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Who knew driving would be this fun, it helped having gilly with me, he kept me laughing about everything. We mostly talked about old memories we went through, got to know each other alot more. He was good company, most of all the drive Angel and Ez kept calling to check up though It was short and simple. So here we were getting into Colorado as I laid my head against the glass taking deep breaths dreading the arrival, I had no idea what I was gonna say or do? What if things ended badly? I kept over thinking all these situations of what would happen. I closed my eyes the rest of the way there, maybe an hour and a half later gilly shook me away as I opened my eyes realizing where we were I frowned "alright here goes nothing gilly" I said getting out as he smiled reassuringly "I'm here if anything ok?" I nodded as I closed the door.

I felt my hands shake as I grabbed my keys walking up the stairs as I reached the door unlocking it. I could hear laughter in the living room as i rounded the corner i saw a bunch of Shane's friends drinking i sighed passing them heading to the bedroom only to run into Shane. His eyes got wide "What are you doing home early?" He said as I pushed passed him angrily "I came to get my things I'm done playing your little side bitch" I said grabbing a bag throwing my clothes inside noticing he hid them at the very back. He laughed "you serious?" I looked at him "what? Huh didnt think I'd find out about your new family? Your baby on the way? After you said you didn't want kids! Or was it just cause me?!" I said loudly at him as he frowned "Your so full of shit Shane!" I said angrily as I grabbed the last of my clothes "Keep the rest I dont fucking want anything from you!" I said loudly making my way down the hall "babe don't go let me explain!" He pleaded loudly as I reached for the door knob when I felt a tight grip yank me back I flinched "let me go!" I yelled and he grew angry "your ass ain't going no where!" He yelled all eyes on us so I lost it I swung and hit him in his jaw he let go dumbfold as I opened the door "Rot in hell you piece of shit" I spat slamming the door. I felt tears spill as I made it to the car "you okay?" Gilly frowned i nodded as we pulled off "Let's go home please" i sobbed as he drove off i cant remember falling asleep but when I woke up it was cause we were filling up the tank. I sighed my head pounding i could hear gilly on the phone standing outside the car "She is ok.. yeah we headed back now... she isn't talking or eating much since we left.... I'm not sure.... ok I'll call when we get back" he said hanging up the phone. Turning to look at me "Just angel checking up" he sighed and I smiled "Thanks again gilly for coming with me to do this" he smiled "of course your apart of the family" he smiled closing the door he got back inside and started the car. "The guys wont be back till tomorrow afternoon so well be there a few hours before them" he sighed as we drove off slowly hitting the high way again.

It was sometime late at night we switched drivers so gilly could snooze a little. I drove in silence on the highway the events of what happened playing in my mind how angry he was and the way he grabbed me. I looked at my wrist and frown it was bruised up, thinking how I was gonna hide it the guys are gonna be furious I thought. Wondering if gilly saw and didn't say anything, i couldn't wrap my head around it all as I drove I pushed it out of my head determined to just get home. A few hours later we switched again it was around 6 am and I couldn't fall asleep so I sat there quietly looking out the window as we drove. Around noon we had arrived home we pulled into the club house as we got out awaiting the guys arrival. I had bags under my eyes and my body hurt the black and blue bruised cover my wrist, I stayed quiet smiling at chuckie and leticia though they knew I needed space after the recent events so they left me to think. I sat quietly on the bench outside for about 2 hours until I heard bikes approaching I looked up seeing the guys pull in parking their bikes and getting off as ez and angel made there way towards me.

Angel was stopped by andrea running into his arms smile on his face. Me and ez locked eyes and I began crying as i ran into his arms sobbing he held me tightly. "Hey it's over now I got you" he said softly rubbing my back as I stood there miserable  it wasnt until I took a step back and wiped by checks that he grabbed my hand gently. He looked over the bruise angrily "He did this too you?" He said furiously I nodded sadly "Did he hit you?" Ez said angry. "Its not Gillys fault either he stayed outside I went in alone and he didnt want me to leave so I punched him" I frowned and ez laughed "you got him good?" I smiled nodding "never miss!" I paused "But I'm ok" i said as angel came over and I quickly hid my wrist.

"You good?" He said calmly I nodded yes as I made my way inside to grab a drink. Everyone was laughing and smiling as they all talked i stood there in the corner sipping my beer quietly. I made my way to the bathroom only to bump into angel coming out flinching i grabbed my wrist as it hit the wall. He frowned grabbing my wrist looking at the bruise "I'm gonna kill him" he said furiously "Did he hit you?" He said looking at me sadly I could see his eyes water. My first instinct usually is to respond but I just hugged him tightly "I'm ok I promise" I said talking into his chest as he hugged me. We stood there for about 10 minutes before I pulled back looking up at him our faces inches away from one anothers I didnt realize he backed me up against the wall looking at me intensely I didnt move I felt my heart race until he pulled back realizing how close he was "I'm sorry" he frowned and I nodded "it's ok, I'm gonna take off I'll catch up later" I said quietly walking down the hall leaving him without saying a word I got in my car and drove off. What just happened? What was I doing? I could be so stupid like that I couldn't go back to the hurt I've been through I cant believe I did that and let it happen....

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