Chapter 21- Two foxes, a crow and a hawk

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Disclaimer: Naruto and every character of the Naruto universe belongs to Kishimoto Masashi and companies, I don't know.

I would like to ask a burst of applause for my fantastic beta readers: ImaginationJunkie1412, BethZ, Ano-Hitori-Chichi and Skyisthelimit.

Original upload date: 26th of October 2013

Last update:

Chance for a Prophecy

Chapter 21. – Two foxes, a crow and a hawk

It had been six hours by the time the last of the medics left the caves together with the last remaining survivor of Orochimaru's hidden activity, and another six more since the meeting had been started. The council was silent, despite everyone's shock, storms of indignation, disbelief, denial and even utter confusion.

All of the members were dragged out from their beds, requesting their immediate presence. None of the clan leaders knew any details about what had exactly happened. Just the fact that someone had killed the legendary sannin. Most likely the one who had anonymously charged the blond time traveler was desperate enough to pull out this tantrum, without full knowledge of the situation.

Even the always loud Jiraiya sat quietly in one of the room's corners, his gaze locked in front of him unfocused. The rare occasions he regained his composure were when he glanced toward the blond teen from time to time, carefully avoiding Naruto's eyes.

Jiraiya locked his feelings behind a wall and he struggled between his own emotions, trying to deal with the lost and betrayal of his friend, and shifting between feelings of anger against his murderer and fear for Toroku's life.

But Naruto wouldn't be fooled by his teacher's calm shell. He knew perfectly well Orochimaru was one of Jiraiya's best friends. He was one of his precious people, and he killed him. It was him who killed him. Guilt rose inside his chest from time to time as he also snuck peeks at his godfather when he wouldn't notice.

Soon, the court wasn't about him, his treason or his murder. It was about Orochimaru and what he had done. At the beginning of the sudden trial most members sent warning glances toward him, even Inoichi eyed him more carefully than ever. Only the Nara clan head and Uchiha Fugaku watched him with calm, but still calculating eyes, sharingan flared into life from time to time. Even Kurama was dead silent, observing the situation without a word.

Naruto finished his report an hour ago, carefully leaving out some of the sensitive things. Like how Orochimaru had blackmailed him and exactly how he was able to win a battle against one of the Sannins. It was surprisingly easy even for him. He didn't have to face Jiraiya or Minato, it was Danzo who asked the questions, trying to twist everyone against him. Lying into the face of that bastard was miles easier than lying to his parent and godfather. The false words slipped from his lips so easily that even he was afraid of himself for a blink before he pushed the thought away.

He was adamant that it was the old War Hawk who informed the council. It was a desperate and rash decision from Danzo. Even if he don't know much about the man, he was perfectly sure that behind his calm and emotionless shell, he was screaming inside his head because of his own stupid and desperate step. But Naruto felt that he was missing something very important.

Naruto just half listened as a shinobi was listing the already processed evidence against the once cheered Sannin. The uncountable number of corpses they had found in another place in the middle of Konoha had been discovered thanks to the only survivor's statement. Somehow the small boy, Tenzo, was able to provide some important details pointing out the lab's whereabouts when Orochimaru moved him to his new "accommodation".

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