Chapter 28;

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Holly's POV

I was wrong. My birthday isn't the worst day of the year, today is. My birthdays a close second.

I'd rang in sick at work and turned only my laptop off, I'd kept my phone on in case mother rang. Which she didn't of course.

I spent the day crying, watching tv and not changing out of my pyjamas. I was trying as hard as possible to forget today but it was like everything kept reminding me of the date. The news, my phone screen, my calendar on the fridge - for some reason I'd circled today.

Around 1pm I received flowers on my doorstep. They were from Eleanor with a simple note saying: 'thinking of you. love always. El xx'

Our holiday two weeks ago now forgotten. We made up a couple days after coming home, we never fight for long.

At around 7pm my doorbell rang, I had a glimmer of hope that it was my mother or sister, or even both of them together but it wasn't either.

It was Harry.

"Why weren't you at work?" Is the first thing he says.

"I'm sick," I cross my arms and fake a cough.

"Bullshit, and that cough was fake as."

I roll my eyes. "What are you doing here Harry?"

He holds up a bag. "I figured something must have happened for you to not be at work all day so I brought us some chinese."

I felt my whole body melt at his gesture. How could someone be this sweet?

"Oh, thanks.."

"Are you going to let me in? Your favourite sour pork is getting cold."

I laugh shaking my head opening the door wider for him.

He set the Chinese down on the table as I took out some plates and drinking glasses for us.

"Water?" I ask as he spoons out our food.

"Waters fine."

- - - -

"This Chinese is the best." I was in heaven. He had got my two favourite dishes and an extra fried rice just for me because I love it that much.

"I know, the guy in there is great, didn't even charge me the extra rice. Told me I'm his boss."

We both laugh. "Thank you for this,"

"Movie?" He asks walking over to my collection.

"Movie and Chinese? It's not even Friday.." I smile.

"We can break tradition this once."

- - - -

When the film ended it was around half nine, I wasn't tired in the slightest - I'd napped all day.

"Why weren't you at work today?" Harry asks softly, he'd put my legs over his so I could lay down. "You can tell me the truth Hol."

"It's his anniversary,"

Harry's face dropped in realisation. "Your dad?"

I nod.

"Why didn't you tell me? I would have taken the day off too..we could have gone to the zoo again."

I smile. "I guess I'm use to spending it alone."

"Well you know you don't have to,"

"Can I add this to my list of things that make me happy?"

He smiles looking down at me as I grab a blanket and place it on my legs. Harry pulls it open a bit more to cover his legs too.


"You coming over with my favourite Chinese food."

"That can go on the list, yeah."

"Thank you for this,"

"It's no big deal." He shrugs.

"Not to you, but it is to me."

"Have you spoken to your mum or Sophia?"

I shake my head giving him a sad smile. "Nope. Not even a call. Eleanor sent flowers. I appreciate that."

He pats my leg. "And you have me,"

I smile. "Yeah.. I have you."

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