Chapter 3;

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Holly's POV

"You're what?!" I gasp almost spitting my drink all over Eleanor.

She grinned holding up her ring finger. "Engaged! Louis asked me to marry him on our holiday!"

I stood up reaching over and hugging her tight, I didn't care for others staring - my best friend was engaged!

"And," She beams.

There's an and?!

"I want you to be my maid of honour!"

I gasp emotion suddenly flooding me. "Of course!"

We sat there for the next half an hour discussing ideas for her wedding.

"I've also kind of got some other news."

I raise an eyebrow. "You're not pregnant are you?"

"God no," She laughs. "I was speaking to Louis and he has a friend, a single friend."

"I'm listening," I joke pretending to be interested.

"Well, his friend is single, I don't know what he does for a living, and I don't really know much about him. Just that Louis set you up on a date, next Wednesday at 8 at Le Sans."

"Oh god, what?"

"He's a nice guy, apparently. Louis was brief." She shrugged.

If the date goes well he could come along with me to my mums birthday..

"Okay, I'll meet him."

Eleanor raises her eyebrow as she eats some chicken in her salad.

"Why not?" I shrug. "I'm not getting any younger, my mother is already asking about boyfriends, I'm sure she wants me pregnant so she's a young grandmother." I roll my eyes.

"I'll text Louis to tell his friend to book the table."

"Great," I smile.

- - - - - - - - -

After lunch Eleanor had to head off, something to do with work. I however, bought myself a dress for my date on wednesday.

Arriving back at my place I was welcomed by my sister who was sat in her silver Range Rover my mum bought her for her 21st that was 3 months ago.

When she saw me pull up she got out, a smile on her face.

"Where is he?" She beamed.

"Hmm?" I frown walking to my front door.

"Harry.. your boyfriend? Mum said about you and him.."

The realisation dawns on me and I faintly remember the conversation I had with my mother on tuesday.

Oh dear lord.

"He's.. at work." I lie walking through my door and placing my bags down.

She shuts my door following me as I go through to my kitchen. "On a saturday?"

"Hard worker, coffee?"

She pats her flat stomach. "Caffeine diet"

I roll my eyes getting out a larger mug than usual. My sister is always trying stupid diets - I mean, she's 21, a size 6 and weighs the same as an adolescent school girl.

"Is he good looking, do you have photos?"

"On facebook," I smirk. "Oh wait, you blocked me." I bite.

Her face flushes. "It's Facebook, who doesn't block family members on there?"

I roll my eyes placing my mug under my brand new coffee machine. I bought it as a present to myself. I do that a lot - I don't have a boyfriend to buy me things!

"What's his job?"

"Why are you obsessed with my boyfriend? Don't you have one?" I quirk an eyebrow.

She sits back. "Yes.."

"So then, tell me about him." Finally, the subjects off of me.

"He's a singer songwriter, producer. Everything. He's really musically talented."

I fetch my coffee and stir it sitting opposite her. "You've actually gone for someone intelligent?"

She smiles almost in a daze like way. "Yeah."

"Is he rich?"

"Sort of,"

"Woah, you're telling me you're going out with someone who you aren't sure is rich? Are you growing up Sophia McIntyre?" I smirk.

"Shut up," She rolls her eyes. "I'm not shallow."

"Says the girl who dumped her last boyfriend for buying her Vivienne Westwood earrings that weren't the shade she liked."

"Nobody wears bogey green earrings Hols."

I rest my case.

"Anyway, how is your.. modelling career going?"

I say modelling career, it wasn't one she found herself, modelling agencies asked me to model for them; I declined knowing I was more brains than anything else.

The only reason they wanted me was because of my family name, Sophia however took the opportunity with both hands and ran with it. She'll use the family name to get anything, literally.

"Wonderful, I'm Elle's cover girl for next month, and Im shooting with Burberry next week for their spring summer collection. Oh, and I had a meeting with Karl Lagerfeld!" She squeeked.

To me, all I heard was blah,blah,blah. The fashion world was definitely not my kind of world. The world where looks and looks only mattered.

"Nice, good for you sis." I rinse my mug before placing it in the dishwasher.

"What do you do again?" She tilts her head.

"I'm an executive editor for a book-"

"Of course! Now I remember, I was telling Liam about you the other day." She waved me off.


"Anyway, I've got to go - Mojito is at the spa."

Mojito being her chihuahua.

"Of course she is," I smile falsely.

I walk her to the door, "See you Friday, at mums birthday."

"What are you wearing?"

I shrug crossing my arms. "Not sure yet."

"Who will you be wearing?"

"Designer labels don't matter to me Sophia," I exhale.

"As long as it isn't Emilio Pucci!" She calls walking to her car.

"Wouldn't dream of it," I roll my eyes.

She sits in her car and puts it into reverse.
And that ladies and gentlemen, was my sister.

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