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Everyone always believes life is some fairytale full of happiness, but its a load of crap. At this point, I had no idea what to do anymore I was lost. Angel refused to communicate with me after I told him he was gonna be a father. Well he avoids me mostly, didn't help with the whole party coming up.

"I can't be a father" Angel said bluntly.
"Angel it's not like we have a choice!" I yelled.
"I ain't ready for no kid!" He said coldly.
"What the fuck is wrong with you Angel your supposed to have my back! I figured I could count on you to help me through this at least" I yelled.
"What do I tell people?!" He yells.
"The whole club knows and they have had my back, so by people you mean adelita?" I yelled.
"This makes shit complicated!" He said frustrated.
"I'll do this shit by my damn self for reals go just go Angel, I'm done!" I yelled shoving him out my door.

We haven't talked much since, sure glares now and then but that's about it. He keeps busy avoiding me, the whole club sees it, says give him time.

"Big day today" Ez smiles.
"Yup, wanna come with?" I smiled.
"And get to see my niece or nephew hell yeah!" Ez said happily.

Slowly walking to my car only to hear a familiar voice.
"Where you going Ez?" Angel questioned.
"I'm going to be a uncle Angel" Ez said glaring at Angel.
"Whatever" Angel sighed.

It didn't bother me much anymore his comments, I learned to ignore it. If he wanted to be a dad he knew how, if not I wasn't gonna beg him. We got into the car and slowly started driving towards the doctor. We arrived about 30 minutes later, walking in a signed in. We sat anxiously in the waiting room till the doctor called.

"How you doing Ms. Perez" The nurse smiled checking my vitals again.
"I'm doing great" I smiled
"I'm gonna run the blood test for the gender yes?" She smiled.
I nodded, she pulled out some needles and tubes and drew my blood.

Once She finished up and escorted us to a room.

"Boy or girl?" Ez asked smiling.
"Boy" I smiled hopeful.
"Me too!" He smiled.

A few moments later the doctor walked in.
"Hello Ms. Perez, everything looks good let's have a look" She smiled.
Again she put the jelly and grabbed the instrument rolling it over my belly. My little baby appearing on the screen. Of course my baby was bigger now moving a little.

"Baby looks good, let's hear that heartbeat" She smiled.

Moments later the baby's heartbeat filled the room. I looked Ez who had a smile on his face. Staring at the baby, part of me wished Angel could see.

"We should be getting the blood results soon for gender we can give you a call" The doctor smiled.
"Sounds perfect" I smiled.

We walked back to the car all smiles.
"Should we tell pop?" Ez smiled.
"Yes lets!" I smiled excitedly.

I'm sure he is gonna be extremely happy" Ez smiled.

We drove in silence over to his home, it had been awhile since I even stepped foot inside back when Angel and I Were together. Marisol always so happy to see me, Her and Felipe sitting at the table drinking their coffee smiles on their faces. As we pulled into the drive way, I frowned a little knowing marisol wouldn't be there in the way I hoped. As we shut the doors walking inside, Ez smiled knocking on the door before we walked inside. Felipe brewing some coffee smile on his face when he saw us.

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