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Hoseok dart through his door and bang on Yoongi's room. "What do you want?" Yoongi grumble as he open the door, annoyed that his sleep is interrupted. "Look." Hoseok reply handing his phone to Yoongi, giggling. "Hyung, the live is still on." Yoongi burst out in laughter when he see you turn away from the camera and Namjoon stuttering trying to properly turn off the live broadcast, while Jimin and Taehyung laughing in the background. "Idiot." Yoongi snickers, his shoulder shaking as he laugh with Hoseok. A few moment later Namjoon and you arrived home, along with Jimin and Taehyung. They are still laughing at what happened at the studio during the broadcast. As soon as Namjoon entered the house, Yoongi throw a pillow at him, making him groan. "Namjoon, I know you are clumsy but I didn't know you are THAT clumsy." Yoongi sneered, causing the rest of them burst out laughing. "Ahh hyung. You saw it too?" he chuckle, scratching the back of his head, his face redden at Yoongi's word that you couldn't help but chuckle at his reaction.


It's been months since Namjoon make your relationship public and the way his fans accept it warms your heart, although they won't stop talking about how you and Namjoon kissed during the broadcast. There's never been a day that you won't see a tweet or messages on Namjoon's fancafe congratulating you two. The boys have been busy with their comeback and tours and you were there with them everywhere they go. Soon they will hold their last concert in Seoul for their current stadium tour and you are excited for them. And the fact that you don't ever need to hide anymore when going out with Namjoon makes you feel happier. You can freely walk hand in hand with Namjoon in the public, no longer worry about people seeing or paparazzi taking pictures of you and Namjoon.

Namjoon is in his studio with Hoseok working on their song while you wait on the couch, eventually falling asleep. He took a glance at you and chuckle, slowly taking off his jacket and put in on you as a blanket before planting a kiss on your forehead and go back to his desk. "You really love her?" Hoseok ask, his eyes locked on you on the couch. "A lot." Namjoon simply reply, putting on his headphone back. Hoseok turn to Namjoon and scoffs, before taking his headphone off. "If you really love her, then what are you waiting for?" Hoseok ask again, causing Namjoon to rise his eyebrows in confusion, his eyes widen. "What do you mean?" Namjoon ask, looking over at you then at Hoseok. "You two have been together for years now. Don't you want to take the next step already?" Namjoon looks over at you again, smiling fondly at what he is seeing. "How do I ask her?" Namjoon ask, turning to Hoseok, hoping that he could help him figure out. "Meet me at my studio. I have a plan." Hoseok reply before leaving Namjoon behind.


"Where are we going? It's almost midnight" you ask but Namjoon just shushed you and held your hand, dragging you to the car. The drive is long and quiet, Namjoon haven't spoken a word at all, no matter how many times you ask him. Moments later you arrived at what looked like an abandoned building surrounded by forest. You turn to Namjoon, eyebrows knitted together in uncertainty but he just smile. "Do you trust me?" he ask, his thumb softly caresses your cheek. You just nod lightly at his word. He moves behind you and put you in a blindfold then take your hand and gently tug you forward, taking you somewhere. After walking for awhile, you suddenly feel Namjoon's hand slips away and for a brief moment your body tensed in fear, your hands instinctively reaching out for something to grab.

"Namjoon?" you half shouting half whispering but there's no answer. Suddenly you feel someone behind you, taking off your blindfold. You squinted, trying to adjust your eyes to the light, blindly looking around you. Your eyes widen at your surrounding, under the countless stars, rose petals scattered all over the ground, candles everywhere. You blink in amazement, taking in all the beautiful colors that you feel you could reach and grab them if you try. The sound of someone clearing his throat break you out of your reverie and your head whipped to the sound. The stars kissed his skin, making him glow in an ethereal manner, causing your heartbeat to increase erratically. "This.. What is this?" you whispers, still in awe and Namjoon fidgeted nervously while rubbing the back of his neck. He steps closer and hold your hands, you could feel your heart beating nervously.

"Y/n, we have been through so much together all these years and you have loved me through it all. You put up with my temper, my attitude. You know everything there is to know about me and never left." he paused for awhile, trying to compose himself before continuing. "Thank you so much for putting up with me, being nice to me, helping me, trusting me, and mostly for loving me and staying by my side. I love you so much y/n and I promise you I want to always be there for you like how you are always there for me." You are crying silently and Namjoon wipes the tears away, caressing your cheek softly. "Namjoon.." you try to say something but Namjoon places his finger on your lips, cutting you off. "I've been meaning to do this for a long time now but I was busy and couldn't find the right time." he whispers softly, your breath hitches and your eyes flutters not knowing what he was about to say next when he suddenly get on one knee and pulls something out of his back pocket. "Will you marry me?"

Your eyes widen, trying to process what he just asked you. You lean down to him, cupping his face and presses your lips against his. "Yes! Of course yes!" you squealed, pulling him up on his feet and kissing him again, throwing your arms around his neck. He pull away for awhile, long enough for him to slide the ring on your finger before pulling you closer, his hands holding your waist tightly. Namjoon gazed at you lovingly, his eyes softening with tenderness before his warm lips pressed against yours. He moves his hand from your waist to the back of your head, his fingers tangling in your long hair, lightly pulling you into his chest, adding more pressure to your lips, deepening the kiss. Sparks flew in every direction, and the world was slowly disappearing around the two of you, along with all of your worries, your troubles and your problems. He made you feel like none of that mattered.

"CONGRATULATIONS!" The two of your jerked apart, breaking the kiss. The boys come out of their hiding, shouting and clapping, congratulating the two of you. Jimin and Taehyung practically skipping towards you before pulling you and Namjoon into a group hug, later joined by the rest of them. "You better make her happy Namjoon or I will kill you." Seokjin scoffes, putting his arm around your shoulder. "Shut up Seokjin." you chuckle, slapping his arm away. "FINALLY!" Jungkook screamed, throwing his hand in the air, making them burst out laughing. Namjoon look at you and smile fondly, caressing your cheek before pulling you into his arms, hugging you tightly.

"Yes. Finally."

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