Chapter 11 - Legacy

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Disclaimer: Naruto and every character of the Naruto universe belongs to Kishimoto Masashi and companies I don't know.

Applause goes for my precious Beta reader: ImaginationJunkie1412.

Original upload date: 14/03/2013

Last update:

Chance for a Prophecy

Chapter 11. – Legacy

The days and weeks went by with insane speed since they had returned from Suna. The peace talks with the other nations were going better than anyone would have expected. The fights and battles settled down at the borders, and the incidents between the nations had been limited to politics and battles of words inside offices and meeting rooms. Toroku let out a weary sigh when he thought back to why he was even sitting here for hours.

Despite the national conflicts outside calming down, his inner struggle only becoming stronger and stronger. He was drowning again in his dream, however the door still held out, despite the increasing number of cracks and salience on its rusty surface. That dream avoided him for a while after they returned from Suna, but in the last week it appeared again with a force never before.

Toroku glanced over the sleeping village under his feet from the top of Minato's newly carved head on the Hokage monument. It was almost three months since he had actually gotten into the everyday life of Konoha, a little bit more than two months since he became a shinobi of the village. They had taken several missions, mostly similar to his first, transferring reports and supplies to the borders and to other guard post all over Fire country. But some missions which were not connected to the war were starting to appear, and sometimes he helped in tracking with other teams, however they were rare occasions.

A satisfied smile ran across his face as the first beams of the sun reached the top of his head, and slowly, almost invisibly moved down on his sitting frame, warming up his body. The village gently starting to wake up, he already could smell the sweet scent of the fresh bakery products. An ANBU squad leaped from rooftop to rooftop, in the direction of the village gates, probably already leaving for a mission.

"They're leaving pretty early Cat-chan." A silhouette of a kunoichi stepped out from the shadows of one of the Yondaime's spikes and sat down next to the smiling young chuunin.

He already knew most of the ANBU who were still assigned to watch over him and he gave up the continuous pranking on them. Well, mostly. The devil never sleeps and there was no way he would miss a perfect opportunity just screaming for his awesomeness. He still wasn't completely used to the feeling of continually being followed, but he came to terms with it, and also with the weekly checkups with Inoichi. They also started to meet on the weekends, forming something that could not yet be called friendship. He knew that it was for everyone's safety, and he couldn't deny that sometimes he was thankful to Sarutobi, regardless of his annoyance, that he didn't let down the surveillance despite Minato's request. In the end Minato didn't go against his sensei's last will as the Third Hokage, however he would be able to. He was the new Hokage after all. But Toroku knew that his brother respected the old man enough not to do that and he didn't complain anymore.

"How long will you stay here Toroku-kun?" The teen only shrugged, not looking back to his masked companion.

"Dunno. I like to wait until the streets start to become crowded." He let out a satisfied moan as he stretched his arms behind his back and leaned on them.

"I saw you yesterday in the jewelry." The ANBU flung her head to the side and narrowed her purple eyes under the mask.

"Relax. I only saw your back. But I recognized your scent. You shouldn't wear that robe, you got a nice butt." A furious snort left the girl as she immediately got up and moved back to the shadows, cursing and muttering under her mask.

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