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I sat quietly on the couch watching a movie in silence, it had been about a week and a half since I last saw angel. I didn't wanna make it weird or awkward due to the fact he was with someone so I chose to ignore it. Sure maybe it was childish but I over stepped my boundaries a little, Ez called everyday to check on me of course I lied said I had the flu. He offered to come drop by before he left on a run but I refused, so here I sat like a sad sob story eating ice cream. My hair was in a messy bun and i had on shorts and a spaghetti strapped shirt, I was blocking out my real life as much as possible. Angel called a few times but I didn't answer i again sent a message that i had the flu but that I was fine, he didnt push me but i knew he knew i was lying. Yet he hadn't stop by so i know he understood that i needed space right now at this moment. I sighed checking the time it was around 11 and I wasnt even tired so I got up placing the ice cream back into the freezer.

As I walked back to the living room a heard a loud banging on the front door as I walked towards it, the door flew open knocking me in my face and chest knocking me to the floor. As I struggled to catch my breath, dazed and confused getting on my knees I looked up to see the last person I though Shane. As he grabbed a fist full of my hair "You think you can just barge into my apartment and embarrass me in front of my friends bitch!" He yelled dragging me across the floor closer to him as I struggled to get away punching his stomach. As his fist flew hitting me in my face making my mouth taste like blood I yelled out in pain. "Your gonna pay for that" he smirked as he began kicking my sides as I struggled to crawl away feeling his hard kicks in my ribs I cried out. Grabbing anything I could throwing it at him, bases shattering on the floor as I grabbed a piece of glass in my hand. He then proceeded to hover over me as I struck him in the face with the glass in my hand cutting his face as he groaned out. Putting his whole body weight on me and wrapping his hands around my neck squeezing hard.

I felt like I was gonna die and I didnt know what to do looking around I spotted a gun in his waist band scared of what would happen next I reach for it getting it within my grasp my hands slipping. So I brought my knee to his groin applying all force as he fell aside I got up seeing him on the floor I took my chance. I bolted for the door as I hear gunshots I didnt look back running until I felt a sharp pain in my arm. Then I heard him yelling behind me as I ran down the street turning the corner looking anywhere I could hide for safety. I felt my eyes water as I continued to run spotting a small store it looked closed so I ran to the back hiding between dumpsters. I covered my mouth as crys escaped as rain began to pour down hard, I sat there for a good while knowing I needed help seeing my shirt drenched in blood from my arm. The bullet grazed my arm thank God, as I reached into my shorts praying my phone was there and it was. Who would I call? I couldn't call Ez he was gone with some of the guys, the only person I could call who stayed behind was Angel. As I pulled out my phone I dialed his number catching voicemail, I panicked so I texted leticia asking for his address she respond a few minutes later with an address saying bishop gave it to her and that angel had left home. I hoped and prayed he was alone as I made my way down the street in pain.

I went down several blocks quietly checking my back as I rounded the corner to his block, I spotted his back outside and I bolted towards his door. Not thinking I began banging on the door in tears, hearing the doors unclick as he opened the door shirtless in some Jean's. His eyes wide as he scanned me over "Jesus christ what happened?" He said as I ran into his arms "He found me, he came back to get revenge" I sobbed as he pulled me in locking the door. He quickly took me to the bathroom sitting me down and ran to the other room he brought some clothes and bandages. As he looked over me grabbing my arm and flinching "hey it's ok I'm gonna take care of all this ok" he said ripping my tears as he looked over my bullet wound he took out some liquid and gauze "This is gonna sting ok?" He frowned pouring the liquid on it as I felt a stinging sensation I closed my eyes as he wrapped my arm up slowly. When I opened my eyes he stood up turning on the water as he covered the bandage with a small bag so it wouldn't get wet. I felt disgusted with how I looked as he frowned "I'll be right outside ok?" He said his hand stroking my face stopping at my chin pushing it up to look at him as he stepped closer "I'm not gonna let him hurt you ever again I promise I'm gonna take care of this" he said sadly anger in his eyes as he pulled back walking out and closing the door. I slowly stepped in the shower already feeling my body ache in pain as the hot water his my body I began washing off all the blood only to see cuts and bruises covering my body. I silently cried to myself feeling pathetic that I let someone do this to me, I cried and cried until I was out of tears then I turned the water off and grabbed the towel drying myself off looking myself in the mirror my eyes red and cuts and scraps on my face, a swollen busted lip. I frowned and slipped on my undergarments slowly throwing his shirt he lent me over it fit me big mid thigh I didnt bother putting on the sweatpants my legs hurt from endless running. I opened the door and stepped out walking down to the living room to find angel on the phone still shirtless as I stood there sadly, he noticed me and quickly hung up walking towards me. "I told ez what happened there heading back now" he said looking me up and down as I nodded "I'm gonna go to the house make sure he is gone ok?"he sighed and I looked up at him as my lip quivered "Dont go please angel dont leave me"i began crying again and he quickly wrapped his arms around me "shhhhh shhhh baby I'm not going anywhere"he whispered softly into my hair. I nodded as he rubbed my back up and down "come on let's get you in bed" he said grabbing my hand and taking me to his room as he let me climb into bed he quietly tucked me in and kissed my forehead "I'll be in the living room ok?" He said walking towards the door as I squealed out "no dont go dont leave me stay please?" I begged as he smiled climbing into bed next to me pulling me closer against him as I closed my eyes taking in his scent as he rubbed my head slowly as I began dozing off in his arms slowly "I love you" he whispered kissing my head as I fell asleep.....

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