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Like a wildflower

You must allow yourself to grow

In all the places

People never thought you could.

I wasn't picked a lot as a kid. I wasn't the rose or the lily or the daisy, I was the wildflower. To some I was a weed, I was sick and no one wanted to waste time on someone who might not be here for all that long. I was cute but I came with a warning label. I was fragile, I was simple, I was a wildflower.

But all it took was for one person to pick me out of all the other flowers. He could have had any flower out there, any one in the world, and he picked me. Kinda crazy how that happened, because Chicago is full of beautiful sights, incredible history and amazing places. And somehow, someway he found me and decided I was the one his heart wanted.

So we got married after a short year of knowing each other. Some people said it was too fast, some people said we were too young.

But those people weren't him and I.

Because what we have is stronger than time, stronger than hate and stronger than pain. I've seen it time and time again. Each time I think we're done for we pull through and we will continue to do so.

Today was Kris and I's one year anniversary. We weren't going to do anything crazy, the 2017 season just started and they were on their way to defend their title. Kris has himself a year after we got married, he helped his team win its first championship in 108 years then win MVP on top of that. He was great, historic even and I was proud of him as a player. But I was even more proud of him as a wife who watched him go through the highs and lows and push through everything that came his way. No he wasn't perfect and no it wasn't easy, but like I always say I would go through it again and again and again just to be with him.

For tonight we were going to go spend some time in our favorite place in the world. We get to the botanical garden and pull out a book. He had my second ever book that was just released and I had Catcher and the Rye, a beautiful classic. We sit there like a old married couple who's been together for decades. We just read and enjoy each other's presence.

I feel my hair move and I look up quickly. I see Kris putting a flower in my hair and I smile. "What are you doing" I wonder.

"Reminiscing" he claims.

"About what" I wonder.

"My wildflower" he says.

I wrap my hand around my necklace as I smile to myself. How lucky I was to have someone who loves me in the way he loves me.

"I got you something for our anniversary" I claim as I dig in my bag. I dig around my books and things for my heart that always fills up my bags when I'm walking around. I finally pull out a pill bottle and hand it to him.

"You got me drugs" he asks and I laugh.

"No. I got new drugs. Ones that allow me to conceive a child while keeping my heart beating" I explain.

His eyes nearly pop out of my head as he turns to me. "You're kidding" he accuses but I shake my head.

"Not at all. I got my medication changed that allows me to safely conceive and carry a baby. It won't prevent it from having a heart defect or anything like that. That's where we need to pray. But we can do our part to have a kid and love it whole heart or not" I explain.

"I cannot wait to make a family with you. Because I know that there is no better place that baby can be than in your arms. I know that's my favorite place to be and I don't doubt it will be the same for the baby. And no matter what I promise you we will fight" he promises.

"I know baby" I assure him as I pull him closer. I place my hand on top of his and he smiles at me.

"So when can we start? Can we start now? I want to start now" he begs and I just giggle.

"Can we at least get home" I question.

I joking let out a over dramatic sigh I roll my eyes. "I guess" he jokes.

So we keep reading for a little before calling it a morning. We head on home and as soon as we get there we let the dogs out and make sure they're set. We have 6 dogs now and I'm convinced that if we get another one the neighbors ar going to file a complaint. But I love them all and if they have to go I'm going with them.

As soon as the dogs were taken care of Kris finds me and throws me over his shoulder. I let out a squeal as I hold on to him for my life. "Kristopher Lee Bryant put me down" I demand.

"Serenity Sophia Bryant... no" he claims.

I let out a grunt as I let him win. I wasn't in much of a position to fight him so I let him take me away. We end up in our room and he softly sets me down. I pull him down with me as he smirks. He looks me up and down and I knew what was coming next.

As for what happens after that, I'll let fate take care of that. No matter what happens next I'm just going to keep being thankful for him picking me as his wildflower.

Wildflower (Kris Bryant)Where stories live. Discover now