Chapter 13;

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Holly's POV.

"..So how did you find out about this place?" I ask as I try to elegantly eat with chopsticks, my attempt was poor especially compared to Harry who had eaten three by the time I ate one, he seemed a natural.

"My sister told me about it,"

"Oh, you have a sister?"

He nods. "She's 3 years older."

"Nice, are you close?" I finally managed to get the sushi into my mouth, I happy danced in my head.

Harry smirked, he'd obviously realised my struggle. "We are quite close yeah, we were brought up to be, we hardly fight."

"That's nice."

"You don't seem to get on with your sister," Although there was a smile, I could hear the seriousness in his voice.

"No we're..complicated. We're very different people and we want different things. I get on with my older brother better."

"You have a brother? You never mention him."

I nod. "He lives in LA. I never see him, only at Christmas. He skypes on birthdays."

"Is he close with Sophia too?"

I shake my head. "Sophia was very popular at school, she was always out, so whilst she was off doing whatever - I took that time to spend with my brother, we're very similar and like the same things which helps us get on more."

"Yeah, my sister is kind of on my length, she's never treated me as that annoying little brother."

I nod, it was strange to sit and eat and act normal but it was also nice, I've always had one or two friends, never one to have a huge friendship group. It was nice to kind of have a friend who was male too.

"So you're looking for a new PA?"

"Mhmm, since yesterday I've already had twelve emails from hopefuls, I aim to receive around thirty applications, read through all of them, select the best 10 and then interview them all on Wednesday and Thursday."

"That's a lot of work."

I shrug. "If I want a good PA then I need to put the work in too."

"Let me help you, y'know.. Select people and interview them."

I frown. "You'll only go for the blonde bimbos." I scoff.

His faces creases, it was almost like what I said hurt him. I felt momentary guilt for my words.

"I don't go for blondes, never have." He shakes his head. "Don't think of me as so shallow."

I swallow. Come to think of it, the girls that I know that have slept with him have all been dark haired.

"Sorry," I apologise.

He waves it off.

"As long as you're professional, select people who are worthy and don't try and get any of their numbers then.. Sure. It would be nice to have a hand."

Harry nods as he waves the waitress over. He says something in her ear before she disappears.

Seconds later she's back handing me a knife and fork.

I smile looking up at Harry as she walks off.

"I don't need these." I mumble taking them out of the cute red napkin.

"Oh please. I'm sick of watching you struggle, it was giving me a migraine."

I stab the sushi with my fork and pop it in my mouth smiling gleefully as Harry shakes his head with a small smile too.

"So when is your birthday?" He asks as we begin dessert. I'd gotten cheesecake, he'd gone for profiteroles. Twelve of them.

"August 4th,"

"Not long then,"

I shake my head. "It's my sisters in two weeks,"

"Having a party?"

I roll my eyes. "Of course she is this is my sister we're talking about. Anything that brings her attention will make her happy."

"Do you want me to come with you?"

I swallow, I knew he asked because of our pact but I liked that he still asked and not made it out to sound like he had to come.

"Please. It'll just mean I don't have to be around her long."

He smiles. "I find her quite pleasant."

"Sarcasm there Styles." I point my spoon at him licking some cake off my lip.

He smirks dipping a profiterole into the chocolate sauce. "Is there a theme?"

"No, she'll probably be half dressed so, jeans and shirt should do."

"What will you do for your birthday?"

I shake my head. "Nothing."

"Nothing?" He stops eating for a moment.

I nod. "Nothing. I hate my birthday, I'm just a year older. It's just a reminder that I haven't got my shit together yet. Most people I know are married by 25, me however? I have nothing which is why I'll spend the day in bed, reading,eating and watching whatever the hell I like."

"But you have to celebrate your birthday!"

"As a kid yeah, I loved my birthday but now, I don't have anyone to spend it with."

He looked at me with the same look Eleanor gives me when I tell her it's a down day, or when I tell people that I don't mind never having children even though they can see through the lie.

"I'm sure there's a queue of people who'd spend your birthday with you."

I shrug. "It's just never mattered to me."



Hey guys can you just comment with: #Hi I know who's reading? I literally don't even know if anyone is and/or if there's any point of continuing the story..

Just let me see how many there are of you :)

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