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should i do a face reveal? no? okay.
lowercase intended from now on.
also short chapter, forgive me.

taehyung woke up in cold sweat. he sat up, well tried. but there was something holding him down, a strong muscular arm. taehyung started panicking, it was real. the whole, him being kidnapped by two very strong psychotic men.

taehyung's eyes closed, trying not to cry. what did he do to deserve this? he hadn't done anything wrong except meet jeongguk and jungkook. he remembered, almost dying last night by jeongguk's hands. taehyung felt the arm leave his waist, and he felt the person get up from the bed. he opened his eyes in a panic. sitting up, he scooted himself away from the person, jeongguk.

jeongguk frowned and stared at taehyung's big and fearful eyes. he sighs. "taehyung-" he says and walks closer to taehyung but taehyung whimpers in fear of being strangled again, he's learned his lesson from talking. jeongguk sighs, and moves away. he didn't want to hurt taehyung, he really didn't. but his anger took over him.

no one says anything. jeongguk walks out of the room, leaving taehyung alone. taehyung let's out a breath that he didn't know he was holding. he was terrified. absolutely terrified, he just wanted to leave report them to the police, make sure they were somewhere far away. "i wanna leave..i wanna leave.." taehyung mutters to himself, sniffling. trying not to cry.

the door opened, and taehyung looked up quickly, hoping it wasn't jeongguk. thankfully, it wasn't. "i've brought food, and some cream for your bruise." he says. taehyung slowly nods, probably not going to eat, because it might be poisoned. jungkook walks up to taehyung slowly. "i won't hurt you, i've made an oath not to. unless you want me to, that is." jungkook grins, but frowns when he sees taehyung's fear filled eyes.

"sorry, that was uncalled for. my brother, jeongguk, didn't mean to hurt you. his anger just go the best of him. i swear, he really didn't. he's really mad at himself right now because he hurt you, he went out somewhere, probably to relive some stress or anger." jungkook explains, and sets the tray of food down, next to taehyung.

"eat, please. it's not poisoned, i promise." taehyung nods again, not speaking. it was green beans, chicken, and carrots. he should probably let jungkook know that he's allergic to green beans. of course they wouldn't know. he found out himself and didn't tell anyone about it, making sure it wasn't in his medical history, but right now. he doesn't dare speak, after what happened.

"you can talk, i don't bite." jungkook says. taehyung opened his mouth but closed it afterwards. "i'm serious taehyung, i don't bite." he says again and puts some cream on his fingers, and puts it around taehyung's neck. taehyung flinches, but doesn't let a whimper pass his lips.

"i-...i'm allergic to green beans.." taehyung says quietly. jungkook barley heard it. "really? it doesn't say on your medical history." jungkook hums and takes the food away. "okay, i'll get you new food." jungkook says and leaves the room. soon coming back with new food, but no green beans. "here, much better." jungkook says and hands the food to taehyung.

"thank you.." taehyung says softly and he starts eating, he was very hungry and so he finished in less then ten minutes. jungkook grinned softly and took the plate of food. "hm." jungkook says and and goes over to the desk in the middle of the room, opening a drawer grabbing a key. he goes back over to taehyung, unlocking the chain in his ankle.

"i know you won't escape, because even if you try. there's cameras, dozens of guards and they'll shoot if they see someone unfamiliar, trying to leave or get in. so taehyung, i wouldn't try it if i were you, unless that is, if you want to get shot." jungkook says and taehyung nods, understanding what jungkook was saying. taehyung stands up, smiling softly from the freedom of walking around the house, but he really did need to escape, but he didn't want to be shot.

taehyung sighs. "can..can i watch tv?" he asks timidly. jungkook nods and takes taehyung to the living room, taehyung sat on the couch and jungkook turned the tv on, and gave the remote to taehyung. "watch whatever you want." jungkook says. "i'm watching." he says and was about to leave but, stopped when jeongguk came in, covered in blood. holding a pistol in his hand.



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