Chapter 30;

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Holly's POV

I woke up the following day to Harry already dressed. He was sat at the end of the bed watching tv.

"Morning." I yawn.

He turns, a smile on his face. It didn't meet his eyes though, I knew that look on his face.


He regretted last night.

"Mums just making breakfast."

I nod sitting up.

"..We can drive back down to London after."


- - - -

The tension in the car was suffocating. I felt embarrassed, what was I thinking?! I thought that when I woke up I'd have this overwhelming feeling, Harry would discuss us, talk about if we were a thing.

But I woke up to the opposite; his back and a regretful smile.

I wanted to get out the car, walk home myself but I knew that wouldn't be possible. He wouldn't let me and it would take at least three hours.

Harry would cough every so often into his hand before placing it on the wheel with the other. The radio was low, I don't know if it was supposed to be but it was.

The second we turned into London Harry coughed. "Holly about last night.."

I was glad he was the first to start the conversation, I don't think I'd ever have the courage to do so.

"What about it?"

"It wasn't meant to happen, was it?"

I look over at him, he didn't look at me, he was concentrating on the road. His hair tugged lazily into a beanie. "What?" I breathe.

"We weren't supposed to have sex, it shouldn't have happened."

I felt my stomach drop, I didn't like this conversation. I didn't like the way it was going.



"I get it Harry, it was just sex to you. I mean, it meant something different to me than to you. I get it, congratulations you've had me and my sister, proud of yourself?"

The only way I could protect myself was to throw harsh words his way, knock him down so he couldn't knock me down, it's the only way I could protect myself.

"Woah, we're just friends Holly."


I see him swallow.

"I shouldn't have expected anything else from you really, should I?" I ask my voice low, sad even.


"It's fine."

He pulls into my drive and I unbuckle my seatbelt. Harry tugs my hand. "I don't want this to affect us Hol."

"It already has." I step out of the car grabbing my bag. "Bye Harry." I slam the door and walk towards my house not once turning around to see him reversing out of my drive.

- - - -

"..So it was just sex to him?"

I finish my second glass of wine. "Yup."

Eleanor scoffs. "What an idiot."

I shrug. "Expected it." I lie. "Don't care." Another lie.

She sighs giving me that annoying look of pity.

"Why don't we go out on Friday night? Girls night.. Dress up, get absolutely out of our faces and then drunkenly call Louis to pick is up after, I can invite my friends Alana and Danielle too."

"I think a girls night is what I need." I smirk.

Exactly what I need.

"So is that a yes?"

"That's a hell yes."

We both laugh as I refill our wine glasses one final time.

It's been a while since I let go.

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