Chapter 28 - Cloudlight

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Disclaimer: Naruto and every character of the Naruto universe belongs to Kishimoto Masashi and companies, I don't know.

Applause goes for my precious beta readers: ImaginationJunkie1412, Duesal10 and Minatochan2

Original upload date: 1th of March

Last update:

Chance for a Prophecy

Chapter 28. – Cloudlight

Sarutobi Hiruzen silently ran his eyes through the small apartment. Even two weeks after the funeral, Minato hadn't gotten the courage to pack and clean Nohara Rin's place. Everything was left untouched, and only the thin layer of dust indicated that the place had been abandoned.

The Third walked into the bedroom, his eyes drifting from place to place until they settled on the small desk in the corner. His gaze lingered on the lines of medical scrolls placed in tidy piles, but his eyes caught a glimpse of a scroll that was out of place. It didn't have a title, and it was tucked deep under the mess. However, the edge of the paper was worn-out like it was used daily.

He carefully slipped it out from under the rest and immediately unrolled it. It was a general storage scroll.

He had arrived back from his training trip just in time to attend the funeral. However, he wasn't close to the girl, but as a once Hokage, he felt that it was his duty to attend, just like with the loss of every single shinobi during his reign.

So, how did he find himself inside the locked apartment of a dead comrade? He was driven by his curiosity. His wife did tell him that the girl was looking for an audience before her death. But he pushed it aside in favour for other topics until now. But the nudging feeling never stopped. The girl wanted to tell him something important, especially if she hadn't turned to Minato nor Jiraiya.

Sarutobi furrowed his brow and channeled some chakra into the closing seal. It wasn't a fancy design, just a regular one you could've bought at every single shinobi shop if you had the money for it. The seal immediately obeyed, releasing it's contents in an instant. The small puff of smoke cleared, revealing a lonely sheet of paper as it's only content. It was just plain notepaper, the edge jagged as it was torned out from a notebook. But the Third immediately recognized the tidy handwriting. The perfect strokes, the unswerving lines... He had supervised his late student for years until he reached that level.

Hiruzen studied it for a long minute, disregarding his suddenly loud heartbeat and re-reading what was before him over and over again. His eyes were wide and confused as soon he realized what was in his hands. He released his grip on the storage scroll, and it rolled to the farthest corner of the room with a loud thud, stirring up the soft dust on its way. Millions of dust motes danced slowly and sparkled in the sunlight, but Sarutobi's gaze was unfocused.

He stood there motionless, while gears turned in his head, dots connected with insane speed and more and more parts of the jigsaw clicked into place. A puzzle that hadn't let him rest ever since a blond boy crashed into the village.

Yamanaka Inoichi was shocked beyond words when Konoha's fastest messenger hawk knocked hurriedly on his window with its sharp beak. It didn't waste any time because as soon as the mind reader opened the window, the hawk turned to reveal the small brown package on it's back with an immediate summon from his Hokage to Konoha's Torture and Interrogation headquarter.

When he stepped into the room, he was directed and found himself face to face with Minato. He almost made a step backward. The look on his Hokage, on his friend, was the perfect mask of immense betrayal that painted dark rings under his blue eyes.

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