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The next morning, I woke up realizing today I got to see my little baby today, I was anxious and excited. I smiled as I got dressed quickly, making my way outside.

"Angel I need you here today" Bishop spoke.
"Alright bish" Angel sighed grabbing a beer.
"Morning muneca ready?" Bishop smiled.
"Where you going?" Angel questioned.
"She has a important meeting with some financial laywers" Bishop lied.

I smiled, I could feel Angel's stares on my face. I quickly moved passed him and got into the car. Bishop followed me on his bike, I sighed feeling my phone vibrate underneath me. A few minutes later I arrived, i got out locking my car.

"I'll be out here waiting ok?" Bishop smiled.
"Thanks again" I smiled.

I walked inside, I checked in signing the papers. I sat there for a few minutes my nerves going crazy. I was quickly brought out of my thoughts as my name was called.

"Hello, Ms. Perez how are you doing today?" The nurse smiled.
"I'm doing fine, thank you" I smiled.
"I'm going to take your vitals and weight" She smiled.

I sat there as she took my temperature, my blood pressure and pulse. Then I stepped up on the scale as she weighed me. We walked in silence as she escorted me to the room.

"Doc will be right in" She smiled.

I sat there in silence looking at all the baby posters, remembering my phone vibrating I looked down at it. A few missed texts from Ez and One from Angel, I didn't bother looking at Angel's. Responding to Ez that I was at my doctor's appointment. A few minutes later the doctor walked in.

"Hello Ms. Perez how are you doing?" She smiled.
"I'm doing fine, yourself?" I smiled.
"I'm doing well, thank you shall we have a look" She smiled.

She pulled up my shirt, putting some gel on it, she then grabbed the instrument rolling it over my stomach. I looked up and there it was my baby, I smiled brightly. The doctors pressed a few buttons and I began to hear the heartbeat, I felt tears well up I was so happy.

"Everything looks good, healthy baby I'll set up a appointment in about a week and at that time we can do blood work and get a gender ok?" She smiled.

"Thanks doc, sounds perfect." I smiled

She handed me a few sonograms of the baby I was so overwhelmed with joy I quickly walked out. Bishop smiled as I approached.

"Everything good?" He smiled
"Perfect " I smiled.
"Alright! Let's get back." He smiled.

I got in my car and started it, I drove happily to the clubhouse. We arrived a few minutes later, Ez and Angel stood out front along with Coco and Gilly. I put my photos in my purse and got out.

"All good?" Ez asked.
"Yeah, it went well" I smiled.
"That's good" Ez smiled.
"So we were planning our birthday party, figured we do it together that cool?" Angel smiled.
"Yeah that's cool" I faked smilied.
I remembered what happened around this time last year, painful memories surrounded my mind. I was snapped out of my thoughts by Angel.
"You good?" He questioned
"Um. Yeah just tired not feeling well, I'll catch up later ok?" I lied quickly walking away.

I stared back tears threading to spill, Angel's face said it all he knew I was lying but he didn't push it, Ez was in conversation with the boys about the party so he didn't seem to notice. As I walked into the room, my heart racing I locked my door and laid on the bed. Staring at the ceiling for what felt like eternity, I didn't wanna face anyone right now so I let me mind drift off and I feel asleep.

A few hours later I woke up, i could hear laughs and conversation outside my room.  I sighed getting up deciding I had to come out eventually or they would break my door down. Most of the guys sat there drinking and laughing, smiling no one seem to notice me walk out. Angel, Ez and Coco sat outside in a circle all laughing again not noticing me. I didn't realize I was starting till I felt a tap on my shoulder, looking back i smiled.

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