Chapter 10 - Inside a Sandcastle

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Disclaimer: Naruto and every character of the Naruto universe belongs to Kishimoto Masashi and companies I don't know.

Original upload date: 08/03/2013

Last update: NA

Chance for a Prophecy

Chapter 10. – Inside a sandcastle

The Sun was high above the horizon, sending hot beams toward the already weary team. Toroku turned around resting his eyes on the landscape. Sand was everywhere he looked. The incessant wind carved extreme forms into the soft silky sand, building dunes and enormous mountains from the infinite supply of material. The variation of small waves and high dunes never left the horizon. Only one or two abstract cliffs raised above the golden sea, interrupting the soft curves on the horizon. Toroku turned his head to the other side, now very grateful for his mask as he saw his teammates walking against the wind with squinted eyes. He started to miss the green color of nature. They were marching for two days in the golden dust, but aside from a few thousand years old trees and some cacti here and there he couldn't spot any vegetation.

He finally spotted something in the distance. Something which was definitely not sand and definitely not the craft of nature. It was somehow too straight, too regular, but still not industrial. He narrowed his eyes and stopped walking, eying the thin and straight line on the horizon. Jiraiya turned toward the blond and nodded.

"Those are the walls which surrounds Sunagakure no Sato. We are almost there. It's about time, one more night in this dessert and I'll go berserk."

A shiver ran through the white haired sannin and Toroku smiled back at him in understanding. However, he really like the nights out in the desert. As the soft sand encompassed his body from the outside, the warm inside the sleeping bag, while the outside world became cold. Somehow, for him, these extreme differences felt familiar, nice. And when he glanced up to the night sky, nothing bothered his sight during his star watch. Toroku let out a weary sigh and closed his exhausted eyes. He hadn't really slept since they stepped into the desert, and when he finally fell asleep he was wondering again in that sewer. He leaned down and slowly stroked his hands through the silky sand, enjoying as the small grains flow out from his palm, pulled by the gravity or picked up by the always blowing wind when he lifted his hands.

"I know this place..." Jiraiya narrowed his eyes and turned back to Toroku.

"Memories?" The teen only shook his head and he leaned down again, gently stroking the sand, like a children playing in the sandbox. A warm smile ran across his face and he closed his eyes, enjoying once more the feeling as the sand ran across his gentle fingers. He finally let out a sigh and straightened himself to turn to his curious companion. Jiraiya in the end only nodded and waved to Toroku to catch up with the others. He slowly turned around again to glance one last time at the endless dunes, than jogged toward the small group.

They reached the walls of Suna after two hours, and Toroku's feelings that he is in a familiar place increased continuously with each step as they closed the distance between them and the walls. There were no doors, but several guards glanced at them with a suspicious look, especially giving high heed to Jiraiya and Toroku. When they almost reached the entrance, a jonin jumped down in front of them, holding up a hand. The small team stayed calm, but still ready to jump if necessary. Jiraiya stepped ahead to the jonin, and handed a small scroll to the shinobi.

"We are escorting a political envoy from Konoha. You can find every detail in the scroll, so if you will let us pass through the gates...We have an appointment with your Kazekage."

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