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"Wouldn't it be the right time for us to go public?"

Your eyes widen at his words. "You sure about that? I- I mean" you stutter, couldn't bring yourself to finish the sentence. "What's wrong baby?" he ask, caressing his thumb over your cheek softly. You just sigh, your hands fiddling with his fingers on your lap. He hold your chin up so your eyes connected. "Tell me what's wrong." he add, his eyes scanning through your face, trying to read your mind. "What if your fans hate me? What if they want you to leave me? What if they tell you that I'm not good enough, or pretty enough for you? What if-"

"Hey baby slow down." Namjoon interrupts, rubbing his hand up and down on your back to calm you down from the sudden state of panic, starting to feel guilty. "I believe they won't hate you baby. Even if they do, I will protect you. I will protect us. You know I won't simply leave you just because someone tells me to." he explains, his hand holding your chin to reassure you. "We will protect you too noona!" Jungkook piped up, tapping on his chest with his bunny smile on his face, making everyone chuckle but agree with him. "Besides, if our fans really loves Joonie, they should understand and be happy for him. Right?" Yoongi adds, looking at his members. They all nodded and look at you.

Jimin gets up and sit next to you, pushing Seokjin away before draping his arm over your shoulder. "They will love you noona, like we love you. Don't worry." he said, smiling softly at you. Namjoon just nod at his word, his hand still stroking your back. You take a deep breath and nod, offering Namjoon an apologetic smile as he chuckles and kiss on top of your head.


Hands trembling, you tuck your hair behind your ear, your teeth tugging at your bottom lip in fear. The world around you seems like it starting to blur. It's the day where Namjoon plan to introduce you to his fans as his girlfriend through his live broadcast on Vlive. He already started his live in his studio and you know in any minute now he will come out and bring you in to join him. Your chest rises and falls unsteadily when Jimin and Taehyung approaches you, patting on your shoulder. "Don't be scared noona." Taehyung said, flashing his boxy smile as he cups your face. Jimin said something too but his words don't reach your ears when you hear the sound of the door clicking open.

"Baby are you ready?" Namjoon ask, his eyebrows knitting together in concern, wary of the shakes of your hands and your glossy eyes. "Why don't you guys go talk to ARMY for awhile." he said slowly, turning his head towards Jimin and Taehyung before both of them make their way to his studio. "Are you okay baby girl?" he ask again, his eyes searches your face fearfully as you clutch onto his sweater, shutting your eyes close. It takes you a few moment before you able to return your breathing to it's normal pace and reduce the trembling your hands do. You flick your eyes open, greeted by Namjoon's eyes and smile. "You okay baby girl?" he ask again, his word dripping with worry as he reaches out his hand to your face, lightly caressing your cheek.

"I just got too flustered. I'm really scared." you explain in whisper. He sighs in relief mixed with slight concern, carefully wrap his arms around you, pulling you against his chest as you wrap yours around his waist, breathing in the scent of him as if it's the only thing keeping you grounded. "I'm scared too. We both scared of the reaction we'll get. As long as you know I won't let you face them alone, we should be fine." he mumbles softly, rubbing his hand up and down your back. He pulls away to cup your cheeks, flashing his fond smile before pressing his lips on yours for a few seconds. "Let's go in now." he sweetly whisper, clutching onto your hand tightly as you take many deep breaths, hoping that nothing goes wrong for either of you.

He leads you into his studio before he tell Jimin and Taehyung to leave. "No I want to stay." Taehyung grins, plopping on the couch, stretching his arms over his head and Jimin follow suit, sitting next to him. Namjoon palm his face before leaning over to them and whisper something, causing them to laugh and on their feet to leave the studio, waving to their fans. Namjoon hold your hand and sit you on the chair in front of the camera while he sit on the armrest. "Hey ARMY, this is the one I was talking about earlier. The one I wanted to introduce to all of you." he said, flashing a smile as he hold your shoulder. The comment section was crazy with questions and comments from the fans, shock at the sudden appearance of a woman during his live. "This is y/n, my girlfriend. She has been there for me for four years now and only now I have the courage to let you guys know about her." he continue, looking at you fondly before planting a soft kiss on your forehead.

"Sad? Don't be because I'm happy. Y/n make me happy." he laugh at the comments. Some comments catches your attention. Most of the responses are positive so you just sigh in relief, smiling softly as you are clueless of what you should say though. Namjoon see a comment saying you're pretty and he immediately point it out for you, making you slightly flutter. "Thank you" you answer shyly, burying your face on Namjoon's side because you feel your face flushing red. Namjoon just chuckle at you before continuing reading the comments. "Yeah she is pretty right." he answer, his hand gently strokes your hair. "Well she's actually Seokjin hyung's friend. He introduced her to us, and I just, fell in love." he chuckles, answering questions on how you two met.

He go on for awhile, answering questions now and then, glancing at you and smile then back at the live, his hand never leaves you, stroking your arms gently. You too every now and then answer some questions, giggling and chukling along with Namjoon, occasionally covering your face out of shyness. Your eyes caught a few nasty comments but you just ignore it, but Namjoon saw them too and he notices that you too saw them from your facial expression. "Okay guys I think I have to end this live now, need to go back to work and stuff," he chuckles. "Anyway thank you for listening and thank you for being understanding and respectful towards this sudden confession. Please shower my y/n with lots of love and respect because she means the world to me." he add, brushing your hair softly, tucking them behind your ear. Namjoon wave goodbye to his fans and end the live, before turning the chair to face him and he plop before you, resting his hands on your thighs.

"I was hoping you wouldn't see the negative comments. I tried my best to get you to avoid them but I must have dropped my guard." he sigh, before smiling when you smile and lean down to press a kiss on his lips. "It's okay. Most of them were postive anyway so I'm okay." you mutters. He smile again and prop himself up on his knees before leaning on to kiss you again, deeply this time. He slide his hand to the back of your neck and another on your waist, tugging you closer to him. The kiss was interrupted when the door fling open and Jimin and Taehyung stood there.

"Hyung, the live is still on."

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