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I woke up to the sun shining brightly into my face as it peaked into the curtains. I could hear faint conversation coming from the kitchen I knew what that meant as I slid out of bed slowly. My body aching all over as I walked slowly to the mirror to look myself over. My neck black and blue, bruises surrounding my face and busted lip as I felt hopeless. Feeling the tears form in my eyes I pushed them aside now wasnt the time for pity, he needed to pay for what he did. I silently walked towards the kitchen as the voices grew louder my arms wrapped around myself as I turned the corner to see most of the club there. There voices got silent as they turned towards me with pure shock at my appearance Ez made his way towards me embracing me gently. "I'm so sorry I should of been there to protect you" he whispered and I looked around. "I'm ok its ok its not your fault" I sighed looking up at him. "Where is angel? I frowned not seeing him in the room as I scanned the familiar faces. "Him and bishop had to take care of something's they will meet us back here, dont worry" he smiled and I sighed. Everyone took rounds hugging me saying how glad they are that I'm safe as i made my way to the restroom. I picked up my shirt and felt sick to my stomach at my skin color yellow black blue bruises. I bit my lip tasting iron as I ripped it back open, sobs escaping my mouth as I slid to the floor ashamed sobbing loudly. I heard footsteps approach and the door open and there he stood hair a mess as he dropped to his knees scooping me up and embracing me. "Whoa Whoa Whoa it's ok I'm here shhhhh it's ok I got you" angel said into my hair as I sobbed. He grabbed the sides of my face with his hands turning me to look up into his eyes "I'm not gonna let him do anything to you ever again " he said softly. I nodded my head as he reached for a towel wetting it and sitting me on the counter as he dab my busted lip again. I felt vulnerable but with him I knew I could be he never judged me or criticize me about anything, he loved me once. His hand stroked my cheek as I looked up into his brown eyes getting lost in thought as my hands rested on the sides of his ribs holding me sturdy as he looked me up and down stopping at my lips. He took a step closer and I gently tugged him closer not realizing it but his hands remained on my cheeks as he moved closer his face inches from mine my legs practically wrapped around his waist. His eyes didnt leave mine and my breaths became shakey as he stared at me. I'm not sure why I did it but I pulled him flush against me my hands wrapping around his neck as I pulled his face to mine. Our lips connecting in sync as I kissed him deeply our lips moving together as he squeezed me pulling me close it wasnt until her voice filled the hallway we stopped he quickly backed away and opened the door. Just in time too I hoped off the counter and grabbed the towel pretending to dab my lip. "There you are babe" andrea sighed then looked at me "thanks for the towel" I sighed walking past him "no problem make yourself at home" angel smiled and andrea gasped " your letting her stay here?" Angel sighed " Yeah I am she needs someone and this is my apartment and if you have a problem suck it up cause I'm not throwing her out!" He said raising his voice a little as she groaned stomping out and went to leave slamming the door. I wouldn't say it was awkward that we kissed but he quickly walked into the living room with the guys and began talking. I quietly made my way to his room laying on the bed covering myself as I closed my eyes hearing the voices fade as I fell asleep slowly.

It was a few days before our birthday's and I paced the apartment not hearing a single word from angel it had been a few days. I was panicking then the front door swung open and he came walking in as he approached me pulling me close. I cried into his embrace "Where? I was worried!" I sobbed he hugged me close."Baby I'm sorry ok? Forgive me I love you!" He sighed kissing my lips then I watch as the cops raided our home, at first it felt like time was going in slow motion as I cried out to him. "What did you do angel!?" I said tears streaming down my face as they shoved him into the wall handcuffing his arms behind him. "Baby I'm sorry this wasnt supposed to happen" He said sadly as they pulled him past me.


At that moment i jumped up sobs escaping my lips as I remembered that terrible night. The night he became the man I didnt know and it haunted me everyday, thoughts surrounding me how did I go wrong? Why would he do those things? His words haunted me as I sat in the crowd in the court room. Saying he did what he did for his family and people he loved. A few days later when I got to visit him he called us off said he didnt love me and from that moment on I hate my birthday I hated the month period. I got up slowly wiping my face and catching my breaths as I walked towards the living room. Angel and Ez sat there beers in hand watching tv I smiled and sat on the edge of the couch. "Hey you sleep ok?" Angel said patting the space next to him I moved closer "want a beer?" Ez smiled I nodded as he got up to get me one nervous by earlier events I looked at angel as his hand rubbed me up my thigh I smirked and he smiled pulling it away. It was then ez handed me my beer and I sat there drinking with them as we sat in comfortable silence all of us laughing and joking. It was normal and I was happy I missed this.

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