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We stood there in silence neither one of us saying a word as we stared into each others eyes but as usual my emotions got the best of me and tears slid down my cheeks. He didnt hesitate to embrace me in his arms and coo me like the way he did but I needed it. "Ez told me what happened when i got back to the club house" Angel said quietly as i soaked his shirt with my tears "I am so sorry no one deserves to feel like this" he said quietly whispering it in my hair as he held me close. "Jasmine look at you your so much bigger than him he doesn't deserve you" he said softly "so what do I deserve cause everything I ever loved is gone and taken away" the words slipped out before I realized I said it. It felt that way though I had nothing left for myself I was alone again like all the love was sucked out of my life again. He didn't say a word he just let me cry it all out eventually I stopped crying and we went to sit on the couch I was confused at his actions. "Why you here? I broke your girlfriends nose?" I said sadly and he gave me a little smile " I'm here for you cause I wanna be here ok? And she is fine a little bruised up but fine" he said calmly.

We sat there staring at one another for a minute until I felt him pull me close again not realizing I was letting tears fall again as I curled up close my head on his chest as he tried reassuring me rubbing circles on my back. I didnt realized I had fell asleep until I woke up and felt arms around me and saw him holding me close his lips parted as snores escapes his mouth i wanted to laugh at how it looked I tried to move out but his grip got tighter so I just laid there in silence listening to his heart beat eventually feeling my eyes close again. I mean we were friends and him and ez where the closest to family to I opened up again and decided to trust them the ones who took care of me through high school and college. Maybe it was a good thing maybe it was bad but right now I needed someone so I allowed myself to be gullible for the time being.

The following morning I woke up alone my body spread out on the couch a cover over my body, I adjusted my eyes getting up to check for angel. I looked around the house and nothing until I saw a note on the coffee table it read "sorry I had to go didn't want to wake you have to check up on things" i sighed putting the note down as I walked to the kitchen deciding on some breakfast as I pulled out some pans making eggs and bacon for myself in silence. It wasn't until my phone rang and I read the caller Id it read Shane I bit my lip in anger as I declined the call. I knew what I had to do I had to get out I needed to go get my things out of there i had to i couldn't stay with someone who cheated and deceived me. I decided to ask ez to watch over the house for me while I went to take care of things i drove in silence to the club house wondering if it was a good idea but I had to go.

As i pulled into the drive way i saw a few of the guys getting there bikes ready as I parked getting out of my car and walking inside. First thing I see had to be angel arms wrapped around andrea her face black and blue he turned to look at me but I turned away brushing it off. I spotted ez next to coco "Hey what's up" coco greeted me I smiled and so did ez "hey guys" I waved "Ez do you think you can watch my house I gotta drive down to Colorado get my things?" I said nervously "well I'm leaving on a run your going now? He questioned I nodded a yes as angel walked up next to us "I'll be back in three days tops" I said looking at ez as angel butted in "what's going on?" He said calmly "princess here is driving to Colorado for her things" ez sighed and I nodded "you gotta go now?" Angel said worried I nodded "look you all go on your run I'll be fine I can handle myself" I said biting my lip "no I'll go with you" angel said sighing "no they need you I'll go she'll be good with me" gilly said from besides coco "I'll go with her" he said patting angel and ez shoulders. I sighed as bishop called to take off as i was about to say goodbye here came andrea grabbing Angel's arm and pulling him in for a kiss as he wrapped his arms around her I rolled my eyes as ez stopped himself from laughing I hugged him tight "I'll be ok I promise" I said calmly "alright call me if anything" he said letting me go I nodded walking outside gilly waiting besides my car as the guys hopped on their bikes.

I felt a tug on my arm I looked back to see angel staring at me I looked away as he spoke up "be careful ok? Call me if anything" he said nervously "look I appreciate the concern but looks like you have more important things to worry about" I said looking at andrea he noticed and was about to say something before I cut him off "save it I'll see you" I said getting into my car and pulling out watching him get on his bike. "Ready to be annoyed?" Gilly asked laughing and I couldn't help but laugh with him as we began our drive down. I was nervous was I ready for confrontation? Was I ready to let it go? I had to it was no longer about what I thought was best it was what I knew was best and I knew I had to end it now I wasn't a second choice i didn't deserve it so here I went to end it all and start off new again but this time back home alone which I was perfectly fine with I didnt need to rush anything I needed to take my time and that is exactly what I was gonna do start over.

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