29 Practically Prince Charming

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After a few days I move from ICU to the normal part of the hospital. Things have been going as good as they could be and I was already feeling better. This giant incision on my chest didn't feel too great, but my heart felt amazing and I had no troubles breathing. There was no coughing and it didn't hurt to inhale. It's like I had a new life to me and I couldn't wait to get out of here so it can officially start it.

"So we did something while you were under" my mom starts and I send her a glare.

I told them no planning funerals and no doing stuff for me if I couldn't even be there to enjoy it. And I thought I made it pretty clear. "What did you do" I groan.

"This" Kris says as he holds up a piece of paper.

I take it from him and see it was a flyer for something. There was a bright neon yellow bus in the middle of it that said "Turning The Page mobile library" on the side of it. As I read more I see that it was a flyer for a mobile library that was going to go around to hospitals and low income areas and allows people to be able to read books even if they can't get to a library. There was 5,000 books in the double decker bus filled with mystery and love and heart break. It was a brilliant idea, one I wish I could have thought of first. "This is amazing" I admit. "I love it."

"Read what's on there" Kris tells me.

I look at him weird before I reluctantly turn back to the paper and read. "The Turning The Page foundation is raising money for heart disease awareness and treatment for the people who have a heart too full to handle. On behalf of Kris Bryant, The Chicago Cubs and the Serenity Simmons family we are proud to be doing our part to help prevent, treat, and rehab with the people who have a heart disease and take them on the wonderful journeys that books take us on."

I turn to Kris with tears in my eyes and I smile as big as I ever have. He quickly wipes away a tear as he cups my cheek. "Oh Kris" I whisper. "You guys really did this" I question.

"We did. We pitched the idea to the Cubs and they were all over it. People have been bringing books to Wrigley for a week now, they've been donating money and making a name out of this. And they all want to see you get better and be able to help me run this thing" he explains.

"I would be honored to. But it looks like you guys got it all figured out" I say as I look at the flyer.

"We might have been able to start up the foundation and get the books together, but we were missing that book loving girl who knows which one to recommend to a person who needs a good book during a bad time" he claims.

"I might know a thing or two" I tease.

They sit there and tell me more about this foundation that I'm very happy to be sucked into. It was actually an amazing idea and I can't wait to get started with it. They were finishing up with the bus now and it should be done by the time I'm out of here. Then we can go around and introduce people to the new worlds we are lucky enough to be able to get lost in. For now I gotta focus on making sure I'm doing my breathing exercises and that I won't get a infection or my heart fails.

"What's it like having someone else's heart in you" Warren asks me and I laugh.

"Weird when you put it that way" I tease.

"I tried to get them to let me keep your old heart" he claims and I nearly choke,"but they said that would be unethical. Whatever that means" he shrugs.

"Wow am I glad I get another year with you before you run off to LA. We gotta talk about the things we say out loud and the things we should keep in our heads" I say.

"I don't know what you're talking about" he admits.

"I know... that's the problem" I tease.

Landon starts to laugh as he makes fun of his youngest sibling. "Ha. I love being the smartest boy in the family" he claims.

"Isn't your wife in labor" I ask him.

"She's barley in labor. She's still doing rounds around the hospital and she's doing her makeup so when she takes pictures she looks good. I know better than to bother her when she's doing makeup" he scoffs.

"You're a awful husband, you know that" I ask.

"Oh come on. Kris back me up, if Serenity was in labor would you be there with here the whole entire time" he asks Kris.

I turn to him very curious as to what he was about to say. Although I know it can't be anything worse than the shit my brothers have been saying so far. "I would be there next to her every second, from start to finish. Anything she needed I'll be there with it. I can't have a kid then start our family, but she can and she should be appreciated for making our family whole" Kris explains.

I turn to my brother and give him one of those "did you think this would end up any different" looks. "Okay, Kris doesn't count. He's practically Prince Charming" my brother accuses.

"While that is true, that doesn't mean you have to be the opposite. If I could I would be in there with Kayla right now" I insist. I looove babies.

"You're only saying that because you can't" he accuses.

"I'm only saying that because I'm a good human being who had two hearts that knows how to love. So if the grinch could happily grow a pair and go be with his wife and his first born child that would be amazing" I insist.

"She's right you know" my dad agrees and I smile.

"You always side with her" Landon pouts.

"I always side with what is right" he corrects. "And most time it just so happens to be what Serenity said."

"Alright... I'm leaving" he says as he turns around and slips out to door. I roll my eyes as he finally goes to his wife and these painful conversations can finally end.

"Your family is so..." Kris trails off.

"Awful" I ask.

"Amazing" he claims and I smile.

"They might be a pain in the ass, but they're a pain in my ass."

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