22 A Dream Come True

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After I told Kris everything that was going on a lot had changed. I knew it would, but in my mind I was ready to let him go so he could grow without me holding him back. I mean, I really wasn't ready for that. That was the last thing I ever wanted to do. But I also didn't want to keep him close not knowing what lies ahead of me. I couldn't stand the thought of him being here and I'm not. He's the greatest man I've ever known and I wanted nothing more than for him to be happy. I wanted to be the reason he was happy and I thought that if I wasn't then I didn't want to be anything to him.

But I should have known that he wasn't going to leave. No matter how hard I pushed him away and no matter how hard I tried to get him to leave he just won't. The only thing I ask for him is to keep this quiet and we fight this together, not with a million people in this city asking me how I'm doing and what's changed. Because the answer to those questions are never good. And I want to do this in the most painless way possible.

So I keep on with my job and writing because it keeps my mind off things. Although my symptoms are getting worse by the second it feels like, I keep on until I know I can't anymore. So I drive on over to Kris' place and let myself in. I hear him in the shower so I let him be and do what I needed.

I take Beatrice out for a little because she was too big to be couped up inside a apartment all day. So we sit on the porch where she had a pee pad and I let her do her business. I lean over the rails and feel the wind against my skin. Like a wildflower I let the wind move me but it won't blow me away, for my roots are strong. I just hope they're strong enough to keep me here a lot longer than it seems right now.

Eventually I go back inside for its hot as balls in the August heat and this breeze can only do so much. I let Bea run around and wait for Kris to come out to see what we should do next. But when he does come out of the bathroom it's with a towel around his waist and I nearly choke on the air. I try not to stare but it's kind of hard not to. He was a professional athlete and he sure as hell looks like one.

"I thought I heard your dog voice" he teases and I laugh.

He walks right up to me not even paying attention to how indecent he was right now. That or he just didn't care. He grabs my cheeks and pulls me into a long kiss. "Good morning to you too" I blush.

"What are we doing today" he wonders as he pulls me against his body. He was pretty much dry by now but I can tell his hair was still wet.

"Today you have a signing to do at Wrigley before the game then you play the Diamondbacks at 7. You should probably pack for your trip before you leave tonight because I promise you you won't want to do it tomorrow" I tell him.

"Okay, that sounds good. But I have a better idea as to what we should do right now" he claims as he turns to me. He slips his hand in my short hair and pulls me up.

"And what's that" I whisper on his lips.

"We should make love" he replies and I bite my lip. He softly kisses my neck and my eyes flutter shut.

I bite my lip a little harder to suppress the moan threatening to leave my throat. My fingers find their way into his hair as I pull him closer. "We should go to your room" I beg and he stops. He looks down at me before he gives a sexy smirk.

He suddenly picks me up causing me to squeal. I wrap my legs around him as he turns us around. He takes me to his bedroom before closing the door behind him. He turns around and softly sets me on my back as he leans on me. He moves a piece of hair out of my face and I just smile at him.

"You are so beautiful" he claims as I blush. Hard.

He slowly slips his hands up my shirt and I flinch a little. "I've never done anything like this before" I admit.

"It's okay" he assures me. "I got you. And I'm never going to let you go" he promises.

I let him take my shirt off and he tosses it to the side. His eyes stay on me for a while until they fall on my chest. He traces the large 7 inch scar on my chest from endless surgeries and testing on my heart. He leaned over and softly kisses my scar and I smile a little.

"I've done a lot of research on your heart. I hated every second of it, but I know a lot more now. Like why you couldn't fly to come watch me play or why it's hard for you to watch me play in the first place. I know that you're in pain a lot, even though you don't show it. I know that there's a chance that any second that your heart can stop and it'll all be over. And you've spent all this precious time you have outside of the hospital with me. You never asked for anything more than everything I am to you and I hate that I can't do anything to help. Not even if you would have told me earlier.

And if I could I would give you my heart right now. I would hand it over in a heartbeat. But I know you would absolutely hate me for it. You would yell at my heartless body until you joined me again in the afterlife.

I just... I wish I could do more" he sighs.

"You've done more than I would ever ask for. You're a dream come true and I would be a idiot not to realize that. You taught me what true love is. You make me feel as beautiful as you say I am. You're everything I ever hoped for and more. You have to know that" I beg.

He just smiles down at me as he grabs his towel. He drops it to the floor and I feel my whole face catch on fire. He climbs on top of me and I wrap my arms around him. He presses a aggressive kiss against my lips and I dig my nails into his back.

I feel my heart beat faster and faster as it bangs against my chest. Seems to be working just fine now. "I'm nervous" I admit.

"Look at me" he demands. I look up into his deep blue eyes and my heart starts to settle again. It felt like it was trying to beat in time with his, it was a incredible feeling. "This is just another way of us showing our love to each other" he explains.

"Okay" I smile. "Show me."

Wildflower (Kris Bryant)Where stories live. Discover now