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Life in Charming wasn't all that bad, for the most part I'd help around the yard and do paperwork.  Of course I missed home, constantly talking to the guys made me wanna go back.

"We are gonna head out on a run darling, a few of the boys are gonna stay behind. You'll be alright?" Chibs smiled.

"Yeah, I'll be good" I smiled.

I watched as chibs departed, I sighed as I looked down at my enormous belly. I had a doctor come and check on me here at the club. Bishop didn't want to risk me driving back and forth, of course Angel was furious about it. It had been weeks since he last checked up, I didn't hold it against him. He had his life and he had her, of course he didn't wanna risk losing all that over me. I knew he would be a good father to our daughter and that's all I cared about.

Most days I didn't wanna talk to anyone, I preferred being alone mostly. I didn't wanna intrude in the club stuff with either sons or mayans. Chibs always kept Bishop updated so on so forth. I was now 8 1/2 months pregnant with Marisol, deciding to name her after Angel's mother. I didn't tell people much about any of that, I wanted it to be a surprise to everyone. It had been about 6 months since I saw anyone, and Shane remained out there in the open.

Angel use to call every other day but after awhile i guess you grow tired of it. Ez kept me in the loop said they all had a big surprise for my return. I quietly rubbed my stomach as I watched her little kicks and movements. I grew close to some of the sons while I've been here, Happy always made sure he never let me out of sight. Except today they had an important run and he was needed.

I quietly organized the paperwork, putting them in the file cabinets. I sighed as my phone vibrated in my pocket. I pulled it out seeing as it read Angel's name.

"Hello?" I answered softly.

"Your little boyfriend would love to talk to you but he is a little tied up" Shane chuckled through the phone.

I froze in my spot feeling tears in my eyes as he said those words.

"This is how its gonna go there is a warehouse off the highway as you arrive to Santo padre I'd get here quick" Shane laughed before hanging up.

I didn't think or bother I quickly grabbed my bag and jumped into one of the vans. Tears running down my face as I drove, speeding down the street I arrived a few hours later. Pulling in and jumping out I walked quickly inside not wasting another minute. As I walked down some halls, I came into an open room. I froze dead in my tracks as Adelita stood tied to a post. I ran towards here only to be pulled back.

"I dont think so" Shane smirked holding me tight.

"Was to easy getting her here you would be surprised how gullible you both are. See I told her that I had Angel and I told you that I had Angel, surprised I know his name?" He smiled.

"I did my research, was to easy getting you both to believe I was calling from his phone when in reality I hijacked it got to love technology" He chuckled.

"There gonna find us" I spat at him.

His hand coming across my face, as I gasped grabbing my check.

"You talk when I tell you to talk, understand or you won't make it to deliver your child" Shane threatened

He sighed as he began to tie my hands behind my back around a post. Feeling my daugthers movements I knew I had to escape, I had to do something.

"I'm gonna go call your little boyfriend, you two get acquainted" He smiled.

I watched as he exited the room, I turned my face to adelita and frowned.

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