64 Unrealistic

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While the boys spend their precious time together bonding and working on their baseball positions the significant others all decided to hold a meeting of their own. No sharing stories by the bon fire like what the boys did, but I stead we're trying to figure out what all we wanted to do this year. We will be spending a lot of time together and I can even come to the games this time around which is pretty great. Maybe even some away games if there's a place I really want to go.

"Alright, lets get this little get together underway" Farrah insists as we all sit down at a nice restaurant. We find our spots and hope to get down to it pretty quickly here because I think we were all starving.

The Cubs got us all some goodie bags with our players jersey and other Cubs things. The girls with kids got some toys and I got some books which I thought was fitting. It was actually really cute how much they tried with all of this. "The first order of business is the big events this season. There's some babies due and some weddings so we should look at all the stuff we need to know about. The first thing we have this season is Serenity's and Kris' wedding" she says as she turns to me.

I smile to myself when I realize that this is all coming up pretty quickly. "And I know not everyone got a invitation when we sent them out because you weren't here last year or in the minor system but everyone is invited. I know it's pretty short notice but we would love of you guys could make it" I explain. We had more than enough room in the place we rented and I love most everyone here. So does Kris.

"We would love to be there" Juliana, Ben Zobrist wife cheers.

"Always down for a party" Christina Lackey insists.

"What are you guys want for your wedding present" Aliya wonders.

"We don't want anything" I insist. "We ask that people bring their favorite books or donate money to the foundation instead" I explain.

"You guys are too unrealistic" she claims and I laugh.

"Kindness is realistic" I argue.

"In this world it really isn't. Which is also why I don't understand how it hasn't eaten you whole" she claims making me laugh. I was so happy her and her family came back, they were so wonderful and I was obsessed with their daughter.

"It has. Many many times it's kicked my teeth in. But I'm still here and a lot had to happen for me to be here. And I know that a lot of other people are trying to get to their point in their life where I am now and we just want to help them get there. So much is going against them as is, might as well try and help them as much as we can" I shrug.

"But it's your wedding" she argues.

"And I wouldn't have a wedding if it wasn't for the people who helped save me. And there's plenty of other people like me looking for a happily ever after and Kris and I want to help them find it" I explain.

"I still don't get how you guys are so nice. Or that you guys haven't changed a bit since being a part of this organization" Farrah claims.

"We love one our own little world where getting married a year after we met makes sense and staying in to watch Disney movies and eating cookies is the best night ever. I know what we're doing isn't normal but I can't imagine it happening any other way" I say.

"Well I'm happy you're with us. Makes us all look better" Farrah teases.

"Happy to be here" I wink.

We spend the afternoon talking about everything from weddings to baseball games to playoffs. This was my first year actually being here with Kris and able to be here with the girls. I was excited to make friends and make some memories with the girls. They're all so sweet and excited to be together and I couldn't help but feel pretty optimistic about the future.

After lunch I head back to the house we were renting. Kris was already back from practice because they had a split squad game today and the normal startes weren't playing yet. They wanted to keep them fresh and play them closer to when the season started so Kris was around more now.

So I let myself inside and it was quiet. Way too quiet to be a place I called home. So I look around and don't find Kris or the dogs anywhere. I look everywhere but don't find them, not until I notice the back door open. I go out back and see Kris sitting in the hammock reading a book as the dogs ran around. So I walk over there and stop.

"Hey baseball man" I start and he jumps. He takes the book he was reading and closed it and hides it behind his back.

"Holy shit you scared me. I didn't think you were ever coming home" he claims.

I try to look at the book but he keeps hiding it. "Watcha got there" I ask.

"Nothing" he replies immediately.

"No. You are a awful liar. You got a book there" I accuse as I grab for it.

He moved it away from me and I slide into the hammock with him. We wrestle for a little before I finally get ahold of the book. I take one look at it and my eyes go big.

"This this my book" I whisper.

"I know I know. I should have asked you to read it first. But it arrived earlier than expected and I was just going to take some pictures and send it to you but I read the back then the inside cover then started to reading the book and I couldn't put it down" he explains in one long breath.

I look at the cover and smile when I see the flower on the front. I see my name and it makes my heart beat harder. It's actually here, I have a book in print and it looked beautiful. "Are you mad" he asks.

"No, not at all" I assure him. "I asked my publicist to send me a book so you can read it before we put it out" I explain.

"Then in that case can I please have it back. I want to finish it today" he claims.

"Today" I ask.

"Well yeah. I've been reading it for three hours straight now, I should finish it by tonight" he explains.

"How do you like it so far" I wonder. I bite my lip as as I wait to hear what he thought. I know it shouldn't matter but his opinion made a difference to me. I wanted him to like it more than anyone.

"It's been so wonderful" he claims and I smile.

"You really mean that" I ask.

"I always knew you were a talented writer but this... this it amazing" he claims as he rests his hand on the book.

I finally hand it back and he smiles at me. I curl up in his side and he opens it back up to where he was. We read it together and I was convinced this was my new favorite moment.

Wildflower (Kris Bryant)Where stories live. Discover now