Chapter 42;

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Holly's POV

We'd been at Anne's half an hour before Harry was pulling me out of the door again.

"I want to go for a walk," He insisted. I apologised to Robin and Anne and told them we could continue our chat later.

"I feel really bad, we came to see your parents and now you're dragging me out."

"They're fine with it, trust me."

I sigh.

"..Besides, we'll spend the evening with them. Robin's booked some restaurant, Gemma's coming too, she's bringing Isobel so that should be fun." He laughs.

I hold his hand, swinging our hands as we walk, it was a pretty place. Nothing to it, but a pretty place.

We ended up in a park, the trees arched over the path, it was romantic. The fact it was cold and I could snuggle into Harry as we walked made it even cuter.

"So where are we going?"

He shrugged, the tip of his nose red. "Just..walking."

After our walk through the park we returned back to Anne's. She scolded Harry for taking me out in the cold for so long and made us hot chocolates.

- -

We had just finished getting ready for Harry's meal, he was bouncing off the walls excited.

"Can I tell you something?"

I turn around, rubbing my lips together, the nude lipstick sitting perfectly.


He held my hips, I hadn't dressed up for tonight like I had our date. He told me I didn't need to dress up and whatever I wore I'd 'look perfect in'. I'd gone for a red blazer, white blouse, black trousers, heels and clutch.

"You look absolutely delicious."

I smiled kissing his lips. "Now you have nude lipstick on your lips." I lift my thumb to rub it off.

"I'd like to see you nude."

"Harry.." I warned my eyes meeting his.

"I know,"

- -

The meal was nice, i felt really comfortable with Harry's family, probably more comfortable than in my own.

I'd sat with Isobel helping her colour in the free drawing she was given until our food was served. Isobel sat beside me, tapping my arm every so often to get my attention. Harry would smile when I interacted with her.

"I just want to say," Anne cleared her throat. "How proud I am of my baby boy. My baby has a record deal." She gushes. "I wish you all the luck in the world."

We all cheers to her speech, clinking glasses with each other. I clink mine with Isobel who had a Disney Frozen cup with Elsa on.

"What happens now?" Robin asks across the table.

"Well, getting an album put together. A single out."

Anne claps excitedly,Isobel copied her actions making us all laugh.

"So the album is like produced for you?"

He nods. "I'll write, record and they get someone to produce it.. it's complicated."

I hold Harry's hand under the table, a smile on my face.

"I also fly to LA to record which I can't wait for."

I swallow. "What?" I ask him quietly.

"Yeah, they're flying me out at some point." He beams oblivious to my instant change of mood.

His family all smile and talk about him going to LA. I however, go into my own world. He never said a thing about going to LA..

Why did he keep this from me?

- - -

"You're quiet." Harry noticed as we both got ready for bed in silence.


"You sure?"

I smile over at him pulling back the covers.

"Of course."

"You've just been a bit.. off."

I bring to covers up as he slips under.

"I'm fine,"

"Be honest," He asks softly.

I look at him, his skin soft, dimple slightly showing.

"You're going to LA?"

He sighs, his face tells me he knew already that that's what was bothering me.

"Only to record."

"For how long?"

"A week, maybe? I don't know, I'll be over there mingling, getting to know different artists, producers.. I can't really say."

I nod my heart sinking to my toes. "Things are going to change, aren't they?"

"For me, yes. For us, no. I won't let them."

"You can't guarantee that."

He's silent because we both know he can't. He's going to start living a completely new life and I don't know how I'll fit into that.

Or if I ever will.

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