24 Flash Back

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Flash back

April 17th 2015

Millennium Park

It was a bright and sunny day here in Chicago. The morning hours in the city were my favorite because it was a bit quieter than the daytime hours and a lot quieter than the nighttime ones. I had just moved back home due to some medical complications and was in search for a job. I needed the money for medicine and food and books, can't forget my books. But instead of going door to door using my new college degrees or my love for the city to charm my way into a job I don't belong in, I pulled a book out of my bag and decided to stop to read. In one of the busiest parts of one of the busiest cities is where I decided to let time stop for a little. Let life pass me by as I run off to a world of pure imagination.

As I sit there I notice some cloud coverage blocking my reading light, but when I look up I don't see a cloud in the sky. I know there was shade not too long ago but I wasn't sure it was from a cloud. That is until I look up and see a tall man standing there on the sidewalk. He was very handsome and very fit as he towered over me. He stops when he realized that I caught him in his little plan and he turns to me.

I give him a soft smile because he wasn't bothering me. He didn't sit next to me and insert himself into my life without me inviting him in. He didn't seem like the kind of guy who wanted to talk me up and demean me. He was trying to observe me and find things that he liked about me first and I had to respect that for most guys don't have the capabilities to see a girl sitting there and not just sit down next to her. He seemed kind, too kind to be from around here. So I decide to invite him to join me and it turned out to be the best decision of my life.

We sat there and talked for what felt like forever. For once my eyes weren't stuck in some book, instead they were stuck on his eyes that saw me for what I always wanted to be and a kind smile that made my heart skip a beat. Well, more than normal at least. It warmed my soul to see that there was a guy out there who is genuine and so sweet. I can see in his face how he just wanted to be happy. And everything in me wanted me to be the reason he was happy.

So once he offered me a job I jumped all over it. It knocked out two bird with once stone because my mysterious stranger was now my boss and I get to see him all the time. I was pretty happy with how it all went down.

Once we figured out the basics and exchanged numbers we decide to walk for a little. He insisted on carrying my books and I thought to myself "maybe this one was actually different?" We go up to the bean and I look at the world I was in. I see my reflection in it and let out a sigh. I was out here walking around like nothing was wrong, but a lot was and I just couldn't show it. I didn't want to feel weak or be seen as weak. I wanted to be seen as the girl Kris sees me right now and that's all.

"Why can't I get you out of my head" he asked me making me blush. I just turned to him and smiled as I thought of a way to respond.

"Because Kris, some moments in our life aren't meant to be remembered, and some moments we will never forget" I explained.

He nods as he turns to me and moved in a little bit closer. I catch a whiff of his cologne making me smile. "I've never had a moment where I felt like this before" he told me.

"Like what, exactly" I wondered.

"I don't know. Like I'm going to remember every single detail about being here with you. How your eyes sparkle, how your hair is controlled by the wind. How you look like a ray of sunshine and you make my insides all warm. I've never felt like this before" he explained.

"The world works in mysterious ways" I smiled.

"It sure does. Because I came here to play baseball but I'm starting to think I'm going to get so much more than a good baseball career from being here. I mean I've been here for a day and I've met you so that has to mean something, right" he questioned.

"It means you haven't found the more interesting things to do in Chicago" I accused making him laugh.

"I don't know, I find it hard to believe that there's anything better than you" he said making me blush. I look back into the bean and saw the way he looked at me. Not like I was sick and not like I was a victim of a bad heart. Like I mattered. Like I was something that he would be proud of.

And I knew in that moment I didn't want him to know about my heart for a while. I didn't want him to ever know but that was impossible to keep to myself for forever for my heart was set to change my life one way or another. That day I didn't know that what was about to hit me was more than just memories, my whole life was about to change. And there wasn't anything like the love I was about to fall into.

Back in reality things weren't looking so good. They were about to put me into a medically induced coma in the hopes it will let my heart and lungs last a little longer so we would have more time to find what I need. I would be on a breathing machine and a fake heart until they figure out how to fix it or it was too late. So they take the tubes out for a few minutes so I can say goodbye to my family and tell them that I love them.

"You better come back" Landon threatens and I smile. He had his wife on his arm as she looked over me.

"You guys better have a baby to show me when I get back" I threaten and they laugh at me.

"We're gonna miss you lecturing us about using the correct for of "their"" Warren claims and I scoff.

"If you remember anything about me please let it be that. You're never going to find a girlfriend if you don't know how to use them correctly" I joke making him smile.

"I'll remember that" he winks.

My parents give me the water works and as soon as I assure them I'm not leaving quite yet they leave me and Kris be. He just stares at me as he looked me over.

"I'm not going to leave your side" he promised.

"You can't stay" I insist.

"You can't make me leave" he reminds me and I roll my eyes. "I'm not leaving here until you do, remember? I'm going to do everything I can to make sure we find you a heart and that we can still walk around the botanical gardens hand in hand down another beautiful path in our relationship" he promises.

I reach over and cup his face so he has to look me in the eyes. And like the first day we meant I got the feeling that things would work out for us. They had to. "I love you Kris, more than you will ever know" I whisper.

"And I love you, my wildflower."

Wildflower (Kris Bryant)Where stories live. Discover now