68 Just In Time

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Serenity had her book signing today and I had a day game a few hours away in Cincinnati. If things go right the game will end quickly and I can go surprise her and hopefully make it home in time to be a part of her first book signing. I know the chances of that happening is slim to none but a man can dream, right?

"Hey future groom, come here" Jon yells out in the locker room.

So I waltz on over to him and he shoves his phone in my face. I see a picture of a line going out the door at a bookstore in Chicago. They had Serenity's book up in the window and it looks like they were all waiting in line to meet her and get her book.

"Woah! She gets a line like I do" I laugh.

"Yeah. Farrah and a few of the other girls are in line and they sent this to me. Hopefully she doesn't keep them waiting too long" He teases.

"Knowing her she will. She will ask each person how they found out about her book and ask them their life story. Those people are going to be there all day" I shake my head.

"Wow. You guys really are two peas in a pod" he teases.

"I'm not that bad! I just want the fans know we care" I defend.

"You know the names of these kids pets because you talk to them for so long" he accuses.

"I like doggies" I pout.

"Spoken like a true professional athlete" he teases.

"Why would I want to be like every other professional athlete here? We already got a Jon Lester and Anthony Rizzo. Why can't I just be me" I wonder.

He lets out a long sigh as he puts a heavy hand on my shoulder. "I don't want you to change Kris. Not because a stupid comment I say or anyone else says. I know it's a lot but I love that you sit there and you ask every person if they have a dog and if so what kind it is. Then you tell them about your heard of dogs and which one is most like you that day. I think it's great that you went out and got a yorkie just because no one else around here will. I'm just giving you a hard time, I don't want you to change" he insists.

I just smile at him so he knows I appreciate his kind words. "Thanks man. I know I could do a lot of crazy stuff and you would support me. But I'll let Anthony take care of that" I snicker.

"Heard that" Anthony yells making me smile.

"He's got enough crazy for all of us" Jon winks.

We play the game and much to my liking it took just 2 and a half hours. So as soon as we were done I do what I needed to and hop on the plane. We fly back to Chicago and get there around 6. Serenity's book signing ended at 5 but I have a good feeling she was still there. I can't imagine her leaving without talking to every person who wanted to meet her and making sure her book receives well. So I take off from the airport and go straight to the bookstore. I run in there and look around and see that it was set up still, but it doesn't mean that she's still here.

"Excuse me" I say as I find a worker. "Is Serenity still here" I wonder.

The woman looks around before she smiles. "Yeah. She's in the kid section reading to some kids who were here waiting for their parents to get their book signed earlier" she explains and I smile. Of course she is.

"Oh, and where can I buy her book" I wonder.

"We ran out within two hours so she's been buying her favorite books and signing them for other people" the lady explains.

Sometimes, I swear, this woman is too good to be true.

So I run out to my car and grab the book I had on the carry on with me. I head back inside and find Serenity hanging out with the kids on the floor. She was surrounded by kids and I knew there is few moments in her life that she's been happier than right now.

I let her hang out with the kids a little while longer before people start to recognize me. So I tell them hi and take pictures and a sign some stuff. Finally I get over to her and she smiles big.

She jumps up off the ground and into my arms. I pull her into a long over due hug and I smile when the smell of her perfume dances around in my head. This feeling she gave me was so intoxicating and only she gave it to me. But it's addicting and I would do anything to be in her arms like this feeling the way she makes me feel.

"Oh my god I've missed you so much" she whispers in my ear as I set her down.

I pull her closer as our hug turns into a embrace. "I've missed you too baby" I assure her. I close my eyes as I get used to the feeling of her in my hands and I just smile.

"How was your trip" she wonders.

"It was pretty good. Got to hang out with a bunch of the new guys and really get to know them. I got a good feeling about all of this" I admit.

"That's great baby" she smiles. She runs her tumb over my cheek and I thought I was going to lose my cool for a second. I wish I knew why she drove me so crazy.

"Can you sign my book" I ask as I pull it out from behind her. She smiles big as she takes the book from me and grabs a pen from her pocket. She writes a bunch of things before she hands me the book back. I open it back up and see what she wrote.

"Dear Kris,

This book is my story to you. About a girl who feels broken because that's what she was led to believe. But the problem was never that I couldn't find the right answers to my questions but I was asking the wrong questions. And the biggest question I ever wanted to know was that of I would ever be enough.

And now, thanks to you, I am.

Here's to my next book having your last name on it next to my first.

Much love, Serenity."

Wildflower (Kris Bryant)Where stories live. Discover now