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A few weeks passed, I was beginning to get even more morning sickness. I did my best to hide it, most of everyone wouldn't of even guessed. Today seemed fairly normal, I was doing my usual inventory. Most of the guys took time watching over me since the shooting.

"Princesa" Bishop called.
"What's going on?" I smiled.
"How you holding up?" He smiled.
"I'm alright bish, no need to worry" I said looking over my papers.
"Come inside, you can help me with this other paperwork" He said moving his head directing me to the door.

We walked in silence, approaching the chambers, were the meeting's usually are. He sat at the head of the table and I followed sitting beside him.

"Do me a favor, look over these" Bishop smiled.

I nodded my head, as I began looking over them I couldn't help but think about this pregnancy. I had my first appointment tomorrow and I knew that one of the guys would escort me. I had to say something maybe they could help me hide it from Angel.

"Hey, um bishop can I be honest?" I sighed.
He looked up at me confused before he spoke.
"What's going on?" He asked.
"It's nothing bad, I just um.. I found something out at the hospital and I don't know what to do" I paused looking up at him.
"Bish, I'm pregnant" I said biting my lip.
"Are you serious princesa?" He replied.

I just nodded my head not looking up I could feel the tears well up in my eyes. Bishop grabbed my hand softly. I looked up and he had a smile on his face.

"That's a blessing j, it's nothing to be ashamed of either. I'm happy for you" He smiled.
I wiped my falling tears before I spoke
"I have a appointment tomorrow, was wondering if maybe Ez or You could accompany me?" I smiled
"Angel?" Bishop sighed.
I nodded my head and frowned.
"I haven't exact told him bish, he ain't gonna be to happy and with his little circle of women now isn't the time" I frowned.

Bishop nodded understandably "Well, eventually he is gonna get suspicious with just ez taking you. So why don't we tell a few guys and well take turns on the appointments ok?"

"Thanks I appreciate it" I smiled.
"I'll go with you tomorrow, I'll run it by Taza, Hank, and Ez well all take turns but as far as yard and outside things that don't involve that well I gotta put him on watching you to" He said firmly.
"It's about your protection you understand" Bishop smiled.
I smiled "Agreed".

We sat there for awhile making conversation and doing paperwork. A knock on the door stopped my thoughts, and in walked Angel. He looked at me and quickly looked away.

"Bish, we found something looks like someone's ex-boyfriend is still in town" Angel said firmly.

"You know where he is?" Bishop asked.
"No got someone looking into it" Angel replied.
"Keep me in the loop, I want you all to make sure she is safe no fuck ups" Bishop said coldly.
"Don't let the princesa out of sight you got it" Angel said casually.
"Adelita?" Bishop asked.
"She is safe under our watch" He replied.
"Good, where's boy scout?" Bishop asked.
"Out back" Angel replied.
"I want him on adelita, you are to stay here today and keep watch understood?" Bishop said firmly.
Angel nodded I dare not meet his glaze.

"Bish, all this is good to go I'm gonna go check with chucky see how everything is" I smiled getting up.
"Thanks muneca for you help" Bishop smiled.

I smiled and grab some papers before exiting quickly my shoulder bumping into Angel as I moved passed him. I sighed taking in a deep breath walking outside. As I approached chucky I saw Angel step outside, he lit up a cigarette and made his way towards Ez.

"Here you are chucky, all done take these and file them" I smiled.
"I'm on it" chucky smiled.

I smiled and walked towards the front of the clubhouse, I stopped dead in my tracks when I noticed andrea storming towards the back. Part of me wanted to laugh, and I did when Ez came running to the front.

"Fuck that" Ez laughed.
"What?" I smiled.
"Andrea giving it to Angel, pretty sure he is gonna leave her though with adelita back" Ez sighed.

I'm not sure why that stung but it did. I brushed it off quickly before responding.

"She knows about adelita?" I questioned.
"Yeah, Angel admitted he was still strung on her when they first met" He shook his head.
"I'm surprised he didn't tell you, they might right before he got arrested.." Ez frowned realizing what he said.

I looked at him confused, is that where he was that night? I felt my stomach drop.
"I'm sorry I thought you knew" Ez frowned.
"It's not your fault, you didn't lie" I sighed.

Just as he was about to speak, you could see Andrea and Angel approaching. She was screaming and yelling so was angel. I stood there next to Ez arms crossed.

"Fuck you Angel!" Andrea yelled.
"Leave Drea!" Angel yelled back.
"Go run back to your dumb ex" Andrea yelled. She quickly caught us looking and smirked.
"Did Angel ever tell you the reason he was arrested, yeah he was into the drugs and guns but you know who he met all those nights?" Andrea laughed.
"Drea shut the fuck up?" Angel yelled.
"Adelita, she was the bosses partner, that's why he spent late nights and why he said he didn't love you he told me the whole story so fuck him jasmine he never cared about either of us!" Andrea said storming off.

I stood there hurt all over my face, Angel began cursing to himself. I felt tears well up, damn hormones. Ez was quick to hug me rubbing my back. I looked up and saw Angel sadness in his eyes as he stared at me.

"Look I gotta go before bishop sees me here still, but you stay in your room till I get back if you have too ok? Ez whispered.

I nodded, I began walking inside and Ez departed towards Angel and the bikes. Luckily bishop didn't hear the ruckus and most of the clubhouse was empty while everyone was on runs. I didn't want the pity looks, I quickly walked into my room and locked the door behind me. I let the tears fall slowly, they weren't lying when they said the truth hurts.

I lost count of how long I laid there crying, seemed like hours. I finally decided to get up making my way to the restroom to wash my face. I looked over my appearance and frowned, how was I gonna do this? There was a knock at the door interrupting my thoughts, i sighed making my way over to open the door. I frown at the sight of who it was, trying to shut my door with no luck.

"Leave" I sighed.
"Please, can we talk? I brought you your favorite burger" Angel pleaded.
"Only because I'm hungry" I groaned snatching the bag and going to sit on my bed.

I began opening my burger as Angel made his way towards my bed. He sat down cautiously knowing I was upset. He frowned looking at me, probably because I'd been crying.

"Have you been crying?" He sighed.
"Well yeah, how would you feel if you thought someone loved you and the entire time had some side bitch" I laughed.
"It doesn't even matter now" I sighed.
"I never wanted to lie to you, call me a piece of shit back then I deserve that shit maybe even now but last thing I ever wanted was you hurt" He sighed.

"I think it's a little to late for the hurt part, look I dont care what you do or who the hell your with it's not my concern. But let that be the last time you play me for stupid, I can't believe I was stupid enough to sleep with you again!" I said looking up at him.

He stood quiet for a moment as I ate my burger.
"You weren't stupid, we were drunk and let's be honest ever since you came back my head fucks with me. I can't stop thinking about shit, then I get put on this stupid run and shit gets fucked." He sighs
"Look sure maybe one day we can forgive but right now I dont see it happening, I wanna forgive you so bad Angel but I need time" I frowned.
"I get it, I'm still here whenever your ready we can hopefully put this behind us I miss having you around man!" He sighed.
"I want us to at least be good again" He said looking at me.
"I want alot of things too but let's go one day at a time alright?" I sighed
He nodded his head sending me a small playful smile.
"Thanks for the burger. Can't believe you remembered " I laughed.
"Well your hard to forget, besides i know you love that meat" He said winking at my jokingly.

I laughed swatting him with my pillow. As I stared at him I realized how was he gonna react to the pregnancy? What would he say? Would he even be there?. All these thoughts going crazy in my head, I had to tell him eventually I just didn't know how! Mine and his birthday was next week, maybe I could say something then? Or not. How could I possibly bring this up?.. I was terrified.

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