Chapter 20 - Inside The Snake Pit

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She always leaned to watch for us

Anxious if we were late,

In winter by the window,

In summer by the gate.

And though we mocked her tenderly

Who had such foolish care,

The long way home would seem more safe,

Because she waited there.

Her thoughts were all so full of us,

She never could forget,

And so I think that where she is

She must be watching yet.

Waiting 'til we come home to her

Anxious if we are late

Watching from Heaven's window

Leaning from Heaven's gate.

The Watcher

by Margaret Widdemer

My grandmother has passed away. So in the name of her memory I would like to ask you to stand up, embrace and kiss your own, and tell her that you love her. If she lives on the other side of the country pick up your phone and call her. It doesn't matter if it's midnight. She will listen to you. Sit down, listen to her stories, to her jokes, to her advice and wisdom or just ask for a recipe from her.

It will make her happy.

Treasure the times when you were just sitting together, laughing and joking. Remember her stories. Memorize her soft smile when she looks at you with unconditional love. Carve that picture into your soul. That is the way I'm always going to remember her. Her last cheeky remark that she told me with that soft smile on her wrinkled face.

The last time I saw her, I stepped out of the house after one last glance in the knowledge that I'll never see her again. She was sick and weak, but you know what? She just laughed and waved her head dismissively when she saw the tears in my eyes. She just laughed at me then in the end we laughed together.

Remember the happy times. Always. Never forget her, because she will patiently wait for you, watching over your every step.

I will never forget her.

Disclaimer: Naruto and every character of the Naruto universe belongs to Kishimoto Masashi and companies, I don't know.

I would like to ask a burst of applause for my fantastic beta readers: ImaginationJunkie1412, Ano-Hitori-Chichi, BethZ and Skyisthelimit.

Original upload date: 13. October 2013

Last update:

Chance for a Prophecy

Chapter 20. – Inside The Snake Pit

Naruto immediately shook the icy hand from his shoulder when he felt solid ground under his feet again, twisting to the side. However, his graceful movement faltered as he bumped into a long wooden table slumping under papers, files. Scrolls, flasks and an insurmountable number of various glass vials filled with colorful liquids. Naruto's heart rate increased as he received a sudden rush of adrenalin when his eyes met with an unidentifiable creature's body in a big glass cylinder, motionlessly floating in a yellowish liquid.

"Still jumpy around me...I'll take that as a compliment."

"Where are we?" He wanted to ask the fox in his mindscape, but the question slipped out from his mouth aloud as he turned around to face the Sannin.

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