Chapter 16;

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Holly's POV

I woke up to a fast asleep Harry Styles. I couldn't see his face, his back was to me. I could just hear his quiet breaths.

I noticed that throughout the night he must have shed his clothes as I saw his jeans and blazer thrown on top of his shoes on the floor.

I smiled, I didn't know why I did but I smiled. I lay back down staring at my ceiling when Harry turned over letting out breaths and cute groans.

He stayed asleep, his hand fisting the pillow as his lips formed into a natural pout, they were so pink, I'd never noticed how pink they actually are.

Some hair fell across his face, he didn't move it - it just lay there natural. I could imagine his hair must be really curly if he cut it, or when he washes it.

When Harry started to move about and yawn I closed my eyes pretending to sleep, I didn't know why, it was the first thing I thought of.

I heard him rub his eyes and yawn again as he sat up mumbling; "What's the time?"
I didn't respond, he got off the bed getting his phone out of his blazer. "Nine fifteen," He read.

I peaked an eye open as I saw him in his shirt and boxers, his face lit up by his phone. He must of been reading a text as his face formed into a grin, a chuckle coming out lowly.

He then throws his phone onto the bed as he gathers his jeans and starts to put them on, he then grabs his blazer.

I fake wake-up and rub my eyes. "You're leaving?" I yawn.

"Yeah, stuff to do."

The sweet caring Harry from last night had gone.

"Oh, I could make us breakfast-"


I sit up. "Oh."

"I'll let myself out," He grabs his phone and starts for my door.

"Thanks for staying.. with me last night."

He turns around. "I shouldn't have, it was a mistake. I just kind of.. fell asleep."

I nod, the slight smile on my face disappearing. Although I hated to admit it, his words cut deep. I shouldn't have expected anything, we hate each other.

But do we? The amount of time we've spent together do we hate each other? I mean, he's done a lot for me.

Would you take someone who you hate home because their ill and make them tea? Or help them interview people? Take them to sushi?Or even agree to be their fake boyfriend?

Because if so, that's twisted.

I followed Harry down to my front door, giving him a wave as he reversed out of my drive, he didn't look at me though. It was like I was invisible to him.

I didn't like Harry not paying me attention, how strange is that? Does this mean I have feelings for him? What am I feeling? I feel confused and disappointed, as well as a little stupid. I mean Harry's not going to wake up and want to spend the day with me, that's not part of the pact.

I need to stop overreacting.

- - - - -

I was back at work monday, I was editing quite a lengthy fiction book when my door opened.



"Yes?" I didn't look away from my screen.

"How are you?"



Harry sat on the leather seat across from me. I looked away from the story to Harry.
"What is it?"

He shrugs. "Thought I'd stop by."

"Okay well, I'm busy." I clicked the minimise button and opened up an email, I start to compose one to the author of the story.

Harry's eyes were still on me, observing me for some reason, I didn't give in, I didn't look at him like he wanted me to.
"You're mad."

I send the email before searching for Perrie's, she was the chosen candidate and started on wednesday, I wanted to send her a list of what she would need, and what I expect of her.

"Mad? About what?" I ask quickly typing.

"I don't know but you're mad at me."

"I'm not mad, I'm not anything. I'm simply at work."

"You're not the same, usually you want a conversation."

"Well today I don't."

"With me."

"No, with anyone. I don't want to talk to anyone. Not you, not Keith from reprographics not Beyoncé. No. One." I look away from my screen to him and quirk an eyebrow. "Clear?"

"Crystal. But it doesn't explain why you're mad."

I groan in frustration. "I'm just tired and busy and I need to get on."

"But why are you mad at me?"

"I'm not mad at you!" I exclaim, my pot fully boiled, my head ready to explode.

"You are," He smirks. "Is it because I left?"

I frown. "What?"

"On Saturday morning. Are you mad at me for leaving?"

I scoff. "No, why would I be? We're nothing to each other. That shouldn't of even happened." I lie. "Like you said, it was a mistake."

He nods looking me straight in the eye. "..Right." He stands up. "I'm getting lunch in an hour, want to join?"

Why does he do that? Invite me to things, when he doesn't he like me. What? Do I like him?

I shake the thought out of my head. "Can't I'm working through lunch."

"You can't stop for an hour?"

I open my drawer beside me to find a file. "No Harry. I can't."

"Dinner then,"

I take out the paper I need and fill it in. "What?"

"Dinner, at that sushi place. Tonight."

"I'm out tonight." I lie.

"You go out?" He smirks.

"Yes I do which means I'm not free. You can leave now."

The smirk leaves his face as he nods, I couldn't read his expression but I was glad I took his smirk away nevertheless.

"Fine," He speaks slowly.

I don't look up from my paper as he shuts the door behind him. Once I know I'm alone I put my pen down and rest my head into my hands.

Oh Holly, you're a fool. My mind mocks me.

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