Chapter 10;

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Holly's POV

I'd walked in, my arm through Harry's - a smile upon my face. I felt almost nervous going into a party without knowing anyone, it was quite daunting. Although I am someone who comes off as confident and self assured, I am quite shy and introvert - at times.

"Niall!" Harry greeted moving away from me to give the blonde a man hug.

"Harry!" He grinned, beer in one hand. He was cute, blonde highlighted hair, blue eyes that stood out even in this not so bright party. "You must be Holly?"

I nod, "Correct." He leans to give me a hug and a tiny peck on the cheek.

"Nice to meet you."

"Drink?" Harry turns to me, an arm around my waist.

"Just orange juice."

He nods leaving me with Niall.

"Harry said your a model?"

I swallow, how am I going to do this?

"Yeah, for a couple of years."

"Anything I may know?"

I shrug. "I'm not really.. high fashion, London fashion week. More.." What does Sophia do?! I quickly think. "..small things." I lie.

"How did you meet Harry?"

Shit. We hadn't even discussed this story.

"He didn't tell you?" I fake gasp.

"Nope, just that you're a model, and that you're beautiful."

My heart flutters at his words, he maybe sounded better because of his accent I don't know..

Harry thinks I'm beautiful?

"Well, that's Harry." I smile looking over at him talking to someone at the bar.

"So how did you meet?"

"Oh, right, yes.. I'd just finished a shoot and it was pouring with rain, I went to grab a cba at the same time as Harry. It was the last one and all I wanted to do was go home, Harry compromised we share so.. we did, we lived pretty close to each other so we started talking."

"Cute story."

I smile, it is for one I've made up there and then.

"Harry's always been a gentleman, I don't understand how he's kept so normal."

I tilt my head confused, "What do you mean?"

"His ex girlfriend, she.. passed away. He's never been the same since."

"Oh," I looked up and over at Harry who was still talking at the bar, his smile wide,eyes electric. He didn't look like he'd endured such sadness, I guess everyone suffers differently. "I.. didn't know."

"Yeah, it was pretty tough. Anyway, got to go mingle. See you round!"

I nod realising I was now alone. I made my way over to Harry who was still talking, I didn't interrupt I just stood beside him collecting my drink.

"You must be Holly." The guy Harry had been speaking to noticed. He and Harry were now both watching me.

"Yes, nice to meet you."

"I'm Ed," We shake hands and I smiled sipping my orange juice.

They carried on talking as I eyed the room. It was pretty cool, being at a party. It reminded me of my wild uni days when I was 18/19.

And boy were they wild.

As I looked around I noticed someone leaning against a door frame, my blood ran cold as I saw him chatting up some red head.

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