Chapter 27 - Fox in the Rain

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Disclaimer: Naruto and every character of the Naruto universe belongs to Kishimoto Masashi and companies, I don't know.

Applause goes for my precious beta readers: ImaginationJunkie1412, Duesal10 and Minatochan2

Original upload date: 24th of February

Last update:

Chance for a Prophecy

Chapter 27. – Fox in the Rain

"Naruto." A vicious growl bubbled out from Naruto's sore throat as the only answer. "Naruto,listen."

"Shut up," he spat into his empty room. He had finally retreated after Kakashi's outburst on the street, but he couldn't get rid of the booming voice inside his mind as Kurama continued to call for him. Eventually, he gave up, and when he next opened his azure pools, he was face to face with the beast itself. His crimson eyes warily observed the tensed boy in front of him who refused to meet with his gaze.

"Naruto, listen to me." An odd sound rushed out from Naruto's throat in response. It was something between a snort, a pained sob and a sarcastic laugh. He still locked his gaze on the soft grass in front of him, but soon, he slowly raised his head, and the ancient old bijuu couldn't restrain a flinch. His jailor's every emotion was unmercifully shoved at him at once when their piercing pools met. They were there, bare and naked. The sorrow. The disappointment. The betrayal. And finally, the doubt and distrust.

"The last time I listened to you, an innocent girl died because of my decision." Naruto spat out the words like they were the acid that had been burning his throat until then.

"What?" Kurama's eyes suddenly widened as he comprehended Naruto's words. "You think Rin died because of you?"

"No." Naruto's expression suddenly hardened to ice cold steal. His disdainful and accusing glare pierced through the fox's heart but he didn't raise his voice. But it would have been better if Naruto started shouting because his cold tone sent a shiver down Kurama's spine. "I think Rin died because of you. You were the one who told me to confess. She went to that place because I told her that Obito was still alive! She wouldn't even be there if you hadn't forced me to tell her everything! She died because of you!"

"This is nonsense!" Kurama raised his head as he boomed, his voice viciously echoing in the slowly darkening mindscape. "You really want to blame someone? Blame Uchiha Madara! It was he who ignited the flames of war, he who made the great shinobi villages dance to his tune!"

"Blaming you or Madara... it doesn't matter. Can't you see that everything is happening again? Kakashi was right! Everybody keeps on dying around me! First Rin, the next will be my parents, then Jiji, Neji, Bee, Tsunade-baachan, Gaara, and everyone else! I let my guard down, and look what happened!"

"You can't save everybody!"

"I have to! I promised that I'd break the circle of hatred! Look what it's done to Rin! She died because of some pointless vengeance! I have to do something to end this madness! They believed in me! All of them! Jiraiya, my father and Nagato. They entrusted it to me—"

"You're not a God! You can't shoulder everything on your own!"

"I couldn't save Rin! All of this was for nothing! Obito will turn into Tobi! How could I prevent all those things if I wasn't even able to save Rin? I've failed..." Naruto's voice suddenly became weak, and his anger was gone in a heartbeat.

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