Chapter 15;

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A/N: So I was listening to the take me home album when I wrote this and got nostalgic about tmh tour then I got sad.


I also had writers block but I'm ok now. Sorry if this chapter sucks. Comment what you think.

x x x

Holly's POV

I was bored, tired, and sick of my heels.

"Orange juice?" Harry asked a small smile on his lips as he watched mine.

"Please, only a small one though."

He nods disappearing to the bar, I watch as he sees someone whilst he's up there, greeting the guy with a sort of manly hug. He was natural and intriguing.

Without noticing I found myself watching Harry, or looking for him. He had some sort of pull. You just kind of know when Harry's in the room.

"Holly!" Sophia burst, she sat beside me surprisingly not seeming drunk at all.

"Enjoying yourself?"

"Of course! It's my birthday..why do you look so down?"

I shrug. "I'm tired I guess."

"Tired? At my party?! You can't be!" She laughs as I roll my eyes.

I look at Harry but he's still talking.

"How's it going with Harry?" She asks.


Sophia and I have never been the type of sisters to share anything, ever.

"You and Liam?"

She smiles dreamily. "So good, he's perfect."


"I've just spotted someone, talk soon." And like that she was gone. I wasn't surprised really, that's my sister for you.

"You've never been close to her, have you?" A voice I hated chimed.

"What do you want Zayn?"

"Hello to you too." He smirks sitting beside me.

"I repeat, what do you want Zayn?"

He shrugs, a smug grin playing on his lips. "How's loverboy?" He nods towards Harry.

"None of your business."

His grin only grows. "You know, you should have a better relationship with your sister."

I scoff. "What is it to you? You hated her when we were together."

He shrugged. "You really don't know a single about her, do you?"

I was confused. What could Zayn possibly know about my sister?

"If you were close she'd tell you things."

I frown. "What do you mean?"

"I mean Holly, your sister, she's an easy ride."

I swallowed, confused as to what he was talking about. But then it clicked.

"You slept with her? When we were together?" My throat constricts. Even though we weren't close the second I broke it off with Zayn I ran to Sophia, I confided in her for the night. We actually got along too, she bought me pizza, we watched films and the following morning she made breakfast for me in bed.

And now I know it was just guilt.

"Several times, she'd practically given herself to me." He sits back relaxed as if he's talking about a sunny Sunday afternoon, not that he cheated on me with my sister more than once.

I felt sick, the roar of the room and the music muting, those passing by were now in slow motion.

My own sister?

I stood up not letting Zayn see my tears. "Bye Zayn."

I walked over to Harry oblivious to those surrounding me.

As I was walking flashbacks flew into my mind, like when Sophia would just be at my place 'waiting' whilst Zayn was upstairs. Now I know he wasn't drawing upstairs like she said, he was probably re-dressing.

"I need to leave," I just about choke out.

Harry looks at me his eyes widening at my state, I didn't know exactly what state I was in. "Okay." He puts his drink down before taking my hand leading me outside.

Harry thanks the valet before we both jump inside, a silence between us.

I look out the window as the tears race each other down my face, they were slow painful tears. Tears of betrayal and utter hurt.

My own sister.

Harry drove up my drive, getting out with me once he pulled up. I unlocked my door silently, Harry following.

I walked emotionless into the kitchen putting the kettle on, kicking off my stupid heels.

"Tea?" I ask quietly.

"Uh, sure. You go upstairs, I can bring it."

I nod stalking upstairs.

Once I'm in bed, Harry walks in with two teas on a tray. I smile appreciatively as he gives me my tea, he stands to the side drinking his.

"You can sit next to me, I'm not ill or a cannibal."

He smiles awkwardly kicking his shoes of and sitting beside me, we drink tea in silence.

"What happened?" He asks when he finishes his tea, placing it on the bed side table.

I hold my mug shaking my head. "Zayn happened."

Harry crosses his legs over. "Oh."

I sigh. "He came up to me tonight, after you left to get us drinks. I'd been speaking with my sister, he said that we should be more close - my sister and i. That I didn't know her at all."

Harry sat silent, listening completely.

"That's when he told me he'd slept with her, whilst I was with him, several times."

Harry didn't gasp or look shocked, he didn't show any emotion really.

"What a dick." He states.

I begin to cry again, using the covers to hide my face, I look ugly when I cry and the last thing I need is for Harry to remind me of that tomorrow.

"Hey," He spoke quietly after a few minutes.

I sniffled wiping my eyes before looking up at him. "Forget him, he's not worth it."

"I know he's not, I'm not sad about him. Not at all, I just don't understand how my own sister could do that to me."

"Because she a slut. And.. you aren't."

I smile slightly.

Harry lifts his arm up, his face conflicted as to what to do. He taps my shoulder before nodding his head for me to move.

I move up and lay peacefully on his chest as I feel his arms - hesitantly surround me, engulfing me in his warmth.

I smile as his breathing steadied and his heartbeat picked up, who knew Harry Styles could be so affectionate?

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