arms around each other, all of them with tears rolling down their cheeks. They make their way off the stage and went to the post award interview. Taehyung tried hard to control his tears but he couldn't, he just keep crying even when they are taking pictures. Namjoon really did his best as their leader during that interview. The boys entered their waiting room and they hug each other again, recollecting themselves from all the emotion. "Noona's not here yet?" Jungkook ask, eyes wanders looking around the waiting room. "Let me call her," Namjoon grab his phone and start dialling your number, but no answer. He try calling again and again but still no answer. "Maybe she went to the toilet. Just keep calling her." Seokjin said, changing his clothes. Namjoon nod and keep calling you, until finally the call connected.

I have her with me now.

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