Chapter 31 - The Keyword is Teamwork

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Disclaimer: Naruto and every character of the Naruto universe belongs to Kishimoto Masashi and companies I don't know.

Applause goes for my precious beta readers: ImaginationJunkie1412, Duesal Bladesinger, Minatochan2 and also a big thank you for the Awesome Authors Coalition members.

Original upload date: 22th of December 2014

Last update:

Chance for a Prophecy

Chapter 31. – The Keyword is Teamwork

Before Naruto stilled and rolled to the other side of the bed one last time, the orange covered diary was back in its previous place. The blond slowly cracked his eyelids open as an impudent sun beam slipped through the heavy curtain's gap to land directly on his closed eyes. It happily bounced on his face, disturbing his formerly peaceful sleep.

An annoyed groan bubbled out of him when his eyelashes slowly fluttered open, and the beam stabbed into his irises. Naruto immediately turned, covering his whole head with his best weapon against the sun: his pillow. However, soon something cold and wet intruded under his warm cover.

Naruto peered out from his shelter, tracing back the thin, black line to the source: a toppled ink bottle. He immediately bolted from his bed only to land face down on the hard wooden floor. With an annoyed grunt, he slowly rose, nursing his throbbing forehead before snatching the almost empty bottle to put it back in its proper place under his night lamp.

His eyebrows crinkled when he noticed that something was off. He was pretty sure that he hadn't switched it off, but the lightbulb was definitely dark now. Scratching his head, he shrugged off the dilemma, before heading into the bathroom, grabbing a towel from his chair on the way. Who cared? He had more important things to concentrate on. For example: breakfast.

Our time traveller happily munched his early breakfast. His mother sat at his right, his father opposite to them. The sweet smell of freshly baked pancakes lingered around his nose, then moved further until it reached every single corner of the house, only to turn back where it came from with increased power.

His lips instantly turned upward when the smell stroked his nostrils once more. It was as he had always imagined. Having a real family and enjoying breakfast together. Sharing small smiles, chatting about general things. Having Jiraiya's face plastered on their window with a goofy smile...


An annoyed grunt sneaked out from Naruto as his godfather leaned closer to the glass, his skin touching the surface, and to add more to the already abstract scene, he started knocking on it continuously. A low growl bubbled out from Kushina as Minato let out a sigh, strolling to the window to let in their newest companion.

"I hope it's important," Kushina hissed between her clenched teeth, threateningly fingering the handle of a sharp knife as the toad summoner hopped next to her, already grabbing a dry piece of toast.

"Of course it is," Jiraiya assured her, simultaneously spraying crumbs across the table, to Kushina's displeasure. Her grip tightened around the handle, something that didn't go unnoticed by Minato. To save the day—or most likely the sennin's balls—he stepped in.

"Why are you here, sensei?"

The named man finished his toast with a loud gulp and oiled his dry throat with a sip of coffee that he had snatched out from under Minato's nose. "To steal my godson and..." Clearing his throat, he finished the whole cup before continuing. "... And you."

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