25 Turning The Page

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A few days after Serenity was admitted to the hospital they put her on life support. And I'm not going to lie, I was terrified about what was going to happen next. What if she doesn't wake up? What if her heart fails before we find a new one? What if we find her a new heart and it's not a good match? What if she doesn't want to come back? I didn't know what to do or say at this point. All I know is that I'm heart broken and I didn't want to be alone. These kinds of things take support and love and that's exactly what I was looking for.

So I stayed in the hospital with Serenity's parents and my parents fly out and stay at my place. They take care of Beatrice when she needs it and come over whenever I need them to. The Cubs put me on the bereavement list and I assured them that no matter what happens I'll be ready to go when I get back. I just wasn't sure when that was. But for now I was focused on getting Serenity a heart that will fit her. I couldn't be at the park and my heart be here with her, I had to stay and be strong for her while she was out. They assured me that I can be with her and they understood that this might take some time. They were checking up on me regularly and asking if they could do anything to make it a little easier on me. But I'm not sure that there is.

This isn't like a liver, we can't just put a service announcement out there asking someone for their heart. It's not that easy. But there had to be something we can do. So her family and my family brainstorm something for her. All we could really do right now is wait and I didn't want to sit here and watch her die. I wanted to do something. Anything.

"Since we can't do anything to get her a new heart, why don't we get her something so if and when she does get the heart it won't be so hard on her once she wakes up" I suggest.

"I love that idea" her dad smiles.

"Okay, so what should we do" Landon wonders.

We sit there and look around before I see my mom smile. I know that face. "I have a idea" she admits. "We can start a foundation in her name. I know she's said she wanted to make a difference so this way she can. Something that is able to connect reading and the people who have a heart disease" she explains.

I tap my chin a little before a light bulb appears. "What about this," I start," we get a list of her favorite books she's read. I know she had some or we can try and figure out which books she loves the most. We get those books and a bunch more and stuff them in a bus. Like a portable library the brings books to people like her who are in the hospital and can't leave. The patients don't have to go out and get a book, we can bring the books to them and they too can find the peace and serenity in reading just as my girlfriend did.

Serenity always said "The more you read the more you know. And the more you learn the more you will grow." So why not honor that and help people see that reading isn't a burden. It's something that can give you what you never knew you needed when you need it the most" I explain.

"A mobile library... she would love that" her dad smiles big.

"What should we call it" my dad wonders.

"Turning The Page" I say.

The room falls silent as we all look around. We nod our heads as we start to brainstorm. "I love it" her mom finally says breaking the silence.

So we sit there and we start to put our plans together. Turning the Page would be a organization to help raise money for the prevention and treatment of heart disease. I know it won't do much help for Serenity right now but maybe it can help pay for Rens new heart if we can get one. Then it can help as many other people as possible while getting people to read again. Going through this can be lonely, but the journey that books take you on can make the people who are affected by heart disease feel adventurous or hopeful. Make them feel like they're not alone in this world. It gives them freedom to feel something other than sick.

Once we get a concrete plan done we decide to take a break from trying to change the world for a while. Ask around about any new on the status of Serenity or if we can get her back any time soon. We all know that with her heart in the condition it's in she won't be able to keep on much longer. She's hooked up to a machine that keeps her heart beating but doesn't fix the hole in her heart that is causing her lungs to shut down. She can't stay on life support forever but all we needed was just a little more time to find her a heart.

So I hang out with her family and mine in her room. We sit there silently as we watch her breathe. This was hard for everyone, we loved her so much and seeing her like this was awful. But I would rather see her like this than in a casket, I know that much for sure.

"Hey Kris" Warren says bringing me out of my trans. He took me back some because he hasn't said much since this whole thing happened. He was a musician and he was at a lost for words because his heart hurt for his sister. And I just hope we can get her back, for everyone's sake.

"Yeah bud" I ask.

"I think your baseball friends are here" he tells me as he points his head to the window.

I turn around and see them all standing there looking in. So I excuse myself and entered the hallway where they were making quite the scene here.

"Hey guys, what's up" I wonder as I close the door behind me like their loudness could wake her up.

"We just wanted to stop by to see how you guys were doing" Jon explains.

"Yeah. We feel really bad and we wanted you guys to know we were thinking about you. All of you" Anthony says.

He hands me a bouquet of flowers and a card and I send him a sad smile. He pulls me into a side hug and I make sure he knows it's much appreciated. "Thanks for stopping by. She's still on life support but if something changes I'll let you all know" I promise.

"And if you need anything let us know. We're going to be fighting for the both of you" Dexter assures me as he pats my back.

"Thanks man. Thank you all. I know she would appreciate this gesture and would give you all a big hug if she could right now" I say with a sad smile.

"Hang in there buddy. I don't think she's done with you yet. She'll be back" Jon insists.

Man I hope he is right.

Wildflower (Kris Bryant)Where stories live. Discover now