Chapter 9 - Promise of a Toad

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Disclaimer: Naruto and every character of the Naruto universe belongs to Kishimoto Masashi and companies I don't know.

Original upload date: 26/02/2013

Last update: NA

Chance for a Prophecy

Chapter 9. – Promise of a Toad

The breeze was slowly stroking the grass on the training ground in the forenoon sunlight, forcing the living sea to wave gracefully like the never ending emerald ocean. At the shores of the green sea, four figures were sitting next to a cliff, waiting impatiently for the remaining member of the team to finally appear.

"I told you to grab him at his home!" Toroku muttered behind his folded arms, which were rested on his tucked knees. Minato only rolled his eyes in response.

"We could start without him. Kakashi can wait. You promised me a spar Aniki."

"I didn't."

"Yes you did!"


"If you're going to continue this, then I'm going to place you two under a genjutsu until Kakashi arrives. Jeez. Act your age," Jiraiya muttered in the background while Rin's soft chuckle could be heard behind the irritated blond teen. Toroku only muttered something incoherent in response and pulled out a scroll, ink and a soft calligraphy brush from his vest's pouch.

"What are you doing?" Minato leaned over his shoulder to examine the open scroll in his lap.

"I'm bored and I want to finish this seal."

"Another barrier seal?"

"Sort of..." Jiraiya raised an eyebrow and moved closer to sneak a peek at the scroll.

"That's a trap..." The toad sennin had stated calmly and pointed toward the patters with a grimace on his face.

"And it won't work with this wonky design." Toroku narrowed his eyes and turned toward the sannin.

"It will...I'm not an amateur. Why is the pervert even here?" Jiraiya snorted and turned away from the blond, sulking like a five year old.

"To watch you spar..." Minato slowly shook his head but his eyes were fixed on the fine design. It was unusual as almost all of his previous works, but he was certain that would work. A confused expression appeared on his fine features when his eyes moved to the upper part of the design.

"What will it do with the captives?" Toroku made a cocky smile and turned back to his scroll.

"It will suck their chakra coils dry."

"Then why do you use the lightning here and there? It makes no sense to me." Minato had pointed to several parts of the seal frowning in his confusion.

"That is for a little surprise," he stated with a wicked tone chuckling to himself and earning a raised eyebrow from Jiraiya. Minato slowly stroked his chin eyeing the design carefully from stroke to stroke, lost in his thoughts for a long minute.

"I see now...That is quite a massive trap." Toroku only shrugged, then suddenly flung his head to the side.

"It was really time for that." Toroku muttered and quickly took away his sealing kit and moved a few steps away from the others. Jiraiya raised an eyebrow and his mouth fall open when next to Toroku, Kakashi appeared with a Sunshin and he was immediately greeted with a snap on his crown.

"You are late!" Kakashi rubbed his throbbing head and sent an angry look to Toroku while he moved toward the small group, greeting everyone around.

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