41 Almost Perfect

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The Cubs did what most people said they couldn't, not only did they make the post season but they make it all the way to the NLCS before they get knocked out. How they ended the season wasn't pretty either, they don't win a game in the NLCS and besides some moral victories there wasn't much left in them. Kris was pretty defeated after the last game, I could tell he was. Until their final out they believed that they could defy a few more odds but they fell just short of it. And it broke my heart to see him like this. He's usually a positive guy and he tries his best to be happy as much as he can. But it sucks, he loves the game and he wants to keep playing but he just can't right now.

So I decide to bring him over to my parents place for a little to do a family night kind of thing. I convince Landon to bring his wife and baby to the house and see that Warren stays home tonight instead of running off with his band friends. I make some food to take over and Kris joins me in the kitchen. He silently wraps his arms around my waist as he rests his chin on my shoulder. "Hey babe" I say as I rest my hand on his arm while I stir my penne with the other.

"Hey hun. How are you" he wonders.

"I'm doing fine. And how are you" I ask him.

He lets out a long sigh as his head falls heavy on my shoulder. "I'm getting there" he admits.

"If it makes you feel any better I told my mom that you loved her homemade brownies so she made two batches so we can bring one home" I say.

I feel his head perk up and I smile knowing he feels at least a little better. "That does help" he admits.

"When do they do the announcement for rookie of the year" I ask him.

"It's the end of next week" he says and I nod.

"Alright. I promise I'll make the house look extra good for when the camera crew gets here" I insist.

"Babe, the house is in great shape. I don't think it's ever looked bad because you're so on top of everything. The house looks amazing. You... are amazing" he says.

I pull him into a soft kiss and I feel him lighten up a little bit. He slowly opens his eyes and they were still a bit stormy. But still better than they had been.

I get my pasta into a travel pan and we fly on over to my parents house. Of course we were the last ones there because the only life I can manage is Kris' and he's not going to need me to assist him as much without baseball. So I've been a little off with the scheduling of our lives, but I got it all figured out.

"Where is she" I ask as I see Landon in the corner talking to my dad. I see his wife with the baby and I smile big.

I hand Kris the food and walk right up to her before taking the baby from her. She was in a cute pink Kris Bryant onesie and I thought I was just going to die. "Look how big she's gotten" I coo as I bounce her on my hip. She was so small still, but was growing into the most perfect little baby ever.

"Oh she likes you" Kayla insists.

"Good because I'm gonna keep her" I say.

"Why don't you get your own" she teases and I laugh.

"I don't know where I stand with that. I mean I can still have kids, I know that. I would just have to change my medication so I can carry and still keep my heart beating. But what if the hole in my heart is hereditary? I can't watch my kid go through that, it killed my parents having to watch me fight the way I had to" I insist.

"Miracles happen every day Ren. There's technology now to detect it and fix it before the baby is born. You want a baby, I know you do. But you're still young and you have time. I'm just telling you now you're not taking my baby" she threatens making me smile.

"I wouldn't dream of it. She loves you too much" I admit.

Kayla lets me carry the baby for a while so she can have some time with her husband. I find Kris talking to Warren and my mom and I join them. He comes right over to the baby and smiles. "Awww she's got uncle Kris' jersey on" he cheers.

"She does and I think she looks mighty adorable" I agree.

"Do you think we can have our own little baby" he asks me.

I smile big as I look into his hopeful eyes. We've never really talked about having kids but we didn't really need to. The look in his eyes said enough. "I think we could. I've always wanted a family of my own, I couldn't imagine it being with anyone other than you. But what if I carry the gene for heart defect, doesn't that scare you" I ask.

"The thought of losing someone I love? Of course that scares me. But you know what's scarier? Loving you in the way I do and not wanting to at least try to have kids. You're a wonderful woman Ari, and someone deserves to be lucky enough to have you as a mom. So I'm willing to try and see what happens, because no matter what that kid will be loved. And I know you will do everything you can to protect it. There's not a doubt in my mind that we could make an amazing family, whole heartedly" he assures me.

I just smile because I swear I do not deserve this man. No, he's not perfect but he is pretty damn close to it. "When do you want kids" I wonder.

"Not for a while. We just got a house and I'm still figuring out my life. We both are. All I know is that I want you by my side always and eventually to be making these beautiful memories with our kids too. Then when we have these family nights and there's kids running around we can just look at each other and know that it doesn't get better than this" he explains.

Okay... maybe he is perfect.

It comes time for dinner so I reluctantly give up the baby. We fix our plates and sit around the living room. The tv wasn't on, we just talked the whole time like we always do. It's nice to have everyone together for once, my family might be over protective and over baring but the love we have is beautiful.

I look over at Kris and that darkness in his eyes were gone. In its place was a bright light that came from his love of me and my family and how much we love him back. He is the greatest man I know and I don't think it was even close.

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