Chapter 9;

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Holly's POV

It was a long, tiring week. The work load doubled on Wednesday meaning I had to stay late wednesday,thursday and Friday night to make sure it was all done.

The second I was home last night I put on netflix, ordered pizza and turned my phone off. It was bliss.

This morning however, I was reminded of what tonight was.

Harry S: Morning princess, remember it's my friends party tonight. Dress code is whatever, pick you up at 8.

That's what lead me to an emergency brunch and shopping date with Eleanor.

"..So you're partying with Harry tonight?" She asked stirring her latte. We were eating before shopping, that way we'd be able to burn off brunch whilst shopping.

"I'm attending a party with him, yes."

"How did your family find him?"

I scoff. "Mum loved him, felt up his bicep."

Eleanor's jaw dropped. "No!"

"Mhmm. Sophia checked him out like he was front of her own boyfriend."


I bite into my chicken. "Shes unbelievable, but she's my sister so, oh and some other news.."

"I'm listening,"

"Chelsea, my assistant slept with Harry. Twice."

Eleanor gasped covering her mouth. "No!"

I nod, "Yup. She came in Monday morning with a love bite, I dismissed her for the day."

"What does this mean? Are you dropping her?" Eleanor lifted some fries into her mouth, he slender fingers and her engagement ring on full show. I loved how proud she was of it, how she seemed to just beam ever since her engagement.

It also stirred an empty feeling inside of me, I mean, I'm at the age where I should be having a steady boyfriend - thinking about marriage. I'm 24, nearly 25 and what do I have? Netflix, takeaways on speed dial and a fake boyfriend I can't stand.

Yay me.

I always wondered if I'd be the type to get married, have three children with a dog and white picket fence in the suburbs. The more I noticed I was alone in this world the more I came to terms with the fact that I probably will never have that, and that hurts me more than anything.

I snap out of my daydream. "I guess.. I need to look for someone new anyway, she's too..enthusiastic."

Eleanor sighed. "Are you okay?" Her face full of concern, I knew that look.

It was the same look I got from people when I mention my dad has passed, or when I say I live alone. The look of pity.

The 'you poor thing' look.

"Fine," I shake my head with a passive smile.

Eleanor reached her hand out and placed it on mine. "I am here for you, if you have anything you need to get off your chest."

I smiled seeing she was still wearing her matching bracelet. I'd bought it one Christmas, we both have the same one, it simply says 'Best Friends' on it with 'EC&HM♡' engraved inside.

"I know, I'm fine. I guess up days and down days."

She nodded understandingly before we finished our brunch in a comfortable silence.

- - - - - - - - - - -

After three hours of shopping and finding the perfect dress I headed back to my place to get ready.

I was just applying some subtle lipstick when my doorbell rang six times. I rolled my eyes heading for the door.

"Is it really necessary?"

Harry smirked. "Yes, it is actually."

I huff grabbing my bag and checking for my phone.

"I like your dress."

I quirk an eyebrow at his compliment throwing my phone in my bag. "You do?"

He swallows. "Yeah,"

I took him in, he'd gone for black jeans, brown boots, a navy shirt that had hearts all over it and a black blazer. "I like your shirt."


"Good taste," I reply locking my door.

"Thank you, princess." He smirked walking us to his car.

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