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I woke up the next day sun shining through the beige curtains of the living room as I groaned on the couch feeling my head pound I laid there. Replaying last nights events in my head and how much I wish I wouldn't of gave in so easily to forgiving angel. But everyone deserves forgive at one point why become some ugly person because of it I thought besides he wouldn't over step boundaries knowing my life back in Colorado. Yet here I was home home and not a single call from my boyfriend Shane a few text here and there but no calls. I decided to call and I let it ring and no answer, I called again same thing no answer it felt off. Why wouldn't he answer maybe he was stuck in the office I thought as I sighed putting my phone on the end table I just laid there in silence I'm not sure how long i stayed there before I dozed off again. Only to be woken up to a losing knocking on the door, I groaned sitting up in my sweats and tank top and went to open the door. "Well good morning!" Ez laughed as I pulled him inside "it's to bright it hurts " I groaned and he laughed. "How was it with lady friend?" I sighed rubbing my head walking into the kitchen "How was it with my brother?" Ez smirked I looked up throwing him a finger." He drove me home that's it we talked and he left simple as that no funny business" i smirked and ez held up his hands in defense laughing "well see how long that last" he joked "Ezekiel stop!" I laughed and he joined in. "Beside he has a girlfriend no?" I said pulling out bacon and eggs "Who? Andrea? Who knows they always on and off" he shrugged "Where is your prince charming?"he sighed and so did I "I'm not sure he hasnt answered me much" I frowned. Ez sighed "Dont worry about it I'm sure he is fine, go shower I'll make breakfast!" He smiled and i nodded going down the hall to my room grabbing some clothes and starting the shower.

I stood there letting the hot water run down my body as I closed my eyes trying to relax a little. After about 20 minutes I jumped out sliding on my undergarments and pulling on my jeans and Vans and a crop top plain black. Making my way back to the kitchen I smiled as ez served me up breakfast placing a plate in front of me "Thank you" I smiled and he sat next to me smiling. We both ate in a peaceful silence till we both finished I washed the dishes and cleaned up. After the kitchen was clean we went to the couch to sit and catch up "so what's your plan after this all settles?" Ez said simply I sighed "Well I'll keep the house I cant just sell it but I'll go back to Colorado go back to work live life on how I have" I said sadly he smiled "Just as long as you promise to visit!" He smiled shoving my arm I laughed "of course could never forget you all" I sighed I didnt wanna think about the day I would leave not after I just got here. Ez sensed my uneasy feeling so he grabbed my hand pulling me up "Come on let's go" he smiled "Where?" I questioned "Anywhere let's make the best of your time here" he smiled I agreed so I went to change into some shorts and Vans and a spaghetti strapped shirt. I locked up the house and slid on the helmet getting on the bike wrapping my arms around him as he pulled off. We drove around a bit mostly around our old neighborhood and stuff till ez got the call to go meet the mc at the club house meeting I'm guessing.

We pulled in and I hoped off the bike seeing all the guys gathered I waved a hello and made my way to leticia who was sitting back on a bench. "Hey" she smiled I waved as I sat down next to her "Hows the hangover?" She joked and i laughed "not bad" I said as the boys made there way inside. It was mostly side talk about each other getting to know each other more and more turns out we had some things in common she reminded me of me. It was non stop laughing until andrea showed up "where is angel?" She said looking our way, "there in a meeting right now just started" leticia said quickly and andrea sighed making an ugly face. "About what?" She said sarcastically "Does it look like I know?" Leticia shot back. "It was just a question, besides i wanna know why he gave her a ride home and left me?" She said looking my way. I looked up at her with a sarcastic look on my face "He offered we all friends here" I stated keeping my eyes on her "I'm his girlfriend who are you?" She paused "Nobody" she said angrily I laughed "oh honey I'm the one person you need to watch who you talk to" I said smirking she laughed "I know who you are your the ex that he got tired of" she smiled "who's feelings you trying to hurt?" I laughed in amusement as I looked at leticia who had an amused look on her face. It was the calm before the storm "Why dont you just leave? Thinking you belong here you dont! Why don't you run along and go visit mommy and daddy at the morgue  I'm sure they miss you" she laughed and in that moment I snapped getting up walking to her "what did you just say to me? I snapped I could hear leticia in the back saying shit. "I said drop dead just like your parents" she smirked and that was it my knuckle struck her chin as she stumbled back in shock charging for me and she swung hitting my lip making me taste blood. She swung again I stepped back not in enough time she caught my hair pulling me to the floor as we wrestled back and forth till I was finally on top of her punching her back and forth getting a couple good hits in as she blocked me i could feel blood on my knuckles as i tried to swing again. I was lifted off of her hands around my waist as ez and coco pulled me off and angel and gilly ran to pick her up all the guys surrounding us. "What the hell?" Ez said confused "she hit me first" andrea cried into Angel's shirt as blood ran down her nose "What the fuck" angel said angrily "hey she asked for it talking about jasmine's parents" leticia said defending me. "your bitch cant hit for shit tell her to watch her mouth keep my name out of it!" I said spitting out blood as I walked inside angrily. "What happened?" Bishop said confused "a misunderstanding I'm sorry bishop I know this is the club house" I said in pain my lip split "your fine you work that shit out?" He said handing me a beer as I sighed nodding my head as ez came inside handing me a ice pack sitting next to me "her nose is broke" he smirked and I laughed "good maybe she wont stick it in my business" I said putting the ice on my lip as they laughed "Angel took her to the hospital get it checked out" coco said walking in "damn girl" coco said impressed I laughed as I leaned my head against the wall behind me drinking my beer in silence as everyone chatted among themselves I sat there quietly zoning off into space thinking of calling my boyfriend as I stepped outside and pulled out my phone dialing him letting it ring a couple of times before he picked up. "Shane?" I said hearing noise on the other lane as i kept calling out until i heard an unfamiliar female voice say "stop baby hurry my parents are waiting to meet you we gotta tell them the news about the baby" and him laughing in the background saying "i know babe I cant wait for the appointment" i dont think he realized he picked up but i heard it clear as day he got another girl pregnant. I dropped my phone as it fell to the ground tears forming in my eyes as I fell on the stairs sobbing it wasnt until ez came to check on me that he saw me sobbing and grabbed me hugging me tight as I cried. I asked him to take me home and he did no questions asked as i eventually stop crying once we reached my house I told him what happened he was furious "fucking piece of shit!" He said when I finished "I'm gonna call it a night ez I'll talk to you soon ok?" I half smiled hugging him and going inside I felt numb inside. I walked to shower letting the hot water hit my body as I washed off I stayed in there for a good 45 minutes letting the tears fall I'm sure my eyes where red when i got out but I didn't care as i slipped on a big t shirt and undergarments and made my way down the hall when there was a knock on the door I went to answer seeing someone unexpected "what are you doing here?" I frowned....

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