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This chapter concludes all of your confusion.
This chapter also goes from first pov to third

"Kim Taehyung,
Age, 19
Family, none
Address, xxxxx
Allergies, none

They drag on and on about all of the information about me, and I just roll my eyes. Here I am forced to listen, my right ankle chained to the bed. It was long enough for me to walk around the room, but not long enough for me to run out the door. I turn to look at them, if I knew this would of happened, I would have never met them or even talk to them, they're psychopaths, kidnapping a young boy just because they like him.

Couldn't they at least get to know me first, make me their friend? At this point I don't even know which one likes me. They both said they did but I'm not even sure at this point, I get up and pace around as they look at him, staring hungrily but they said they wouldn't do anything unless I'm comfortable with it, so that's a plus...I suppose.


"When are you going to let me go?" Taehyung asks. "We won't, until you love us, or you'll just go to the police force and have us arrested." Jeongguk says, and Taehyung sighs. "Kidnapping me, and keeping me hostage won't get me to love you." Taehyung reasons. Jungkook shrugs. "Guess we'll keep you here for eternity." He muses. Taehyung sighs and sits back down on the bed.

"Scumbags." He says, Jeongguk and Jungkook sigh. "Watch your mouth princess." Jeongguk says. "I'm not a princess, dumbass." Jeongguk growls and gets up from his spot, going over to Taehyung wrapping his hand around Taehyung's neck, he pushes Taehyung on the bed, squeezing his neck tightly.

Taehyung gasps, air quickly leaving his esophagus, as he claws at Jeongguks huge and veiny hand. Jeongguk squeezes tighter, making sure absolutely no air gets to Taehyung. Jeongguk's eyes were blocked with anger, as Taehyung grew weaker and, he started to slowly loose consciousness, and his scratching got weaker. Taehyung's couldn't think about anything but death, he thought this was it, his hands falling onto the bed.

"Jeongguk, that's enough. Don't let your anger get the best of you." Jungkook spoke calmly. No response. "Jeongguk, do you want to kill the one you love?" Jungkook asks, standing up from his chair going to Jeongguk and placing a hand in the wrist that was slowly killing Taehyung. Jeongguk blinked, his anger completely gone, he pulled his hand away from Taehyung and looked at him.

Taehyung's eyes were closed and his breathing was minimal. "Taehyung?" Jeongguk says quietly. "Shit, Taehyung I'm so sorry." He says, grabbing Taehyung's shoulders and pulling him up in a sitting position. Taehyung wasn't responding. "Shit shit, did I kill him? Fuck!" Jeongguk yelled at himself and Jungkook shakes his head. "No, you didn't he only passed out. Any longer and he definitely would've died." Jungkook hums.

Jeongguk nods, looking at the huge red hand mark on Taehyung's neck. "That's definitely going to bruise. I didn't want to leave any bruises on him.." Jeongguk says. Jungkook nods. "It'll go away, put some cream on it, I'm going to go out." Jungkook says and leaves the room, maybe it wasn't best if he left Taehyung alone with the monster, but he was used to his loved ones dying, maybe being Jeongguk because he could never control his anger, or their father, or their enemies.

Jeongguk killed two of their lovers, their father killed three, and enemies killed a lot, but they got over it because they never really loved them, maybe for a month, but not longer then that.

Jeongguk laid Taehyung gently on the bed after putting cream on the hand mark. Jeongguk grinned and grabbed Taehyung's phone, taking a picture of the mark and posting it in Instagram, like they did with the hand holding.


deartaehyunq that was fun 🥵😏

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deartaehyunq that was fun 🥵😏

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