56 Safe

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After Christmas passes by me and my fiancé decide to throw our own party to ring in the new year. So we take down the Christmas lights and decorations before putting them in the garage. Honestly all the crap takes up half of the extra space we had but thats okay, it was so worth it. This place looked like a magazine and it made Christmas that much more exciting.

Once that was all put away and Christmas was put behind us we get ready for the New Year. Some of the guys were coming back in town to celebrate so I invite them. Serenity invites some of her friends she had around here and it was sure to be a good time. No one besides our families knew about the engagement. I'll make a announcement soon enough but I wanted to tell our friends first, or we'll never hear the end of it. So what better way than with them here celebrating the new year with us. This house was made for hosting and Serenity doesn't need a excuse to cook for 30. But she has one now.

"Do you need me to do anything" I wonder as I slip into the kitchen. I just got all the dogs up stairs so they don't treat themselves to the food that was put out. I was tempted to let Roxie run around since she couldn't even reach the chairs let along the table but she wouldn't come without the rest of her crew anyway.

"I don't think I've ever seen you touch a cooking utensil" she accuses.

"Hey! I know how to cook some things" I defend.

"Like what" she asks.

"Ummm..." I stutter and she starts to giggle. I just smile because I loved when she giggles. "I can't think of anything right now but when it comes to me I'll let you know" I assure her.

"Alright, you do that" she teases.

"But I'm serious. Do you need any help" I wonder.

She looks around trying to think of something that needs done before our guests arrive. "You can get the drinks started. Set out the beer and get the hot drinks available" she explains.

"That I can do" I nod.

She turns around to go back to her cooking and I just watch her for a second. She was starting to look healthier which made me really happy. Now you can't tell if she had issues unless you could see the scar on her chest. Her hair was a bit longer and she had color to her. She was always beautiful, but this is a different type of beautiful. It was health and prosperity and it might have something to do with that ring on her finger.

I kiss her cheek before starting up the drinks. Not too long after we were done does the first guest arrive. And by 8 the house was packed with people drinking and eating and listening to music. We had a photo booth set up and some other games to keep everybody entertained.

By 9 I lost Serenity and couldn't find her anywhere. I ask around but people said she disappeared upstairs not too long ago. So I go up there and just assume she's in our room with the dogs. Low and behold she was sitting there petting them in the dark.

"Hey babe, you okay" I ask her.

She turns to me with a small smile and she nods her head. "Yeah Kris, I'm fine" she promises.

"What's wrong" I wonder as I sit next to her. I wrap my hand around her leg as I pull her into me.

"Nothings wrong. I just get overwhelmed pretty easy. I was pretty much a only child growing up with how much time I spent by myself at home or in the hospital. Even in college I got a dorm without roommates because if you play your "I shouldn't be alive" card right people will let you do anything. A lot of stimulation like this gets too much for me and I just need a few moments to breathe" she explains.

"Oh, I'm sorry. Do you want me to leave" I question as I point to the door.

"No" she insists as she grabs my arm. "Can you stay for a little? You make me feel safe" she claims.

I just smile as I place a soft kiss on her forehead. She rests her head on my shoulder as she closes her eyes. "Thank you" she says softly.

"For what" I wonder.

"For never giving up on me. For understanding that normal human things are hard for me and it takes some getting used to. For letting me get this many dogs so when I'm overwhelmed so I can still hang out with them" she laughs.

"I know it's hard sometimes. But you're trying, you're going to get where you want to be and sooner rather than later" I promise.

"As long as you're there I don't care when or how it happens. I know you wouldn't let me down" she admits.

"Damn right" I smile.

We hang out for a little while longer before she got her strength to face people again. We head down stairs and join in the party before it missed us too much. It gets closer and closer to midnight so I keep Serenity under my arm. She says she feels better when I'm around so I make sure I trail her like a puppy if she ever needed me.

We end up talking to a group of the guys from the baseball team who was able to make it and their significant others. I see David's wife eyeing Serenity's hand and I just knew she would be the one to break the ice. "I'm sorry, I'm not trying to meddle but I couldn't help but notice the beautiful ring on your finger. What is it" Hyla asks.

"Oh this thing" Ren asks as she holds the ring up. Everyone around us gasps as they get their first real look at it. "This would be a engagement ring" she explains.

The room kind of stops as everyone turns to us. I'm sure many people noticed but no one has really asked until now. And we are not afraid to talk about that magical moment we shared a few short day's ago.

"No way" David yells. "You guys are getting married" he asks.

"Well that's kind of the point of the engagement" I tease.

"But you guys are so young. You just met" he argues

"We're not getting any younger and I know that I could lose her pretty easily. I would hate myself if I let that happen and didn't show her every chance that I get that I was made for her and she was made for me. I know having a wedding doesn't solve anything but I know for a fact we would get married sooner or later. It's just sooner" I shrug.

"Well I think it's romantic" Dexters wife Aliya claims. "Their story might be short but it's the most beautiful. I'm happy for you guys" she insists.

"Thank you" Serenity smiles.

Once it sinks in people let us be. I'm sure they had a lot of questions but they were too drunk to ask. The clock strings midnight and we all start to cheer. I pull Serenity into a long kiss and I feel her smile.

"Here's to a fresh start to our lifetime tale" she says.

Wildflower (Kris Bryant)Where stories live. Discover now