Chapter 27;

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A/N: Hey guys, loved writing this chapter don't know why I just did..

Ear infection is slightly going yay! Also, my wattpad followers has gone back to normal!(feel bit bad about my rant)

Enjoy x

Holly's POV.

If I wasn't annoyed already about yesterday, I was even more annoyed now. We had all agreed to meet for dinner as it was our final night here. Louis and Eleanor had took off shopping this morning, Harry stayed in and I resorted to emailing and editing by the pool.

Now, here we were sat ready for dinner but guess who haven't shown up? Yep, Eleanor and Louis. We were told they were running late. I only rolled my eyes as Harry gave a polite nod.

"Nice of you to join." I sneer, half way through my main course. Eleanor was in a simple black dress and sandals.

"We were at the market for soo long." She was oblivious to my comment. Or she pretended to be.

I was silent, the room tense as they were quickly handed their starters.

"What did you guys do today?" Louis asked trying to make conversation.

"I actually did nothing apart from emails and sit around bored." I snap.

"Well there's plenty to do here.." Eleanor comments.

"Oh yeah, I'll do them alone shall I?"

She looks down.

"You said this was a holiday for all of us, I've spent majority of it alone!"

"Oh boo hoo, you're in the South of France Holly, enjoy it. You're so spoilt." She scoffs.

My blood boiled.

"I'm spoilt? I'm spoilt because I've spent a holiday I thought that was going to be super fun with my best friend, alone?"

"You aren't the centre of everyone's world Holly. Hate to break it to you."

My fists were clenched, my teeth gritting.

"Besides, you've been with Harry too."

"Because I had no one else!"

She rolled her eyes. "I don't see your point here. You're being really annoying."

"I'm annoying?" I laugh humourlessly.

"And you're ruining this holiday for everyone."

"Fine." I push myself away from the table.

"Holly-" Harry tries to calm me but I glare at him.

"Sorry to ruin your perfect couples holiday." I walk out the room hearing Eleanor mutter 'she's only jealous because she doesn't have a boyfriend.'

The only thing I thought to do to calm myself down was to head straight out the back garden, through the gate and onto the beach.

- - -

I kind of regretted coming to the beach, I was freezing, perched on a rock, the water slowly gliding in and out. The moon reflecting off the ocean.

I felt warmth surround my now cold shoulders, I looked down to see a blanket before a figure sat beside me.

"If I knew how, I'd make you a fire."

I look up at Harry.

"..But they never taught me that at business school."

I smile slightly, clutching the blanket tighter around me.


"You're welcome."

"Am I a bad person?" I wasn't able to look at him. Only look out at the sea.


"Am I selfish?"


"What am I?"

"You're a strong person, with an eye rolling habit and incredible pout." I could hear the humour in his voice.

I liked that he was trying to cheer me up, make me feel a bit better about myself.

"I don't feel strong."

"Who does?" He shifted slightly.

"I wish I could be light hearted, take things on the chin. Be carefree and not give a damn what anyone thinks."

"But you're not that kind of person, and that's okay."

"Is it?"

He nods. "Of course. You're you, I wouldn't change you." He nudges me.

I look up at him, a bigger smile on my face from his sweet words.

"I don't believe anything Eleanor said." He adds, as if he knew her words were still flowing through my mind - which they were.

"Even about not having a boyfriend?"

"You don't need a boyfriend to be successful or happy. That's the misconception."

"I'm not happy."

"What makes you happy?"

The sad thing was, I had to sit and think. There was no immediate answer in my head or on my lips. What does make me happy?

"I..guess when we have movie nights on Friday, and make popcorn."

Harry smiled, I think he was surprised by my answer.

"..And when I get a parcel in the post. Walking through Hyde park in the snow. Puppies. Hot chocolate on Christmas eve, and when my bath is the perfect temperature."

He laughs. "They are quite good things to be happy about."

"I want to move out of London."

There's a silence.


I shrug. "Change."

"I don't like change."

"I do if it's good," I lick my lips the wind making them dry.

"But what if you move and you're not happy?"

I didn't think about that.

I shrug.

"In a few weeks, I'm going back to my home town, visiting family. Why don't you come?"

I look at him, raising an eyebrow.

"I could show you round. It's very quiet, you'll love it."

I smile. "Won't your family think it's weird that you're just bringing some girl who isn't your girlfriend home?"


"They think I'm your girlfriend, don't they?"

He nods biting his lip. "It kind of came out. I thought you'd be okay because of the pact and everything."

Of course.

"Sure, I'll come. How long for?"

"The weekend."


"My sister Gemma..she has a daughter called Isobel. You'll love her."

Really? I've never been one to be good with children.

"How old is she?"

"Four, nearly five."

I smile. "Cute,"

"She is, but she's very clever so be aware."

"I'll make a note of it."

"We should head in, it's past midnight."

I nod standing up. "Harry?"

He turns around, his bare feet playing with the sand. "Yeah?"


He smiles. He has such a beautiful smile.

"For always cheering me up, like my birthday, and tonight."


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