I'll kill you

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"So good to see you again, sweetheart.."

His deep voice said, ignoring Jungkook's action. "I've missed you terribly these last days." You feel yourself retreating inward again, and you dropped your eyes. They landed on Jungkook's strong back in front of you, his black tshirt stretching across his shoulders and you reach out slowly and grip a handful of the fabric, his warmth reassuring you. "You must be Minho. What do you want?" Jungkook ask, one of his hand firmly holding you behind him. "New guy huh?" Minho just scoffed. "I want y/n of course." he add, cocking his head to the side, eyeing you. "She don't want you" Jungkook said, his voice stern. Minho reached out his hand to pull you from Jungkook but Jungkook slaps his hand away.

"Touch her again and I swear I'll kill you" Jungkook said, pushing Minho away slightly. "Come on," Minho said, tilting his head to the side. "Just come home with me and we will talk everything out. I will forgive you for leaving me. Just come with me." he add, reaching a hand out to you but Jungkook slap his hand away, again. "I'm not going anywhere with you Minho," you said, trying to keep your voice from shaking. Minho let out a taunting laugh before stepping closer to both of you, only to be stopped by Jungkook's arm. "Why? Is his dick better than mine?" he mock, eyeing Jungkook up and down. "Just stop with the nonsense and come with me." Minho shove Jungkook to the side and pull your wrist. Before Jungkook could even retaliate, Minho is already on the floor, mouth bleeding and Seokjin on top of him.

"How dare you touch her again!" Seokjin yelled at Minho's face, grabbing his collar before land more punches to his face until he suddenly stop punching and start pressing both of his hands on Minho's throat. "Hyung no!" Jungkook shout at him, rushing over to pull him away from Minho. He struggled a little bit before manage to separate Seokjin from Minho. People are already crowding, curious of what just happened causing Minho to quickly gets up and run away. "If I see you again you are dead!" Seokjin yell at him upon seeing him flee from the scene, before turning around at you and Jungkook and letting out a deep exhale. "Are you okay?" he ask you, carefully brushing your hair from your face before examining you wrist.

"I- I'm okay." you mutters slowly. You can't help but stare at Seokjin's hand. His knuckle is red and bleeding. You slowly reach out to hold his hand but he pull away. "Not my blood. Don't worry." he said, hiding the hand from your sight. "We need to go now." Jungkook say, glancing at the crowd that gathers at that area. He pulls his hoodie over his head and hold you by your shoulder before quickly make his way out of there, followed by Seokjin.


"I thought you went to the supermarket?" Namjoon ask upon seeing Seokjin dart across the living room straight to the kitchen to wash his hand. "We met Minho there." Jungkook reply, holding you before you go straight into Namjoon's arm. "What do you mean you met Minho?" Namjoon ask Jungkook, eyebrows raised. "He was there." Seokjin reply, walking towards Namjoon. Namjoon eyes widen and he immediately look at you. "Did he hurt you baby girl? I should have come with you." Namjoon ask you, pulling back from you to examine you. "No- he tried to pull me but Seokjin saved me" you reply, burying your face in his chest. "Seokjin hyung almost kill him though" Jungkook say, scratching the back of his neck. "You should see his face. He is terrified of Seokjin hyung." he add. Namjoon let out a deep exhale, feeling relief, before thanking Seokjin and Jungkook.

"You really okay now y/n?" Seokjin ask you, carefully stroking your hair. You just nod, lightly smile at him. "You think he will give up and won't come again?" you ask Seokjin, eyes locked on his red knuckle. "He can try if he has a death wish" Seokjin reply with a chuckle, patting on your head before heading to his room, followed by Jungkook. Namjoon hugs his brothers before turning back to look at you, caressing your face. "You must be scared back there," he said, stroking your arms up and down. "I am, but I'm okay now. I saw him get beaten up." you shrugged. "Thank God you're okay baby" Namjoon pulled you into a hug and tighten his arm around you. Namjoon run his fingers through your hair and lean down to kiss you softly, making you clutch onto his waist tightly.

"Let's go to sleep," Namjoon ask, resting his forehead against yours. You nod in agreement and make him carry you to the bedroom. He place you on the edge of the bed and help you change your clothes before pulling his own shirt off and crawl on the bed. You quickly join him, snuggle yourself onto his chest and he wraps his arms around you, pulling you closer. "Baby girl," he calls you softly and you hummed in response, waiting for him to continue. "I just want you to know that whatever you've been through in the past, it won't be repeated. I won't do the same to you. I will treat you right. Promise me you won't leave me please." he said, lightly stroking your back. You pull back a bit, making him look at you in the eyes. You brushes your thumb over his lips before continuing, "My past hurts me a lot but I want to leave it there. I know you won't do that to me. I trust you. And I won't ever leave you. You will have to kick me out of here and change the lock because otherwise, I'm here to stay."

He chuckles at your response before smiling down at you and kisses you forehead, pulling you closer. You bury your face into his chest, hands wrapping around his waist. "I love you baby" you said softly. "I love you more baby girl" he reply, one hand wrapping around your waist, and the other he place it on your head, running his fingers through your hair. He keeps on doing that until you fell asleep, drifting off himself as well not long after. It was a peaceful dreamless night for both of you.

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