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I can barely remember the heat how it felt on my skin as I roamed the streets. Or the way everyone smiled as families gathered around shopping. I can remember the way my parents always pushed me to finish school get a career. Though I never actually did follow thrvough, I left my hometown in hopes of a fresh start though that didn't work out in my best interest. So here i was a lost hopeless case a mess, I left when I was about 20 I moved from Santo padre California to Colorado. I was on my own my parents stayed behind that was home I couldn't ask them to leave my parents had great jobs.

Life was good I had a good job myself i worked hard, I had an amazing boyfriend that I've been with for about 3 years. Everything fell into place I left my past and moved on and I finally felt normal like my void in my heart was filled. Until one morning i got a call about my parents, as a child you don't ever dream of losing your parents though my nightmare came true. So here I stood outside my old home shaking with fear and sadness knowing my parents left this all to me. It would take time to settle it with the lawyers but for now I had to come home and bury my parents, they say it was an accident wrong place wrong time so they told me my parents got caught in a bad car accident the car caught fire before they could be pulled out.

As I unlocked the door quietly entering I smiled seeing as everything was exactly how I remember nothing moved or changed. Pictures covering all the walls of me and them growing up, I sat my things by the front door as I walked around my familiar home. Going down the hallway to my old room opening the door I smiled all was the same my posters and pictures all covering my walls as I looked them over. I frowned at the thought as my eyes caught glimpse of a once happy couple I traced my fingers over the high school picture. There I was blonde hair green eyes and there he was my first love Angel Reyes, we grew up together families were close we dated for 5 years until the one night my world collapsed for the first time when they took him from me. Forever turned out to be short for us he went to prison on burglary charges, I tried to be there and he refused visits told me we couldn't be together while he did his time he pushed me away and broke me. That was in the past though him and his brother Ezekiel always took care of me.

That's when it hit me the funeral was in a couple hours what if he showed? I said sighing at the thought I'd be alone my boyfriend couldn't come down he had to maintain our apartment for awhile so it would be a month before I could see him. I bite my lip what was i thinking we probably would act as complete strangers. As I exited my room I closed the door going to grab my bag to change clothing, i pulled out my black dress and heels as i went to change. I sighed looking myself over and grabbed my car keys locking the door behind me pulling out of the drive way and heading to the services it was a small town so it wasnt far. As I parked no one had yet arrived so I made my way inside greeting the man at the front desk as I made my way to the back room.

The coffins were closed and quiet songs played as I made my way up o felt tears form but only a few slipped I cried myself to sleep to many nights before today. It wasnt long before people began to show, childhood friends and family hugging me and people who I had ment after I left even. It was until a familiar face walked in we locked eyes and I ran into his arms "Ez!! I cant believe it!" I squealed as he hugged me tight smiling " jasmine! There you are stranger we missed you!" He chuckled letting me go. "You look great havent change to much!" I smiled and he smiled "And you still beautiful as ever" he smiled. Then walked in his dad Felipe I went to hug him tightly "So happy to see you home Mija we all missed you" Felipe smiled "So what's new?" Ez said as we sat down "Nothing much just working in a law firm" I said smiling. He chuckled "Ok miss lawyer following her dreams I'm happy for you!" He grinned. We talked more I found out the marisol was killed and that Ez did some time in Stockton prison but I quickly changed subject. As I played with my fingers nervously turning to look around and ez could tell. "Hey relax if its angel your worried about he and a couple of our guys are out of town for a few days our motorcycle club is doing a run" he said smirking I laughed "Hush ez wait y'all are both in the same club?" I question and he nodded.

The services started with kind words and prayers about my parents many people speaking freely and kindly of them once it finished and people cleared out I whispered goodbye to them both and walked out they were to be cremated as they wished.  Ez waiting at the front door for me as I approached him "Hey um tomorrow were doing a little barbeque at the club house why dont you come? Get your mind off things?" He smiled "Ummmm" I started " No angel" he laughed so I nodded yes as he waved off after we exchanged numbers. I drove home in silence parking in the driveway and going inside curling up on the couch and falling asleep. The next morning I woke up around 11 in the afternoon I got up and showered then went to cook breakfast for myself sitting in silence it was nice. As my phone chimed a message from ez about tonight a reminder to dress comfortable. I smiled hey I need a night out for myself it had been awhile I decided to go change into some shorts and a tank top pulling my hair into a ponytail and sliding on some vans my favorite shoe to wear putting on minimal make simple as I went to go through town deciding on a walk since it wasnt to far of a distance to waste time. I walked to all my favorite places and places with memories of my life thinking how I would get through it all alone.

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