Sequel; Chapter 9

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Taehyung's eyes looked so dead. He doesn't know how long he's been there, but he knows that it's been more then just a few hours. He had cried all the tears he could, and couldn't cry anymore. Why did this always happen to him? What did he do wrong? Was the world against him or something? His body ached badly. It hurt him so bad, he just wanted to leave as soon as possible.

But he knew it wasn't going to happen anytime soon. It's not that he didn't believe in his boyfriends, it was just that he knew how clever Bogum was, he wasn't stupid and Taehyung knew that. Taehyung sighed, still chained in the position he was in once he first got there, his body was tired and he was slumped. The chains holding him up by his wrists, but his wrists hurt badly. He felt like they would break any minute now.

The door slammed open once again, and his head weakly turned to look at who it was. Of course, it was Bogum again but he wasn't alone. A few of his men following behind, about six of them stood behind Bogum and Taehyung gulped. "You naughty boy." Bogum says angrily. "You didn't tell me that there was a tracker on you. Now we have to leave as soon as possible. I don't like moving. It's no fun." Bogum says, grabbing Taehyung by the chin harshly, making him look Bogum in the eyes.

"But first, I have to punish you." Bogum smiles sickly sweet. "I really didn't want to bruise your body, but after thinking for a while..your body would look better bruised and beaten." Bogum chuckles lightly, and signals his men to start while Bogum watched. The men had taken their pants off, and only their pants. Taehyung's breath hitched, he couldn't defend himself. He had to take it, a tracker? He sure hopes that the tracker worked and Jeongguk and Jungkook were on their way right now.

He prayed that the door would slam open and the men would fall to the floor dead, bullets in their heads. He didn't want this, he wanted to throw up. He was going to throw up. One of the men grabbed Taehyung's thighs and lifted them up, holding him tightly by the thighs while a man stood in-front of him and he hurriedly and harshly entered Taehyung. Taehyung gasped in pain, squirming around trying to get away. Tears filling his chocolate brown eyes.

The man behind Taehyung pulls Taehyung's hair back harshly and Taehyung could of sworn that the man tore some hairs out. The man behind Taehyung started leaving hickeys on his neck, and smiled a disgusting smile, proud of his marks. It disgusted Taehyung and he really wanted to throw up, and kill the men. The man in-front thrusted into Taehyung harshly, Taehyung crying in pain.

Bogum just watched, a sick, twisted smile plastered on his lips. "Next." He says. And next thing Taehyung knows is the person behind and in-front switched spots. Taehyung getting fucked by the other male. "St-stop." Taehyung weakly says, he already felt weak, feeling disgusting and dirty as the male behind him left gross hickeys on his body.

"Alright." Bogum says walking up to Taehyung as the two men moved away, Taehyung's feet hitting the floor as he slumped down, the only thing keeping him up was the chains. Bogum grabbed Taehyung's chin, and forcefully kisses Taehyung. Taehyung didn't kiss back. Bogum squeezed Taehyung's ass, and Taehyung gasped, Bogum quickly pushed his tongue in and sucked on Taehyung's tongue.

He pulled away a few seconds later. He grabbed Taehyung's hips, propping Taehyung up straight. "Stand up straight and still." Bogum commands, and Taehyung tries his best to stand straight. Bogum run's his hands along Taehyung's skinny body. "I should give TaeTae whippings, hm?" Bogum asks seductively, while licking his lips. "N-No..please..TaeTae is a good boy..I promise." Taehyung shakily says and Bogum smirks.

"I don't think so." Bogum said. "Bring me a whip." Bogum says to one of his men and his man nods and leaves. It was about ten minuets when Bogum got irritated. "Why the hell isn't he back yet! It's not that hard to find it!" Bogum yelled in frustration. Taehyung sighed in relief. He wasn't going to get whipped.

"You!" Bogum points to another one of his men. "Go get me a whip." Bogum yell's and he nods and opens the door to leave when he was suddenly shot in the face. Bogum's eyes grew wide and the other men who were in the room pulled their guns out, and stared firing at the door.

"Where's Taehyung?" A voice said darkly, the Jeon twins coming into the room, their eyes filled with a dark glint.

Hello my little bees! How are you doing?? I'm doing great! I've been getting back into roleplay! Would any of you mind roleplaying with me?  DM me if you're interested!!  I love being sub though~ Soo

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Hello my little bees! How are you doing?? I'm doing great! I've been getting back into roleplay! Would any of you mind roleplaying with me?
DM me if you're interested!!

I love being sub though~ Soo.. heheh

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