Chapter 32 - Before the maelstrom

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Disclaimer: Naruto and every character of the Naruto universe belongs to Kishimoto Masashi and companies I don't know.

Applause goes for my precious beta readers: ImaginationJunkie1412, Duesal Bladesinger, Minatochan2 and also a big thank you for the Awesome Authors Coalition members.

Original upload date:10th of October 2015

Last update:

Chance for a Prophecy

Chapter 32. – Before the maelstrom

Peace is contradictory by its very nature. People long for it. They speak out to stop the fighting and violence, all in the name of peace. At this very moment, the finest shinobi of the village hidden in the leaves were preparing to march into a battle for it. The greatest irony was that peace was something that must be protected through violence. For the sake of their future, of their children and altogether for the sake of the whole shinobi world, sometimes you had to be a hypocrite.

Konoha envoys had spread all across the elemental nations to call shinobi into battle, asking the Kage for their champions to support the fight against a common enemy whose final goal was to steal all the bijuu and shove the word into a never-ending genjutsu. Minato carefully elected not to share more details than were absolutely necessary, but he still provided enough information for the Kage to at least consider his request.

Strangely, the shinobi world answered the call. Fighters came from all five nations, if not armies then at least the strongest their lands were able to offer.

It wasn't because Ohnoki had let go of his currently dormant hatred, but because Kitsuchi had volunteered. Nor did the Raikage overcome his stubbornness, but Bee was just more stubborn than him this time. The Kazekage sent a whole squad without even asking anything, hoping to repay the debt he owed to Minato and his brother.

All of this was possible because of a single man. Because of the bonds he made, the friendships and alliances he had been building all over the nations during the last eleven months since Uzumaki Naruto had crashed into the era. It wasn't the Allied Shinobi Forces nor even a union, but it was a great step toward it. For the first time since shinobi walked the Earth, the great nations would fight together and not against each other for selfish goals like land, power, or resources. This time they would fight for the sake of the future kings, the children from Iwa, Suna, Kumo, Kiri, and even the smaller countries.

Weapons tinkled as honing stones skimmed on their surfaces in the otherwise silent room under the Hokage tower. The shinobi sharpened them to a keen edge to effortlessly slice even a falling silk scarf. Countless kunai slipped into pouches silently to take their places next to hundreds of smoke, flash, and who knows what kinds of bombs.

At the highest floor of the tower, Naruto, Minato, Jiraiya and Sarutobi prepared for the battle in their own way; by going over every small detail the time traveller could provide about Obito's abilities and strategy over and over again.

Naruto rubbed his face and let out a deep growl, but halfway it morphed into a tired sigh as fatigue overcame him. Telling them everything he could remember repeatedly was pushing him beyond his limits. And he'd definitely been at his limits for the past few hours, continuously balancing on the thin line that separated his logical and emotional mind.

Recalling a past that he wasn't keen to recall... it felt like a kunai shoved into his heart to even remember some of those events, but talking about the techniques and how they killed his comrades during the war was like a twist with that kunai with every single sentence. He struggled against remembering the details they were so eager to know about. The only thing that restrained him from shouting "No more!" was the belief that this intel would save their lives.

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