65 Scars To Your Beautiful

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Spring training games roll around and it's already March now. We leave here at the end of the month and as soon as we get back it's wedding planning and the beginning of the season. It was all coming together pretty quickly and honestly I liked it better that way, less time for me to over think things. With my book being close to being released and me about to become a married women... I'm at a place in my life I once never thought was possible.

And there's a million ways my life can go from here, both good and bad. I knew my whole life I'm going to be fighting this heart problem I have. No matter where I go that will always be with me. But it doesn't stop me from living the best way I know how. I can write another book or have kids or go on a vacation far far away with the man I love. There's still plenty more I want from this life even if I can't do what everyone else can do. I still want more.

So I set off into Mesa by myself as I just look around. Kris is from Nevada and I know Mesa isn't like Vegas but I would love to have a bit of this place at our home so Kris feels welcomed. Arizona was a lot closer to what he's used to than the cold temperatures and loud city. Not that he doesn't feel like he's at home when we're at the house but I want for our house to be parts of me and parts of him too.

So I look around and find some cute things to put up in the house. I know we can't fit a lot of this on the plane so I have it shipped straight to the house so we can put them up when we get home. Then when I get home we can put this stuff up and our house will be complete.

After shopping for two hours I was feeling pretty tired so I decided to head back to the house. Kris has a game across the city and he insisted I didn't go because it wouldn't be all that interesting. He was only going to play a few innings then be done to prevent injuries or burn out. So I pull into the driveway and gather up the few things I got that I didn't have sent back home. I walk up to the house but notice something weird. The lights were on and the windows were open and they weren't when I left the house today.

So I slowly open the door and walk inside. I know somethings wrong because the dogs weren't at the door barking.

But as soon as the door closes behind me a bunch of people jump out wearing all white. All the girls from the organization yell "surprise" and I thought my heart was going to explode. But I realize I knew these people and they were all wearing vails so this means one thing.

"It's your bachelorette party" Jakes wife Brittany cheers and I smile. I should have known something was up when Kris told me not to come to the game. He always wanted me there no matter how pointless. But from what I can guess this was his ideas in the first place.

"You guys" I laugh as I set my things down. I walk over to where they were all hiding and pull them into a big hug.

"We know you said no wedding gifts so we did this instead. With a little help from Kris of course" Hyla explains.

"Well this is the sweetest things ever and you guys all look amazing" I insist as I look around.

The white was a bit overwhelming but they all looked so beautiful. Like brides on their wedding day. "So what are the plans here" I wonder.

"Well you go change into a white dress we got for you and a pull on the bride sash and we're taking you back into town. Kris strictly said no strippers and you can't drink so we're going to pop the sparkling grape juice and do some karaoke" Aliya explains.

"Oh! That sounds like a good time" I admit. I hadn't even thought about a bachelorette party but this seems like a lot of fun.

So I skip to my room and see the dress they picked out for me. I see it hanging up in my room with the sash and a note and I walk over to the bed. I sit down and read what was said.

"Dear Serenity,

Surprise! I wish I could be here and see you in that dress the girls had picked out for you but it wouldn't be much of a bachelorette party with your fiancé following you around. I know you're not the type of girl who would want a bachelorette party, but I think you would still enjoy one. If you do it right you only get married once and you should have the chance to do something spontaneous for the wedding. So I made sure the girls will take good care of you. Have fun and don't do anything I wouldn't do. I'll be waiting for you with the dogs and we will cuddle all night. But until then have some fun and keep your head up my wildflower. I love you"

I set the note in my bag because I wanted to put it with the rest of my post it notes at home. I get changed into the dress and notice only one thing wrong with it. You could see the scar going across my chest pretty easily. I was very self conscious of the scar and I didn't want to show it. So I pull the sash over it and come out of my room. Hyla grabs my hand and we jump into a limo before heading out to the city.

We find a karaoke bar and we start to tear it up. I actually have a lot of fun which was weird because Kris wasn't here. But it turns out there are more good things life than him and books. Who would have known?

"Ren! Come sing with me" Aliya insists as she pulls on my hand.

I just shake my head as I grab my chair so I don't get pulled up. "No way. I don't want to lose my seat" I try.

"Just put your sash there" she insists.

"I can't" I claim making her stop. She turns to me as she tries to read this situation.

"What do you mean you can't" she questions.

"I mean I don't want to take it off" I defend.

"Why not" she wonders.

I let out a long sigh as I look at my hands in my lap. "I don't want people to see my scar" I say softly.

She sits down next to me before she takes my hand out of my lap and pulls it into hers. He holds my hand tight as she looks me dead in the eyes. "You are beautiful, Serenity. This scar you have doesn't take away any of that from you. I know you don't want people to stare but that scar gave a story, a hell of a beautiful one too. And because you have that scar you get to sit here surrounded by people who want to celebrate you and your happiness. You get to marry the love of you life because of that scar. You have nothing to be ashamed of" she assures me.

"I just hate it. It's this large permeant reminder that I'm broken" I sigh.

"But you're not" she promises. "You're whole and you are so beautiful. You have to know that" she says.

Wildflower (Kris Bryant)Where stories live. Discover now