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When the two heard the door rattle again, Kakashi and Yumika distanced themselves quickly. It wasn't as if they were doing anything wrong, but it would most definitely have been awkward for people to have walked on them like that. Yumika coughed, as she scooted her chair a bit back while Kakashi rubbed the back of his head and looked at the door.

A nurse walked in right after, checking her clipboard, "Hatake-san, your tests were all fine, but we'll keep you here overnight just to make sure. You can leave first thing tomorrow morning."

"Thanks." Kakashi nodded at the nurse, who bowed and left the room.

"Nice to see you improving!" Guy poked his head into the room, then held his stomach painfully. "Man, I'm starving! I think I'll go grab a bite to eat. You wanna come, Yumimi?"

She shook her head momentarily, then looked at Kakashi, "It's fine. I'll stay here for now."

Guy eyed the two suspiciously, then decided, "Suit yourself, but no promises on bringing either of you two food!" He slid the door open and left. "Overflowing power of youth!!! And noodles!"

Yumika and Kakashi blinked at his odd statement, then looked at each other and smiled. Kakashi felt a slight tug on his hand and looked down to find their fingers intertwined together. He didn't even notice her holding his hand, and he doubted that she did either. 

"Hey, Yumi," he teased, as he motioned towards their connecting hands. "Aren't you rather scandolous~?" 

She noticed the gesture and glistened pink, loosening her grip just as fast, "Ah! I-I'm so sorry!" Before she retracted her arm, Kakashi grasped her wrist and slid his hand back into hers. After a short pause, they shared a heartfelt gaze that made her chest flutter. 

Kakashi  cleared his throat, "Anyways, you were saying something earlier?" 

"Oh, uh, yeah," she suddenly spoke up, her eyes trailing up to his. "how was the mission, aside from the injuries? A success?"

"It was alright.." he shrugged. "there's nothing much else to say. How about you tell me about your week without me?"

"Hm, it wasn't too bad, actually." 

"Really? It sounded like you missed me~"  

She reddened again, and opened her mouth to rebuttal, but carried on with her previous answer, "Well, yeah, I thought I'd be lonely, but I met up with old friends and visited.." as she continued to talk, he observed her casually and couldn't help but smile.

Anytime she would talk, she would start by giving eye contact, then she would get too shy and blush while averting her eyes. She was such a genuine person, it was hard to believe that someone that pure could be part of Kirigakure's ANBU.

Kakashi felt somewhat thankful that Guy had broken their promise and brought Yumika to the hospital because he suddenly felt cherished and less lonely. She had that effect on him; no matter how bad his day was. Spending ten minutes with her would instantly lighten his mood. Not to mention, he felt a bit special that she spent so long worrying about him while he was gone.

"--but maybe I'll go there another time." she eventually trailed off to sigh. She noticed that he seemed deep in thought, "Ah, I'm sorry, did I bore you?"

"Nope," he smiled once more. "quite the opposite." 

"Are you tired? Do you want me to lea--!"

Kakashi shook his head briefly, "Nah, I'm fine, trust me. I'm kinda glad you came to keep me company."

"Hm, 'kinda' glad?" she raised a brow. "Not so appreciative, considering I ran all the way here just to see you, huh?" 

He laughed at her remark, and opened her mouth to say something else when the door burst open. Out of surprise, her hand jolted and escaped his grip. 

"How is that door not broken yet?!" Kakashi mused.

"Heya, friendos!" Might Guy entered the room. "Tonight, we feast!"

He had bags carried with his good arm, and although he was smiling, he appeared to be struggling so Yumika surged forward to help.

"Thanks, Yumimi," he grinned, setting the few bags he had remaining on the table in front of Kakashi. "So, what will it be, kiddos?"

"I'm not really hung--!" Kakashi started.

"Ooh, I want that mochi! And daifuku!" Yumika shot her arm into the air as if she were in school, eyes gleaming.

Guy pouted, "But I got those for myself~!"

"But I want it too~!" Yumika pouted back.

The two looked at Kakashi, as if two children to their mother, "Kakashiiiiiii~"

He sighed, "Guy, did you hit your head so hard that your brain fell out? You shouldn't have just brought one."

Yumika shook her head, "Ah, what am I doing? Here, take it Guy."

Now Guy looked guilty, "No no, dear, you take it."

"Thank you, but I said you..." the two stared at each other and began arguing about who would give the snacks in demand to the other.

Kakashi rolled his eyes but eventually smiled because two of his closest friends were here with him. While watching the two bicker, he accidentally let out a yawn, making him the centre of attention. Both of them stop and stare at him.

"Oh, you must be tired!" Yumika stood up, leaning down to adjust his pillows so he could lie down on them.

"R-right!" Guy helped fix Kakashi's blanket, smoothening it out.

"It's okay, I can do it myself," Kakashi tried to say, but the two ignored him.

When the two stood up, they looked at each other, speaking in hushed voices, "S-should we leave now or..?"

"Maybe one of us should stay."

"What if we take turns?"

"I'm fine," Kakashi called out. "You two can go home."

Yumika and Guy looked over at him, then at each other, and continue whispering, "Should we?"

"I dunno, he seems a bit better.."

"Yeah, but what if he--!" 

Kakashi rolled his eyes, "Just go, trust me."

"Fine, if you don't want our company, then good riddance!" Guy sassily folded his arms and turned away. "Hmph!"

"It's okay, Guy," Yumika comforted him, before glancing at Kakashi, "Well, I--we'll see you later!" They left the room in a hurry. "Goodnight!"

Kakashi couldn't help but roll his eyes again. They were both such overprotective idiots, but he liked that about them. After briefly thinking about the two of them, especially Yumika, he shortly fell asleep.


A/N: how was this chapter woot wooot :)


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