Chapter 35 - Chance for a Prophecy

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Disclaimer: Naruto and every character of the Naruto universe belongs to Kishimoto Masashi and companies I don't know.

Applause goes for my precious beta reader and friend: Duesal Bladesinger and also a big thank you for the Awesome Authors Coalition members.

Original upload date: 13th of August 2017

Last update:

Chance for a Prophecy

Chapter 35. – Chance for a Prophecy

A harsh, bloodcurdling roar ripped through the air, shaking the rocks and churning the shallow water with its sheer force. Ivory spears so huge they dwarfed houses flung upward to smash down and dig into the earth where a woman with flaming red hair lay helplessly. Only a moment before the claws could pierce her, a flash of gold appeared in front of her to snatch her away from certain death.

Time slowed as Minato grabbed his exhausted wife's shoulder, fingers biting into her flesh as he hauled her off the ground. He stared up at the approaching claws, noting their rough surface, the deep slashes that scarred them, each gash deeper than his own head, the tips still as sharp as needles. Chakra flickered in his gut, and he was about to teleport away when there was another flash of gold. He dimly realized that the enormous claws had stopped mere moments before they would have skewered them both.

He blinked, glancing down at his wife, then up at the blazing silhouette suddenly in front of him.

It was a young man with hair that moved like fire, his entire body wreathed in golden light, a coat made of the same brilliant gold flipped over his shoulder. Minato blinked again and realized in a haze that it was all pure chakra, denser than anything he could even imagine. And it showed. What power... The young man was holding back the Kyuubi's wrath with a single raised arm. With a small movement of the hand, the Kyuubi was forced back, its body plugging a straight line into the landscape, devastating miles of the thick woods.

The demon leaped back to its feet in an instant, but then, to Minato's utter bafflement, the ground flashed in gold under the fox and it was frozen in place.

The stranger held up one of his fingers and shook it like he was simply scolding the Kyuubi for bad behavior. "Down!" he barked, and Minato watched with wide eyes as several giant torii gates appeared. They slammed against the Kyuubi, pinning all of its limbs, the ground shaking as its body was smashed down.

"Good boy. Now wake up, Kurama." A flick of the man's fingers, another flash of gold under the bijuu, and the burning red hellfire of the fox's eyes dimmed even as the sea of killing intent surrounding it paused, almost in confusion. The whirling tomoes surrounding its pupils first slowed, then faded away. The fox blinked, its eyes widened in surprise before they locked on the stranger. It let out a snarl and thrashed against its bindings, but the seal held him tight. After one more violent try, the fox gave up.

"Now, back to business," the stranger muttered, and finally turning around to face them.

Minato observed the man suspiciously. Thick whisker-like marks were on the stranger's cheeks. His eyes were burnished with crossed pupils, and red coloring around his eyes coupled with what Minato knew was nature chakra heralded him as a genuine sage.

The boy nervously shifted from foot to foot under his scrutiny, then seemed to steady himself and sent a wide grin to him and Kushina. The red marking around his eyes faded away, the golden flames flickered around him slower and slower until they gradually died out almost completely, only a single golden flame left lazily swirling on the boy's shoulder.

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